A flaming giant as high as the sky, a man as powerful as a mansion

What I see today is like a dream!

Even if they could not get close to the flame man and the Dan Tai Yuan, they were all excited!

Such a scene, the fate of life to see, even if they die, they are willing to!

Jingling ~ Dingling ~

just as the crowd was amazed, there was a clear and pleasant bell sound, which gradually came from far to near

Obviously, it's just an ordinary bell sound, but after the sound gets in the ear, people can't concentrate on their work

People can't help but look up and see a red figure, like streamer, shooting into the flames

"Wow! Here comes another one

"It's a woman!"

"What a beautiful woman A cold breath, like a goddess of ice and snow... "

"It's hard for us to walk here. She can get close to the fire And it's still so fast I can't believe it! "

"Who is she? This must also be a super power

"It's her!" Someone recognized her.

"Who is it?"

"Who is she?" All of them were interested in it in an instant, and their eyes were burning at the man.

"She is the sister of Lou Qianxue's lover!"

"I've seen Lou Qianxue's sister. She's just a little girl. How could it be her?"

"You don't know I once saw Lou Qianxue's sister-in-law in the place of trial. She turned into this picture when she was a little girl When she looks like a little girl, she is very harmless, but once she becomes like this... " The man couldn't help but fight a cold war: "it's really super powerful, extremely ferocious! At the beginning, Tianjiao, who was well-known in foreign countries, couldn't even take her move... "

"Hiss ~"

people just look at the cool of the dantai stage and completely ignore the strange fire. When they fly into the sea of fire, they know how ferocious this woman is. They can't help but take a breath of air.

"These two brothers and sisters are really monsters I don't know who they are? Where on earth did Lou Qianxue find such a brother and sister... "

At this time, someone lowered his voice: "it is said that the two brothers and sisters are not from Tianxuan continent, and they are probably from Shengxuan continent But there is no real evidence. "

"I have also heard that it is impossible to find out the origin of the brothers and sisters. They are like people who appear out of thin air..."

People are saying


Another snow-white figure, from far to near, is also extremely fast, like lightning, after the dantai slightly cool, shot into the fire

"And Another one... "

"Still a woman!"

"Lou Qianxue! We are the first person in the Tianxuan continent, building Qianxue

"Wow! The first is the first. It's really powerful. It can ignore those strange fires! "

"The world of the strong is not what we can imagine..."

Five strange fires! Mysterious seal, and there are people who are not afraid of strange fire

Today, in their eyes, it seems that the world is crazy

"Damn it! Damn it

The flame man deliberately leads the dantaiyuan here, that is, he wants to break the dantaiyuan, which is slightly cool, and the building is covered with snow

But I didn't expect that dantaiyuan was so powerful!

Even if he recovers 5 / 9 of his strength, even if he has five kinds of strange fires, he can't help it, and the other two people who are dragged by him also come here

Now how good, three people join hands, more no way to live!

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