It's better to do less than one thing. No one is the worm in his stomach. No one can guess what others think. Maybe he was a close friend one moment ago and became an enemy the next moment. Although such things haven't happened to him, such things can be found everywhere.

"These bastards are really fucking too much." Duan Zhenshan said in a deep voice, "the man surnamed Zhang must not make him feel better. We must keep an eye on him."

"Lao Duan is right. We really can't forget about it. Even if Secretary Lu doesn't care, our brothers can't forget it. As the saying goes, the son of heaven commits the same crime as the common people. As a law enforcer, if he can do such a thing, he should be punished!" Li Xing followed.

Along the way, several old men discussed how to kill Zhang Qiang. They said it in all kinds of ways. The Qin and Han Dynasties felt blood boiling. Fortunately, Qian Qi was not in the car, otherwise it's impossible to hear the climax.

In Shuangxing real estate sales center, when several people returned, there were still many people in the house, including Ma Changhe and others. Duan Zhenshan knew all these people, but the Qin and Han Dynasties were strange faces. As soon as the Qin and Han Dynasties entered the house, they were stared at by these people. They seemed to stare at the male lions in the wilderness of Africa. They were shocked and incredible, I can't even believe my eyes.

Although Duan Zhenshan and Zhang qiuqiao learned that the Qin and Han Dynasties were young, they didn't expect that the Qin and Han Dynasties were so young. In my opinion, he was a little over 20 years old, and even older than the waiter of Sanwei hall in the county... How could such a young man be a miracle doctor

It's not a joke. What are you doing?

"Brother, these are our own people. This is Ma changhippo." Duan Zhenshan smiled and said, "old ma, this is the Qin and Han brothers. The protagonist of today's celebration banquet is very good at medicine."

"How's it going? Didn't you expect? " Zhang qiuqiao raised his eyebrows and said, "I just told you that you would be surprised to see the Qin and Han brothers. At that time, I was also surprised to see him. I thought the boy was a liar. Unexpectedly, my patient's family treated us lightly. People should not judge by appearance. This is really not so simple. I'm really convinced now!"

"Is it so powerful?"

Ma Changhe nodded with a smile, looked up and down at the Qin and Han Dynasties and said, "since Zhang Zong and Duan always said so, there must be no mistake, but it's true or false. I can believe it only after seeing it with my own eyes. Brother Qin and Han Dynasties, is there a problem with me calling you that?"

Qin Han smiled, shook his head and said, "everyone calls me that. President Ma can naturally call me that."

Ma Changhe nodded with satisfaction, looked up and down at the Qin and Han Dynasties, and said, "my brothers appreciate you very much. There are no weak people under the reputation. I think the medical skills of the Qin and Han brothers must be very unusual. Otherwise, it is impossible to appreciate you so much from the eyes of these people. It's better like this. Today, almost all the brothers are here. Please show my brothers what's wrong, If you see the problem, we'll convince you! "

Sure enough, when Ma Changhe said this, everyone's eyes fell on him. Everyone had the same idea as Ma Changhe, but they had not had time to ask, and some questions were not easy to ask.

"Brother, say what you have. These are our own people. Even if you say they have a terminal disease, it's no problem." Duan Zhenshan said with a smile. He was a little worried about stage fright in the Qin and Han Dynasties. After all, there were a lot of people here.

Qin Han smiled and nodded. He never knew what he was afraid of. Let alone such a small thing. He was not afraid even when he saw Ma Wei ill. He was almost killed when Zhang Qiang took him into the interrogation room.

Therefore, he looked at Ma Changhe carefully in the eyes of the people. Almost a minute or two later, he nodded and said, "President Ma's body really has a problem, but it's not very serious. I don't know whether President Ma has gone to the hospital for a physical examination recently?"

"Physical examination?"

Ma Changhe paused and said, "it was organized by the unit about a month ago. Brother Qin and Han, don't you want to set me up? I won't say anything today. I want to see how divine the miracle doctor Lao Duan said is! "

"Did the doctor say that horses always show signs of Parkinson's disease? It's just at the beginning. It's still difficult to judge, isn't it? " Qin Han mouth corners slightly curved out of the arc, "Parkinson is a minor matter, the main problem is the liver, the horse's bags are dark, and the upper lip also has some black signs. If I have not guessed wrong, the horse should always be a hepatitis B patient. It should be in the big three Yang state. Later, life should pay attention to some. Hepatitis B infection is very serious."

"And this big brother, the weather outside is really hot, but it's only more than 20 degrees above zero. Although people sweat in this weather, your situation is obviously serious. Sweating is divided into pathology and physiology. Your situation doesn't belong to the latter. It should be the former, but it's not a big problem. Kidney yin deficiency. You can eat Liuwei Dihuang or Jinkui to replenish qi!"

"Your complexion is weak and your look is lax. It is obvious that you have stayed up late, not once and a half. You should try to keep a good sleep. Drinking milk before going to bed and washing your feet with warm water have good effects, but these are only auxiliary. The whole solution to the problem depends on yourself. If you don't adjust yourself, staying up late for a long time will do great harm to your body. At the beginning, it may be nothing, Over time, the backlog will lead to big problems. The kidneys and liver rest at night to metabolism, and you make use of this time. No matter what work you do, you can stop as soon as possible. Of course, if the work is too busy, you can improve a little. "

Listening to the Qin and Han Dynasties speak loudly and simply about everyone's condition, everyone's mouth is Zhang's boss, and their faces are full of shock and incredible. Even Duan Zhenshan, Zhang qiuqiao and others have seen the performances of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and they are stunned to hear him say so much. They originally regarded the Qin and Han Dynasties as experts outside the world, but now they are even taller than experts outside the world, Is there anything else in the world that this guy can't see?

"Mr. Ma, am I right?" Qin Han smiled at Ma Changhe and said, "Ma should always add one. The dry eyes also originate from the liver. The liver is the main eye. Over time, the eyes will be very dry. Finally, they will cause eye diseases. They should be treated in time!"

"Old horse, what the Qin and Han Dynasties said is wrong?" Duan Zhenshan asked with a smile, "it shouldn't be very difficult to admit that others are excellent. Your liver disease is saved this time!"

"Brother Qin, how did you do it? Isn't that amazing? Just by your eyes? " Ma Changhe was surprised and couldn't close his mouth. He almost didn't kneel down for the Qin and Han Dynasties. The young man's medical skills had exceeded his imagination. He was even more abnormal than a pervert.

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking. I use the first method, that is, it depends on everyone's situation." Qin Han smiled and said, "if you want to determine whether you have this disease, next I'll give you a pulse. I'll judge whether you have a medical history and family genetic history. Of course, in the case of President Ma, you can use western medicine to test, and the results will be more accurate."

"Brother Qin and Han Dynasties, Ma Changhe has never admired anyone in his life, including my father. You are the one I admire most today!" Ma Changhe gave the Qin and Han Dynasties a thumbs up, with admiring eyes in his eyes.

The doctor in front of him would not be so surprised if he was an old man in his 70s and 80s. The old miracle doctor has accumulated decades of experience and can see that some problems are normal. However, instead of looking like an old miracle doctor, the doctor in front of him is young and dying. The most terrible thing is that he can find out the problem at a glance, At least what the young man said was very similar to his physical examination. To be exact, it was more accurate than the results given by the hospital.

At a glance, we can see that the problem can be so fine. If such a person can't be called a miracle doctor, who in the world dares to claim to be a miracle doctor? At least in his opinion, he has never seen a doctor more powerful than the Qin and Han Dynasties!

"Qin and Han brothers. We've all taken care of you now. Look, you've told us all about our diseases. Is there any way to treat us? This fucking group of people looks bright. If they go to the hospital, they can occupy a building... "Xu Zhizhi said with a bitter smile.

"Brother Xu is right. If you can see it, you can treat it. Just show us?" A middle-aged man in a suit and shoes said with expectation.

Looking at the people looking forward to him again, Qin and Han Dynasty shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "maybe we have misunderstandings about medical skills. We can see that it may not be cured. As the best example, with the current medical level of the hospital, they can easily determine whether a patient has cancer, but they don't have a good treatment, Even if it can be treated, a variety of conditions need to be met, but the possibility of recurrence is very large. Even some patients might as well go to conservative treatment after the operation. They should have a life span of several years. As a result, they may be gone after a few months after the operation... "

"President Ma's hepatitis B can't be treated, but it will be very troublesome, and I can't guarantee the final result. Of course, if you can trust me, Qin and Han Dynasties are still willing to treat you. After all, friends can come here. In addition, you won't let me see it in vain. No one doesn't like money, I'm no exception. "

Hearing the speech, the people couldn't help nodding, and their hearts gave a thumbs up to the Qin and Han Dynasties. Especially when they heard the last sentence of the Qin and Han Dynasties, it should hurt their feelings to mention money. But when the Qin and Han Dynasties said it, they not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt that the Qin and Han Dynasties were really grounded.