"What's going on?"

"Strange fire! Why do all the strange fires fly in that direction

Before the suspension in the void, big and small flames, like floating lights as quiet, how can all of a sudden move up?

"Where is the origin of fire?"

Those who have just entered the boundary of fire are so shocked that they run towards that place one after another

People from Jianzong and Xuanji mansion in Tianshan also saw this strange scene.

"I don't know what happened when there was such a big turbulence in the boundary of strange fire!"

"Shall we go and see it, too?"

Tianshan sword and Mu Jianfeng hesitated for a while, and finally shook their heads: "forget it, Qianxue elder said, let's not touch the fire, we'd better listen to her."

"Yes, let's wait for Qianxue elder. If it's really a problem that they can't solve, then we can't solve it, and we'll die."

After a brief discussion, the disciples of the Jianzong and Xuanji residence of Tianshan Mountain decided to stay.

On the way, following the breath of dantaiyuan, I found the dantaiyuan and the dantai of the flaming people. I also saw this strange fire riot.

After lengthening, her perfectly slender body pauses slightly in the void, and her eyebrows wrinkle.

When she was restored to her prime, her accomplishments were terrible. At the same time, her feelings were as indifferent as those of other members of the dantai family. Even her worry about dantaiyuan was almost indifferent

However, her speed toward the dantaiyuan was faster!

Beside the dragon's gate, Lou Qianxue is fighting against many strong men with extraordinary bravery after being entangled in strange fire

However, the sudden fire riots not only summoned all the abnormal fires suspended in the air, but also called away the abnormal fires left in these human bodies by the flame people before

Without the control of the strange fire, the foreign strongmen who were burned into skeletons by the fire broke up one after another, leaving a white bone on the ground

Lou Qianxue doesn't think much about it. He puts the dragon's gate away and pursues the dantai lake

More and more strange fire flames merge into the body of the flame, and the ethereal flame of the flame man is getting bigger and bigger. Up to now, it is 20 Zhang high, just like a giant



The huge palm of its flame, without hesitation, roars towards the dantai yuan



Around the dantaiyuan, a white defense border appears out of thin air. The strange fire bumps into the white boundary and makes a huge roar, even the ground trembles

However, the white border is firmly protecting the dantaiyuan, so that the fire can not touch him!

Whew! Whew!

After a brief loud noise, it hit the palm of the flame on the white border, and several flames broke and smashed to the ground, and the ground also burned

At the foot of the dantaiyuan, the crazily spreading inscriptions are also burned by different fires and slowly disappear

But in the blink of an eye, it appears again

"Dan Tai Yuan!" The voice from the huge body of the flame man is very strange, just like thunder: "I not only have the power of the fire, but also can mobilize all the forces in the boundary of the fire. You are dead!"


After that, he roared, and a storm of Yuanli suddenly blew up in the boundary of the strange fire. After the strange fire, other supernatural powers also rushed to the body of the flame man

"Today, this is where you bury your bones!"

The flame roared, and a pair of huge flame palms tore out a flame whip from his body, like a fire dragon, whistling and throwing it on dantaiyuan

The white light all over dantaiyuan is more and more bright

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