From a rookie killer to a freeman killer, Jordan has set the fastest record for hotels across the continent.

In just one year, Jordan Continental Hotel has become a senior authority person in the killer industry.

Most of the rights of mainland hotels to killers are open to Jordan.

It's a lot smoother than Jordan's budget and plan.

However, this sudden freedom is not without cost, and the preferential and free policies of mainland hotels will also be abolished in Jordan.

In a sense, Jordan turned from a wage earner under the mainland hotel into a partner.

Wage earners can enjoy the benefits given by the boss, but cooperators can only act according to the rules.

Mainland hotels are so expensive that they can't afford to stay.

Brooklyn, near the bridge.

Looking at the single family garden house in front of him, his face was going to collapse.

"F.. K, it's 2300 dollars a month. Joe, you're the poorest killer I've ever seen. Are you sure you want to rent here?" Big dad looked at Jordan with a suspicious face.

Jordan has a black face. What's the poorest killer? What's the truth.

Considering what he was going to do next, Jordan rarely showed a flattering smile and said, "Damon, isn't it good here? There's a river and a park. It's quiet in the middle of the trouble, and it's not far from Mindy's kindergarten. Isn't it worth it?"

"But it's not worth $2300. It's enough to rent a nice three bedroom and one living room in Manhattan garden center," he said

The smile on Jordan's face disappeared and he became serious. He said, "Damon, I'm Mindy's godfather. With our friendship, isn't it worth the price? You only need to pay 5000 dollars to have the permanent right to use one bedroom here, and Mindy can come here every week..."

"So you only have $1900 left, right?" he said

To rent this western style house, you need to pay three months' rent, which is $6900.

"Of course not, I have $1920, and I have a subway monthly card..."

Big dad is cold and speechless, and Mindy can't bear to look directly at his little face.

Jordan said, voice involuntarily on the small down, more and more no base.

After a pause, the big dad said seriously: "Joe, you are my best friend and Mindy's godfather. You know, I still have a sum of money in my hand. You can buy a nice house by stages beside me and Mindy..."

Big dad meant well, but Jordan was silent.

After a long time, Jordan said: "Damon, this is different from what I imagined. In my opinion, if I buy a house, it means that it will be my home..."

Big dad interrupted Jordan's words and said firmly: "Joe, where you have relatives and friends is your home. I just want to say that you should settle down, find a job, fall in love and form a family. I can see that you like children very much. Killing hands is not a long-term solution after all."

Jordan is a little silent. As a killer, his body is like duckweed, and his heart is at a loss.

For this side of the world, to be honest, Jordan still has some small resistance, subconsciously, this is not his hometown.


Mindy saw the loneliness and desolation of Jordan, and she gave a soft and cute cry, holding his big hand.

Jordan is full of gray heart, like a warm sun broke the haze.

A sunny smile after the rain blooms on Jordan's face. He holds Mindy with a worried face. For the first time, Jordan feels that he has taken root in this world.

"Damon, you know, I still have the commitment and obligation of my people. I will be stable, I promise."

"But not now. I have something I have to do. Please forgive me."

Jordan rarely makes a commitment, but he can't bear to refuse his good dad and Mindy.

"Shet!" Big daddy Tucao, but also make complaints about Jordani's troubles.

There have always been two shackles on Jordan. One is the new deal of mainland Hotel, which has been solved. The other is from Roma training camp.

Roma training camp has been training Jordan for eight years. Although we still don't know what to ask him to do, it's absolutely impossible to let him be free so easily.

Roma training camp is not terrible. Now Jordan can even kill it by himself.

But behind the Roma training camp is Leviathan, and Jordan can't kill everyone, let alone in socovia, there are people who Jordan is also concerned about.

After all, big dad compromised and said, "it's OK to rent here, but you have to ensure that you have a normal source of income."

Jordan laughed and didn't respond to his words.

After becoming a freelancer under the Continental Hotel, before the mission order of Roma training camp was issued, Giordani's freedom became much greater.

It also means that Jordan needs a reasonable identity to cover up for himself.

There is something wrong with the new deal. Every move should be controlled by the mainland hotels, or even monitored to a certain extent.

But similarly, during the new period, the mainland hotel also wiped the bottom for its own employees.

After settling down, somehow, Jordan still missed the backstage of the mainland hotel he suddenly lost.

At least when working for mainland hotels, you don't have to worry about the aftermath.

It's really difficult to be a man. How can I feel that I'm a bit cheap!

For more than a month in a row, relying on his contacts accumulated in more than a year, Jordan managed to get himself two passports and a way to launder money.

Killers can't stop working. After all, they have to eat when they have conscience.

Fortunately, after becoming a freelancer, Jordan's optional range of tasks has increased a lot. There are always endless villains in hell kitchen who are offered rewards.

For many ordinary killers, the tasks that are difficult to accomplish are very simple for Jordan.

Before iron man, hulk and Raytheon appeared, few people couldn't solve it with one bullet. If it wasn't enough, they would have another.

After all, everyone deserves a second shot.

Like many superheroes, super villains and so on, Jordan also made a suit to cover up his identity. Compared with the time when he was under the Continental Hotel, he paid more attention.

It's not too difficult. The double shot Lucian of the previous life had the skin of a professional killer. If you shine on it, it's almost the same. At most, you can make your glasses bigger.

In fact, the source of the plan's dress is also good, but mecha this thing, ha ha.