A strange force overflows on Prince Yu.

The four great powers of the pagoda stabilized their bodies and were extremely angry. Qi Qi glared at the prince Yu, but they realized the power. Their faces changed slightly and were shocked instantly.

"It was The power of Wuzu? "

"That boy, unexpectedly, has understood a trace, Wu Zu's power!"

In the holy land before, when Lou Qianxue and Xiao Feng fought each other, Xiao Feng understood that there was Wuzu power, and therefore determined that he could win. However, Lou Qianxue had been learning to decompose his Wuzu power in the battle, and then Lou Qianxue also understood Wuzu power

On the fifth day after leaving the holy land, Prince Yu, with his own ability, realized a trace of Wuzu's power. He was worthy of being the supreme glass body with extraordinary talent and incomparable strength.

However, this trace of Wuzu power is too weak, only enough for him to burst out that blow.

His face was pale, the corners of his lips were bloody, and his eyes were dim because of the force of the spirit before him.

The Golden Dragon shrouded in his body and protected him also loomed, revealing his extremely poor state!

"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect to be pecked by a wild boy one day!" After all, Prince Yu was suppressed by the holy tower array. Even if a little force of Wuzu broke out, it could only open them up and not really hurt them.

Maybe only if you become a real Wuzu, can you ignore the power of this great pagoda array!

"Little bunny, it's better to understand the power of Wuzu. Then I'll take all your spiritual strength away, and your accomplishments..."

Lin Qingge said angrily and took a hand at Prince Yu


He hit Prince Yu with one hand, but he did not attack him because he coveted something on him.

The golden dragon that covers Prince Yu's body shakes and becomes transparent.

Prince Yu's beautiful and pale face is cold, and his delicate facial features are just like people coming out of the painting.

He gave a cold smile, and a trace of malice flashed in his eyes: "if you are open and frank, explain the reason, and then take what I have learned, I may agree to give it to you. After all, I also want to live!"

"But your tower Cough... " He coughed up a mouthful of bright red blood: "frame first, action later I am willing to give it to you with such bad character and treatment? "

His cheek twitches slightly, and the mental energy in his mind surges wildly and condenses into a group

However, in an instant, a dazzling color light appeared in front of the power of the holy tower

The four have yet to react


A violent explosion!

"Ah --"

"what a pain

"My head, it hurts!"

Among the four great powers of the pagoda, only Lin Qingge, who is the highest in cultivation, evades. The others are all in a state of pain and madness!

Prince Yu also murmured, his eyes glazed for a moment.

At that moment, what he exploded was his own spirit!

At this time, he had only a little bit of mental strength that was weaker than ordinary people. This kind of self exploding mental power burst, which was irreversible and difficult to recover. He could not even focus too much on things in the future, otherwise he would be in agony.

However, the three holy pagoda powers who were injured by mental force were unprepared and suffered irreparable trauma in terms of mental strength!

"Gongsunyu!" Xia Su Yi in the iron cage roared, but his anger was not directed at gongsunyu, but the holy Tower!

Gongsun Yu's mental strength became weaker than that of ordinary people. He was almost a fool. Naturally, he couldn't think, study, improve, and Practice

He became a useless, useless, even unable to own their own ideas, the disabled!

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