The assassin League, also known as wanted.

This is also a movie about killers that Jordan saw in his previous life. Well, a group of killers.

In the assassin League, bullets can turn around, people's heart rate can reach 400 beats per minute, and all kinds of bugs like guns and bullets make people stare at dogs.

In this life, occasionally, Jordan still observes the world with the eyes of his previous life.

This world is not only the pure Marvel world, but also the faces and characters that can appear at any time and make Jordan familiar.

Like the Smiths, like Cassian.

In her previous life, Mrs. Smith and two actors of Cassian also appeared in the same movie and killer organization in the same movie, namely assassin League.

Through Cassian's information, Jordan has 90% confidence that the assassin's mutual aid association is the assassin's alliance.

This is the first place in Jordan's life that he came into contact with, which is similar to extraordinary ability.

In Marvel, there are kamataji and guruyi mage, and New York even has the magic temple. These are the places that really have extraordinary abilities, but the key is that Jordan can't find them.

If you can join the assassin's guild, the other party's ability to surge adrenaline may be able to help Jordan turn on the MP on the system panel.

A golden finger with MP is a good golden finger.

Without MP, many of the skills on Jordan's system panel can only be looked at greedily, not to mention the awakening of the God of gun and the awakening of seizing the sky.

If you really want to be able to reach the point of plundering the wings of heaven, I will kill you even if mieba comes.

Two years, not long, not short.

Now it's 2005. Even two years later, it's only 2007. It's still one year before the real superhero's initial year.

But if that's the case, take the urination of our own emotional system as an example.

In a year, I'm afraid I can't even be familiar with my skills.

Maybe this time about the Smiths' mission, it will be a breakthrough.

Coming out of the underground shooting range and parting with Cassian, Jordan feels that his life seems to have a new vitality.

People just need to have some obsession and pursuit, otherwise, life is not too boring!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith's mission is different from those of Jordan's preys.

Jordan is not afraid of it, but he should pay more attention to it.

Continental Hotel, wine cellar.

The bartender of New York Continental Hotel is a very young and beautiful blonde, and also very professional.

"Mr. Jovovich, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you had a good time?"

"Well, the level of prey is not high. It's boring."

"And you're coming this time?"

"I've come across a couple of interesting prey, so I need to add something."

Jordan handed over four gold coins directly, and the blonde laughed sweetly. She put out her hand and patted it in a corner of the wine cellar.

Then, in the whole wine cellar, the original wooden barrels suddenly separated from the middle.

All of a sudden, all kinds of big guns, small guns, light and heavy firepower were displayed in front of Jordan.

The blonde put on a pair of glasses and said formally, "so, Mr. Jovovich, what kind of product do you want to taste?"

Jordan glanced at the guns and said, "main course, large capacity, penetrating."

The blonde nodded, quickly took out a matte black pistol, and said: "in this case, I recommend the qsg92 pistol from China, with a total length of 199mm, 15 double row and double entry magazine for ammunition, and dap9mm ammunition with special characteristics. It has strong penetration and accurate accuracy."

Jordan got started quickly and decided to place the order directly.

"With wine, modular, with far and near exchange function, big firepower."

"I recommend the SCAR-H launched by FN company. It uses 7.62mm bombs, which can be quickly transformed into sniper form and melee form. If necessary, it can be equipped with grenade launchers for price..."


The wine cellar and tailor shop of the mainland hotel cost almost half of Jordan's savings in the past year.

Jordan bought two qsg92 pistols, 8 cartridges, SCAR-H assault rifle, 4 clips, 6 MK attack grenades, a specially customized revolver and a set of bulletproof clothing.

This level of firepower is even enough to fight a moderate intensity campaign.

Jordan has forgotten the details of the Smiths' movie, but Jordan remembers that the Smiths seem to have killed a lot of people in the end.

Combined with the mission information from the mainland Hotel, the couple are worth $400000 each.

Think about Joe Denny's previous mission reward. In the past year, the highest reward was only $110000.

A battle is nearly a million income, enough to make the whole new York City, more than 90% of the low-level killers crazy.

5:00 p.m. sharp, 570 Lexington Avenue, Pember building.

The information given by the mission is not particularly sufficient. This is the location where Jeanne Smith, one of the objectives of the mission, last appeared.

In a cafe near the street, Jordan has a rectangular suitcase beside him. He is very patient.

This should be the headquarters of killer studio set up by Jennie Smith, which has always been covered up by a brand called power company.

After waiting for more than an hour, towards 6:30, Jordan was acutely aware of a blonde walking out of the building.

Although the other party after a simple make-up, but Jordan or recognize the other party at a glance that recognition is very high sexy mouth.

There are still more than ten hours before the start of the mission, but it is also necessary to fall on the mission target at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are old timers who have been in the killer business for a long time.

If we really wait for the movie, and let the couple go back and fight, and then attack until dawn, I'm afraid we won't even find a feather.

After checking out, Jordan put his salute on his back and walked out of the coffee shop.

Across the long street, Jennie Smith looked very sharp. Almost at the first time when Jordan appeared, she looked in the direction of Jordan.

A slightly familiar face appeared in Jordan's eyes.

Two people across the street looking at each other, Jordan stands in the street lane of a brilliant setting sun, just like the sunshine boy next door, happy smile, waved to each other.

Looking at Jordan standing on the side of the long street, Jenny Smith frowned slightly. When a van slowly passed by, she disappeared in Jordan's sight.