As night falls, due to the reason of Jordan's intrusion, Jennie does not go home early to prepare dinner as in previous movies.

By the time Jennie got home, it was almost eight o'clock.

John Smith, with his usual homely attitude, tried to say to Jennie, "dinner at seven o'clock, you seem to be late!"

Jennie suddenly laughed and said, "maybe it's because of the traffic jam? Do you need me to help you cook? How about your favorite roast beef? "

John looked suspicious and said with a smile, "no, I'm not too hungry..."

They laughed awkwardly, speechless for a moment.

The hidden uneasiness and lies in the process of marriage, together with their own doubts, create a strange atmosphere at this moment.

Of course, Jennie already knows the truth and is more active and natural.

Embarrassed for a long time, John carefully took out a bottle of red wine, said: "if you don't eat, how about a drink?"

Looking at John's cautious precautions, Jennie was amused at first, and then laughed at herself.

In fact, the combination six years ago was an unexpected event.

I'm really stupid. When I'm in the business of killer, I still believe in the love of bullshit.

Between the collision of lies and lies, what true feelings can emerge.

The more she thought about it, the more thorough she was. When she thought of what Jordan had said before, she only felt dull and said, "let's be honest. You should have investigated the organization behind me, right?"

John frowned and then said with a smile, "power company? Black tie property? Or some feminist killer company? "

Jane had no expression on her face and said, "what about you? Why can't I find out anything about your organization? CIA? NSA? DIA? Or the legendary IFM? "

For a moment, the room became silent.

Gu Lu Lu

When the atmosphere in the room became more and more tense, a round melon rolled into the room.

Jennie and John looked at each other, almost without hesitation. They ran away quickly towards their chosen direction.


A loud sound and fire rose in the night.

"F.. K, it's not time yet. They're breaking the rules..."

"These people may not be killers. If I hear you right, this is the equipment of the secret operation Department of my organization!"

"F.. K, you're from the CIA!"


Among the gunshots, Jennie and John, who are hiding in the dark, yell at each other.

A moment later, the gunfire stopped.

Jennie took a gun out of a dark box, looked at John and said, "why did your people attack us suddenly?"

John face embarrassed, said: "CIA does not allow operations in the territory, I exposed the identity, we need to clean up the traces."

"What did you do?" Jeanie said angrily

John became more and more embarrassed and said: "six years ago, I was investigating an arms deal between Columbia homicide city and Japanese Jidao organization, and I found your organization by accident..."

All the information Jennie got from Jordan was confirmed at this moment.

But at this time, even if Jeanie was extremely angry, she was facing a lot of encirclement and suppression from the secret operation Department, and she finally wanted to cooperate with John to escape from this situation.


"The enemy is coming, there are snipers, everyone on guard..."

Just as Jennie and John were quarreling and planning how to break the game, suddenly there were loud shouts outside the room.

Bang bang!

With the expensive thermal imaging sight of pulsar trace series, Jordan hid hundreds of meters away from the house battlefield and killed two people who tried to rush in again.

Jordan also had some accidents. John Smith was really the CIA. I didn't expect that the CIA would send someone to carry out the extermination.

After this time, I'm afraid I'll be on the CIA blacklist.

I hope that my judgment is correct, otherwise, I will lose a lot this time.

As he kills the members of the secret forces who are constantly being outflanked, Jordan dials Jennie's phone.

"The plan has changed. Prepare to flee ahead of time. The CIA will intervene. The test for you will be cancelled in 48 hours on time. I have prepared a safe house on Eighth Avenue, which is on the verge of hell kitchen and contains what you need."

"You're right. There are so many secret troops outside..."

"Don't worry, I'll draw these people's attention and remember your promise."

Hung up the phone and sent the address of the safe house. Jordan pulled out his gun quickly and hit a member of the secret army to the ground with a triple hit.

Then, Jordan launched a step shot and mobile shooting, the whole person like a downhill tiger, into the battlefield within 100 meters.

Three grenades rolled into the crowd.

Launch shooting, random shooting, multiple head blasts, floating shovel and air shooting.

Like a lion breaking into a hyena group, Jordan turns his legs into wheels, kicks instantly, roundly, and knee bumps, then quickly fills in, sends three shots in succession, and taps.

In a short moment, more than a dozen members of the secret forces fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack, alert, alert!"

"Take cover, fire down..."

The scream and the gunfire became one, and the whole scene was chaotic.

The more chaotic the scene is, the more comfortable Jordan, who has dual skills of body and archery, is. In the situation of not consuming MP, his skills are used frequently.

Even when needed, Jordan was able to launch long-range blocks and shoot down bullets with bullets.

In less than two minutes, a large number of secret forces became sparse. Under the crisis of death, those secret forces of CIA did not care about the so-called mission. They were all in hiding, and all their attention was shifted to the direction of Jordan.

Meanwhile, in the dilapidated room, the gunfire died down, and Jennie and John were stunned.

John looked shocked and said, "how many people have you brought here?"

Jeanie is also a face of wood, said: "1."

John was furious and said, "you're still lying to me at this time, sheter. It's the CIA, members of the secret forces, all elite drawn from the seals, the Delta and the Rangers!"

Jennie: --

Ignoring John's madness, Jennie quickly finds out what she needs from the room and rushes out from the back of the house.

Jennie never thought that the big boy who had just had a fight with herself would be so powerful.

It's different from the way that the beasts like Jordan attack the stream.

In Jennie's cognition, no matter it's agents or killers or even special forces, no one rushes into the crowd so directly.

Is his charm too big, let the boy willing to die for himself!

Jennie was a little touched.

John, who followed Jennie, always felt something was wrong when he looked at the expression on Jennie's face.

Forget it. It's important to run for your life.

Gee, this green hat looks very stylish. It's just for covering up.


PS: John Smith, from the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, originally as a killer, this book is extended to CIA secret agent.