There seems to be no connection between a star and a doctor, and there seems to be no interest exchange between them. If there is communication in the future, it is also Jiang Yutong who is sick to see a doctor in the Qin and Han Dynasties, but I believe no one will want to be sick. Can it be said that Jiang Yutong is to prepare for a rainy day? How can it be accurate.

After two more casual greetings, Jiang Yutong left accompanied by his assistant. Soon after, he heard a shouting voice outside. It seems that there are really many people picking up Jiang Yutong.

The Qin and Han Dynasties waited for Jiang Yutong to go out after they left. Although it has been a while, after the Qin and Han Dynasties went out, they saw that Jiang Yutong is still surrounded by fans.

Those crazy fans have an almost crazy obsessed expression on their faces, holding light signs and portraits in their hands, or taking photos and videos with mobile phones, shouting and shouting. They are stunned to see the Qin and Han Dynasties, but under the pursuit of such crazy fans, no matter who will get great satisfaction.

But all this has nothing to do with the Qin and Han Dynasties. After the Qin and Han Dynasties walked out of the airport gate, they received a phone call. After they connected the phone, they heard a person's laughter at the other end of the phone: "brother Qin, you should almost come out of the airport now."

Qin and Han Dynasty were shocked when he heard the voice. He didn't think that the person who called him was Cui Mingyu.

There are more than a dozen people in the expert group in Hongxing County, but the relationship between Qin and Han Dynasties and Cui Mingyu is the most special. The relationship between the two people can even be described as not fighting and not knowing each other. At first, Cui Mingyu didn't see Qin and Han dynasties at all and thought that Qin and Han Dynasties were a relationship household to gild gold, Therefore, he had no good attitude towards the Qin and Han Dynasties, but after the Qin and Han Dynasties confirmed his ability step by step, Cui Mingyu's attitude towards the Qin and Han Dynasties changed.

Cui Mingyu, Professor Kang's lover, is very capable. Such capable people often have a problem, that is, they are arrogant and jealous of evil. Of course, they also have their own arrogant capital. As long as they conquer him, they will show a different look to you.

The Qin and Han Dynasties conquered Cui Mingyu. Although it is surprising that a well-known professor in a country was conquered by a rural doctor, no matter what his identity, as long as he was capable, so Cui Mingyu followed behind the Qin and Han Dynasties to learn something. Finally, the Qin and Han Dynasties handed over the ancestor insect to Cui Mingyu, The relationship between the two people is broken, and there is a kind of sympathy of the strong.

This time, the Qin and Han Dynasties came to Yanjing, which surprised him that the person sent by Professor Kang to pick him up was Cui Mingyu.

"I just got out of the airport. You came to pick me up. Come on." The Qin and Han Dynasties were not polite to Cui Mingyu. On the contrary, if you were too polite, it would not be the Qin and Han Dynasties, and Cui Mingyu would not like it.

After a short time, a car stopped beside the Qin and Han Dynasties. It was a black SUV, which was also in line with Cui Mingyu's character.

Cui Mingyu got out of the car and helped Qin and Han put the luggage in the trunk. Then they got on the car and drove away.

"I asked Professor Kang before. The professor said you would come. At that time, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect you to really come." Cui Mingyu said while driving the car.

Qin Han was stunned: "why, you don't want me to come?" Cui Mingyu shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you won't give face, but I'm relieved to see you come. You were the first hero of the plague in Hongxing county. You gave the honor to the collective. We all took advantage of you. If you don't come this time, do you think we will accept the award?"

In fact, Professor Kang told the Qin and Han Dynasties about this before. This time, the Qin and Han dynasties have to say that Professor Kang still knows Cui Mingyu.

The two chatted. The car passed the busy streets of Yanjing. Cui Mingyu briefly introduced some scenic spots and landmarks passing by the car to the Qin and Han Dynasties. The Qin and Han Dynasties were very interested.

"By the way, Professor Cui, where are you taking me? Have I found a place to live today?" Qin and Han Dynasties knew that Professor Kang and they must have arranged their living place and. That's why they asked.

Cui Mingyu said with a smile, "you've all been to Yanjing. Isn't it easy to live there? Professor yuanbenkang wants you to live in his house, but we finally discussed it and let you stay with me for two days."

"Why?" The Qin and Han Dynasties asked curiously.

Cui Mingyu smiled as if there was some conspiracy and said, "these days I have studied the mother insect and found some, but there are still some places I can't figure out. Since you're here, just help me analyze it."

The Qin and Han Dynasties immediately looked unhappy: "well, I've come to Yanjing. You still want me to work. I'm not happy."

Cui Mingyu knew that the Qin and Han Dynasties were joking. He laughed and said, "since you are here, it's too late to say this now. You'd better accept it."

Although the relationship between them was not close before, now they talk and chat together as if they had known old friends for a long time.

Soon the car drove into a university, which surprised the Qin and Han Dynasties: "didn't you say to go to you? Why did you come to the school? You wanted me to work for you before I got off?"

"You'll know in a minute." Cui Mingyu sold it.

The Qin and Han Dynasties looked at the situation on both sides and found that although it seemed as if they had entered a school, there were still buildings. Looking at the trees next to the buildings, it must have been decades old.

The car stopped in front of a low building. When they got out of the car, Cui Mingyu explained to the Qin and Han Dynasties, "this is my home. There's no way. I've done scientific research all my life. Since I graduated, I've stayed in the school while doing scientific research and education. I haven't left anything all my life. Even the house is directly assigned by the school."

The Qin and Han Dynasties were shocked. They didn't expect Cui Mingyu's home to live in the school. Look at Cui Mingyu. It's estimated that he has devoted himself to education all his life.

Cui Mingyu helped the Qin and Han Dynasties with their luggage, and then took the Qin and Han Dynasties into the house. Because Cui Mingyu is a well-known professor in China, the house assigned by the school is naturally different. It looks like a small foreign building is divided into two parts, which are blocked by a female wall to form a closed space.

Living on the upper and lower floors of a small Western-style building and going out is a university campus, such a place is simply a dream. If nothing else, it is said that the environment of this place is not comparable to that of other places, and it can also play a very good role in the education of the next generation.

Cui Mingyu shouted, "Xiao Mei, come out. Doctor Qin is coming." As he shouted, a beautiful woman of about thirty came out of it soon.

After seeing the Qin and Han Dynasties, Cui Mingyu said hello to the Qin and Han Dynasties. "This is my wife Xiaomei." After the Qin and Han Dynasties said hello to Xiaomei, it can be seen that Cui Mingyu often mentioned the Qin and Han Dynasties to Xiaomei.

"Hello, Dr. Qin. After Mingyu came back from Chifeng, he often told me about you. He said how powerful you are. Now he is really a young talent." Xiaomei is also a university teacher. I heard that she was once a student of Cui Mingyu. Naturally, some magnificent things happened between them. Finally, she came together. Now she lives a very happy life.

After another greeting, the Qin and Han Dynasties were invited into the room. Although the house was assigned by the school, the decoration and all furniture and household appliances were handled by Cui Mingyu and his wife together.

From the decoration design, we can see their careers. The background wall of the living room is actually made of bookshelves. It is full of all kinds of books. There are many books, but they are not messy. On the contrary, they seem to be in good order. It seems that Xiaomei has spent a lot of time.

The Qin and Han Dynasties were arranged to live in the guest room on the first floor. It was free to have a place to live, which made the Qin and Han Dynasties very happy and satisfied with him.

Because she knew the Qin and Han Dynasties were coming, Xiaomei had prepared lunch and had dinner not long after she got home.

The three people at the dinner table chatted together. Both Cui Mingyu and Xiaomei were very knowledgeable people. A university professor and a university teacher felt that some chickens entered the crane flock in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Fortunately, the two chatted around the last plague, so there would be no lack of topics.

In the afternoon, Cui Mingyu took Qin and Han Dynasties to his own laboratory. Qin and Han Dynasties saw the University Laboratory for the first time. After walking in, he couldn't help but be surprised because the laboratory was too large. Although it was only a university laboratory, the scale and group were beyond imagination.

After Cui Mingyu's introduction, the Qin and Han Dynasties learned that although their laboratory was a university laboratory, it also undertook the experimental tasks assigned by some countries, so it was relatively large.

It is for this reason that the experimental equipment here is very advanced. If you want to complete some large experiments, it can also provide all the resources you need. It is a good place for scientific research.

Under the leadership of Cui Mingyu, the Qin and Han Dynasties came to an independent laboratory. After changing into the clothes provided by the laboratory, they entered the laboratory. The tightness level of the laboratory is higher. It can be seen that the research inside must be very important.

The Qin and Han Dynasties saw a lot of white mice more or less locked in separate cells. The situation of these white mice was broadcast 24 hours on the monitor. The mouse in the middle was not marked as No. 1. The screen of the monitor was the largest, which impressed people after watching it.

"This is what we are doing now. Mouse No. 1 is the mouse where the mother insect is located. I call it the progenitor mouse. Now all the other 200 little mice are infected with Yin snake Gu. We are observing the impact of mouse No. 1 on other white mice." Cui Mingyu is introducing his research to the Qin and Han Dynasties.

They use mice to imitate human transmission routes, so mice are either locked together alone or in groups.

After Cui Mingyu explained all his experimental ideas, Qin and Han asked, "since you have made so much preparation, what have you found?"

Cui Mingyu shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything yet."

The Qin and Han Dynasties thought for a moment and asked, "do you want to study that direction to prove that the poisonous insects of Yin snake insects use brain nerves to transmit messages, or do you want to simply study the poisonous insects of Yin snake insects, or do you have other ideas?"