"Zaric Aidan, male, member of the skeleton Gang, 30000 dollars, asked for accidental death."

"Ryan Harris, male, PwC junior accountant, US $110000, required to be published."

"Abigail Sanchez, female, housewife, 12000 dollars, no death request."

"Louis Evans..."

Killers are never good jobs.

Even though Jordan has already been ready for it, it's still hard to see his life disappear in his own hands.

So in every order, Jordan will be very careful to carry out a selection.

I dare not say that everyone killed by himself is a big traitor, but at the very least, all these people deserve what they deserve.

Zarick is a small leader of an underground Gang, who is cruel and cruel.

Ryan is a private accountant for the underground gang.

Abigail and her adulterer murdered her ex husband just for insurance claims.

There are also a lot of people, before each task, Jordan has to investigate the target to a certain extent.

Although as a new killer, there is not much room for Cho Dani to choose his mission goals, there are several clean people who can really be paid for their lives.

From the beginning of the cheerful, optimistic, to gradually silence, depression.

Jordan finally understood why, in previous movies, John wicker always had a bitter hatred.

On the one hand, as a killer, he should often walk on the edge of life and death and hide his name. On the other hand, while killing, he should be well prepared for everything around him.

No emotion, no friend.

In life, it seems that there are only guns, fire, blood, drinking, chasing and escaping.

No wonder in all the previous movies, those agents and killers all want to retire at a young age. It's not unreasonable.

Anyone who is normal will not really like the feeling of killing.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

New York, big daddy underground shooting range, bursts of rhythmic shots continue to ring.

Jordan with goggles, in front of a lot of all kinds of guns, the whole person as mechanical, shot one by one bullet.

At least hundreds of shells have been piled up at Jordan's feet.

This kind of sustained rapid shooting consumes a lot of energy and spirit for people's wrists, arms and fingers.

But the recoil produced by this kind of gun, in Jordan's body, seems not to appear.

Every shot by Giordani is full of a sense of violence.

Unlike others, Jordan is a man with golden fingers. He has a huge skill panel covering all aspects of body and gunshot.

Before MP was generated, the greatest help of these skills for Jordan was stability.

With one shot in hand, Jordan's shooting is like a fast break in the NBA, with explosive power like thunder.

"Cool Mozambican shooting, Joe. I think you should go to the shooting competition instead of being a killer. For you, it's really a grievance."

The man was a black man, also young, named Cassian.

It's the gangster who fell in love with and killed John wicker in "fast pursuit" 2, which Jordan saw in his previous life.

Maybe it's because we are still novices now. There is a good relationship between Jordan and Cassian.

Big daddy's underground shooting range is also a stronghold where they often stay.

Jordan nodded to Cassian as a sign, then continued to pour out all the bullets in front of him.

Between killers, there is no so-called true friend.

If you can talk, just talk more. When it's time to start, no one will be merciful.

After a semi competitive shooting training, Jordan and Cassian come to the rest area of the underground shooting range. They are open enough and have a good vision. They are covered by gunfire and don't have to worry about being overheard.

Killer is like this, even if it is similar to chatting between friends, but also often with some vigilance and preparedness.

Cassian entered the killer industry a year and a half earlier than Jordan, and had been a soldier before.

In the attitude towards life, Cassian's progress is much better than that of Jordan's, and has already entered a flat period.

So when they are together, it's always Cassian who starts the conversation.

"Joe, you've been in this business for a year. When will your prey level be improved?"

"Joe, you're a natural hunter. You shouldn't hunt quail, pheasant and roe deer all day long. Are all the top leaders of your organization stupid? They should send you to hunt the most powerful prey, tigers and lions..."

Today's Cassian is still very green, can not see the kind of calm, serious and murderous.

Compared with the gangsters that Jordan met in New York City, Cassian is a less talkative type, but compared with Jordan, it's like a talker.

Fortunately, it's not too boring to be with such people.

"In fact, my level of hunting has been improved. Today, I received a task. It's two people in the same company!" he said

After hearing the words of jordani, Cassian immediately calmed down. Her killer's vigilance instinct broke out. She quietly adjusted her posture and asked, "can you talk about it? It's not about me, is it? "

"Don't be so nervous, Cassian. My goal isn't you! John Smith and Jane Smith have been making a lot of noise these days. Have you heard of them? "

Cassian relaxed a little, laughed as well, and began to think about Jordan's words.

A moment later, Cassian frowned slightly and said, "Joe, did you hear something?"

"I just think it's a little strange that Mr. and Mrs. Smith are just married. Their organization is going to get rid of them. It's very strange," he said

"And intuition tells me, Cassian, you must know something, right?"

There's something wrong with Jordan.

When he received the assignment today, when he saw the names of the two targets, he instinctively thought of a movie he had seen in his previous life, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I can't remember the details, but Jordan instinctively thinks there's a secret.

And Cassian is the one with the most conversational and extensive contacts among all the contacts of Jordan. Sometimes many secrets may not be known by the information points of mainland hotels, but Cassian knows them very well.

Sure enough, in the communication with Cassian, Jordan just knocked lightly, Cassian had shown his feet.


PS: Cassian, from fast pursuit 2, is the black elder brother who is the bodyguard of Princess comora. He has friendship with pig feet and loves and kills each other.

In addition, the black elder brother also appeared in the movie "wanted", playing a gunner. His identity will be reasonably included in this book.