Jordan has never been a man with a heart of stone. For more than half a year, while he likes may very much, he still takes good care of Peter.

How to say is also half of Peter's uncle, if you can save Peter's parents, Jordan won't stand by.

Just like civet cat, he was heading towards the abandoned passage. Jordan soon saw the place where the fire was exchanged.

It was a mechanical compartment similar to a carriage. Now it was surrounded by more than 40 people. Under the powerful firearm fire, the people in the compartment could not fight back.

In fact, forget about the parkers.

Even if it's Jordan, the peak of the human body, shooting and physical skills coexist, once he is besieged by a large-scale fire, there is no chance to fight back.

Visible to the naked eye, countless fires collided in the compartment.

A burly and fierce besieger has even taken the RPG rocket launcher out of the spare equipment box and is filling it.


Osborne is really not afraid to make things big.

Look at the RPG grenade scale, it's definitely armor piercing high explosive warhead with sufficient charge.

Once this thing is launched, it can not only break through the wall of the compartment, but also make a big hole in the ground.

A bunch of wimps!

In this case, Jordan has no time to make any attack plans.

Shooting, quick draw, three shots in a row.

Instinct shot, a shot hit the burly man in the leg, let him kneel down, a shot hit the other side of the shoulder, forced the rocket to turn, a shot hit the other side of the arm nerve, rocket launch.


The fierce fire and shock wave exploded, directly toppling more than 20 people.

Mobile shooting, random shooting, three consecutive shots and air interception.

It's a standard brute assault method. It rushes into the crowd, including knee bump, instant kick, whirl kick, quick filling, triple shot, shooting, volley and flat a.

It's not like a shooter's swift and violent way of fighting.

Roaming shooter has never been a fighting profession to hide behind and shoot black guns. Breaking into the crowd can not only bring into full play the gun fighting skills of shooting and body skills, but also disturb the shooting decisiveness of the other side with the help of a large number of enemies.

But even so, Jordan was shot several times.

There are bulletproof windbreaker protection, even if there is no damage, but the pain is also very painful.

Eight years of constant training camp life, even without the help of skills, Jordan's marksmanship is absolutely the best among ordinary people.

After adding skills, no one can resist the force of instant decision and rapidity.

More than 20 lively people, in the burning flames and smoke, even had no time to lock in the enemy's figure, had all stopped cooking.

Originally, Jordan also preset a set of kite flying tactics, ready to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

But after such a battle, looking at the bullets embedded in his windbreaker, Jordan could not help sighing and sighing. As expected, he was born with a wave of reckless tactics.

Aiming at a group of people on the ground continuously mending guns, Jordan came to the front of the pockmarked compartment after he was sure that the situation had been completely under control.

Politely knocked on the door, Jordan looked for a cover and said, "is Richard there? I'm Jordan Jovovich, May's boyfriend."

In response to Jordan, there was a faint quarrel in the secret room.

"Richard, I didn't mean any harm. I just came to help at May's command!"

"Bang, Bang..."

In response to Jordan again, there was a quarrel and gun noise in the secret room.

Quick draw.

A modified M500 revolver appeared in Jordan's hand. Almost without thinking about it, Jordan fired repeatedly in the direction of the door lock of the secret room.

Fast filling, three consecutive shots, flat A, fast filling and random shooting.

The modified M500 revolver, combined with a large amount of armour piercing bullets, can't carry even an elephant with one shot.

But even so, Jordan also used a full 14 guns, just opened the door of the secret room.

Science and technology men engaged in scientific research are really terrible. It's just a secret room door. Is it necessary to build such a solid one!

Dodge entry, Jordan maintained enough vigilance, but the scene in front of him, still let Jordan a frown.

The compartment is not like a safe house, but more like a secret laboratory.

On the floor of the secret room, Richard is covered with blood, holding a woman, and a pistol is scattered on the ground nearby. Opposite Richard, there is an agent who has fallen to the ground and died.

"Mr. Jovovich..."

Richard had injuries and looked very weak.

Jordan dare not neglect, quickly came to Richard's side, a tear on each other's chest clothes, in the edge of his heart, a wound is obvious, like a spring of blood.

With Jordan's eye power, this shot has reached the heart.

If ordinary people are injured like this, they will be killed on the spot after only ten seconds.

But now Richard, though he looks like he's going to die at any time, is still there.

Jordan was just stunned and said, "Richard, stop talking. I'll take you to the hospital!"

Richard shook his head hard and said, "Mr. Jovovich, you don't have to go to the hospital. I know your identity. The research in the secret room is a kind of serum research data of super soldiers. There are mature drugs over there, and you can also use them!"

Jordan had expected something, but he gave a stiff smile and said, "Richard..."

"No!" Richard struggled, interrupted Jordan's words, pointed to a bag not far away, and said: "inside are some of my diaries and personal documents. Please give them to Peter..."

Richard Parker should be in the study of spider serum medicament, got some results, his body has been a preliminary transformation.

However, after Richard was shot in the heart, he persisted for one or two more minutes, but he was still cool after all.

There was a strange surge of emotion in Jordan's heart, which was not so sad.

Following Richard's instructions before he died, Jordan put away the so-called "mature potion" and bag. After thinking about it, Jordan took down the hard disk in the computer.

May, Peter and Mindy have already called the police at the police station and may even have informed the CIA.

No matter how powerful the Osborne group is, it is impossible to control the whole new york city government. This is not the place to stay for a long time.

Jordan cleaned up the traces that might reveal his identity and left quickly.

Shortly after Jordan's departure, a group of CIA secret forces, who had fought with Jordan, protected several black suits that looked like senior officials and entered the abandoned passage.


PS: there are too many versions of Marvel Spiderman. In one universe, Spiderman's parents are CIA agents. This book is a reasonable extension.