Before, Dong bingyue pretended that she had not communicated with Qin and Han dynasties before the first meeting. Of course, Qin and Han Dynasties couldn't let her succeed, so she said it intentionally or unintentionally to see what Dong bingyue should do.

Several of them heard the meaning of the words and looked at Dong bingyue. Dong bingyue had no expression and said to Qin and Han: "it really should be changed. We can't control the public opinion on the Internet. The main reason is that several of them have a lot of fans on the Internet. Every message can be forwarded and discussed by many people."

"What do you think I should do?" The Qin and Han Dynasties did not quite understand these operations.

"The first is to make a statement pointing out that there are problems with the words of several people or organizations. The words must strongly and clearly tell them that doing so is tantamount to reserving the right to investigate your slander." Obviously, Li Yi had already figured out how to deal with the Qin and Han Dynasties. At this time, he said it directly.

"After this, there must be a lot of people who are hard spoken. We should also do some other things. For example, they don't question the medical skills of doctor Qin. Then find a patient they can't treat to help him cure it. That's all."

"Yes, compare with them. Doctor Qin is not afraid of them."

The people talked and expressed their views. The Qin and Han Dynasties listened and didn't know who to listen to. Finally, Dong bingyue made a concluding speech: "let's make a statement first. Li Yi will draft the content of the statement and let everyone discuss it. If those people dare to say anything unconvinced, it's easy to say, Then find some difficult and miscellaneous diseases from the fans who are suffering from diseases and compare them with those people to see who can cure the patients. "

People nodded their heads to agree, especially to find one of the patients in the fan group for treatment competition, which can make those fans who are free from the edge of de powdering more recognize the Qin and Han Dynasties and avoid de powdering.

"Well, since you all have good ideas, I'll do it your way." Qin Han doesn't know whether he should do this. Unlike some other stars and his own public relations team, he can think of solutions to any problems, and even his social account is managed by them. Qin Han is alone, but he believes in Dong bingyue's suggestions, Since Dong bingyue said he could, he thought he could do so.

So at the dinner scene, Li Yi drafted it and the people revised it. Qin and Han sent a statement to the Internet.

While eating and chatting, they also pay attention to the development of things. The Qin and Han dynasties took out the things they brought. This was a gift brought by the Qin and Han Dynasties to everyone. Of course, it was the fairy cultivation bottle and warm-up pill. Because I don't know how many people will come, the Qin and Han Dynasties prepared more, and the more was directly given to Dong bingyue.

Of course, they all know about the fairy cultivation bottle and the warm-up pill. As loyal fans of the Qin and Han Dynasties, they were behind the fire when they were on the Internet at that time, but some people just know but haven't seen it. It's because the fairy cultivation bottle is expensive. The biggest reason is that it has been in rush buying, You can't buy it with money.

At the first meeting, the Qin and Han Dynasties were so generous that everyone gave a bottle. In addition, there was a warm-up pill. I have to say that the Qin and Han Dynasties were very generous. Of course, these fans also prepared gifts for the Qin and Han Dynasties. They put them in a corner of the room and prepared to give them to the Qin and Han Dynasties. At this time, the Qin and Han Dynasties first took out the gifts, which made them a little embarrassed.

The impression of the Qin and Han Dynasties was originally that they were arrogant and indifferent, but after meeting, they knew that the Qin and Han Dynasties were so easy to get along with. At first, they were still a little cautious, but they completely let go after contact. There were a variety of things such as signing, recording, publicity and blessing for group photos with the Qin and Han Dynasties.

At the climax of the party, someone suddenly stood up and stopped the voices of the people.

"There's news. Song Ximing responded online."

Everyone stopped. Some people took out their mobile phones and began to read song Ximing's reply.

Dong bingyue showed his mobile phone to Qin and Han Dynasties. Song Ximing also said fiercely in his reply that Qin and Han Dynasties' affectation was very shameful. He was willing to take practical actions to prove that Qin and Han Dynasties were a medical scum, a hyped miracle doctor and a medical liar, and then began to collect difficult and miscellaneous diseases from the society, Then their medical association competed with the Qin and Han Dynasties in treatment to prove that the strength of their TCM Research Association was stronger than that of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

His voice even caused many people's response. Not only more than kinds of people questioned the Qin and Han Dynasties, but also some western medicine joined in to question the Qin and Han Dynasties, which seemed to make it a carnival feast on the Internet.

The Qin and Han Dynasties did not respond immediately after asking people's opinions. If the other party responded, they would go back immediately. It seemed like a quarrel. The Qin and Han dynasties would not be like this, but they already understood how to deal with the Qin and Han Dynasties.

It was very late when she went back in the evening. The yard of Chi Qing's house was open and the lights were on. Chi Qing sat under the eaves of the room and looked at the contents on the mobile phone. From time to time, she looked up at the door and saw the Qin and Han Dynasties coming back. She stood up and walked in the direction of the Qin and Han Dynasties. Because of the cold weather, he was wearing a long down jacket, Wearing a pair of plush cotton slippers, some funny and lovely.

Chi Qing is a kind of intellectual and gentle woman, but she shows a lively and lovely side in front of the Qin and Han Dynasties. As for the reason, he doesn't know.

"Mr. Qin is back. How is it going? It's said that the president is a great beauty. Is it true?" Chi Qing came up and asked.

"Yes, she is really a beautiful woman." Qin and Han Dynasties couldn't help laughing when they thought of Dong bingyue. They must find Dong bingyue's trouble in the future.

The two said something about today's meeting, and heard Chi Qing's longing.

Before going to bed, the Qin and Han Dynasties received a call from Cui Mingyu and told him that his research results had been handed over to the state. It sounded like Cui Mingyu was lost in his voice.

"What's the matter? I still haven't figured it out. I'm a little unhappy?" The Qin and Han Dynasties knew that what they had worked out was a great blow to Cui Mingyu.

"No, just hand it in, but I don't think they pay much attention."

Qin and Han Dynasties were stunned: "if you don't pay attention, how can it be? Anyone can see the power of this Yin snake Gu." Seeing the research results for the first time, the Qin and Han Dynasties thought of the horror of this Yin snake Gu. How could Cui Mingyue not be paid attention to after reporting it.

"I didn't think of it, so now I'm very lost. Do we think too much? In fact, our research is not so important at all." Cui Mingyu began to deny himself.

"Look what you said. We can feel how important our research is. It's just that they didn't think of it for the time being. Don't worry. You've been busy for so long. Have a good rest these days." Although the Qin and Han Dynasties said so, they were still worried that if they missed the news because they didn't pay attention to it, it would probably cause great losses. In addition, Professor Cui, according to the idea of the Qin and Han Dynasties, if he got such news, he would not only pay attention to it, but even Professor Cui should be well protected.

Although those people didn't know who sent them and what the purpose was, they could have got all the things they wanted that night, including the mother insect of Yin snake and insect and the experimental data. With these things, they would have the ability to use Yin snake and insect to control others.

Because of the emergence of the Qin and Han Dynasties, these people's goals failed, and the ancestral insects and mother insects did not get them, so they are very likely to start against Professor Cui, so it is very necessary to protect Professor Cui.

"Well, I will. Come and have a drink with me when you're free." Professor Cui's depression can also be heard from his words.

"Yes, I will."

After hanging up the phone, Qin and Han Dynasties were depressed. They were still worried about Professor Cui and hoped that Professor Cui would not have an accident. The group last night was obviously not ordinary people. Their actions were carefully planned. First, they knocked out four bodyguards, and then two people entered the laboratory. The other two were hidden on the way to the laboratory, and two people were watching outside as a response, If they hadn't met such powerful people as the Qin and Han Dynasties, they must have succeeded last night.

The next morning, the Qin and Han Dynasties went out for a run and went to the morning exercise park. After the practice, they were surrounded by a group of morning exercise Dalian, arguing that the Qin and Han Dynasties should help them treat their minor problems. Because there have been such things twice, it makes them feel that they are very familiar with the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the Qin and Han Dynasties are not easy to refuse, Helped them treat some head fever. At this time, someone asked about the injury of the veteran in the Qin and Han Dynasties and asked whether the Qin and Han dynasties had helped the old "man".

The Qin and Han Dynasties were a little embarrassed. Although they had promised last time, they had not gone to cure the old man.

"I haven't treated the old man yet. I'm going today."

"Then you should help the old man treat him well. He was injured for the sake of the country. He is a hero of the country. He should not suffer such a crime."

"Yes, the country is sorry for him."

A group of old people expressed their views, and the Qin and Han Dynasties could only nod their heads.

After Qin and Han Dynasties treated Xiaobao in the morning, he called Shen Moyang, the middle-aged man last time. Shen Moyang was very happy to receive a call from Qin and Han Dynasties. After asking clearly, he hung up the phone. Soon someone came to pick up Qin and Han Dynasties.

The car that came to pick up the Qin and Han Dynasties was a car with a military brand, which surprised the Qin and Han Dynasties. Last time Shen Moyang came with several people, although he didn't do anything, he just walked and talked. The Qin and Han Dynasties guessed that there was an army background, but there was no other information on Shen Moyang's business card except a name, so the Qin and Han Dynasties were not sure, Now after seeing the license plate, he confirmed his idea.