The battle in Queens did not cause any disturbance. The police sent people to patrol around and found no suspicious spots.

May, Peter and Mindy were almost detained as fake police.

Fortunately, after Jordan arrived in time and paid a lot of bail, the police let go.

It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning when she came out of the police station. May's home must not be able to go back for the time being.

Whether it's the shock last night or considering the possible surveillance of May's family, Jordan can't let go.

So the four, after a brunch, came to Jordan's house.

The $2300-a-month large-scale western style house is finally useful. Everyone can get a room as a bedroom. Mindy and Peter are still young and lack of energy. They have fallen asleep.

On the second floor, in May's temporary bedroom.

May kept a worried calm on her face and said, "Joe, over on 92nd street, Richard and Mary, they..."

"It was too late when I went by," he said with a slightly changed expression

The scene was silent for a moment, and Mei's face changed dramatically.

Although he had the idea of just being a comrade in arms in bed, Jordan felt that he was very serious about every relationship. After all, he didn't mean to marry other people.

So after a pause, Jordan said, "may, when I went by, I didn't see the bodies of Peter's parents. Maybe they just disappeared..."

Meiyuan's face was not good-looking. After hearing what Jordan said, her face collapsed.

Jordan doesn't know the loophole in his mouth, and is still trying to make up a story, but in fact, when he mentions someone, he just says something like corpse.

"You mean, Richard and Mary, they're dead, aren't they?"

Jordan's voice stopped abruptly, and he nodded for a long time.

Maybe she didn't have much affection for Peter's parents, or maybe she had the experience of losing her husband. May was not as vulnerable as Jordan thought.

It was only a short time. May said, "Joe, can you tell me what happened?"

"I don't have much contact with Richard. Richard is Ben's younger brother. Peter often sent them to my home early. I just want to know if it will affect Peter!"

I can see that things at night, after all, scared Mei.

Jordan Ni slightly aware, put his hand around May's shoulder, thought about it, or truthfully said: "when I was past, the battle had happened, I participated in it, when the end, Mary was dead, Richard was also shot..."

It's true, including Richard's research experiments, and even some of Jordan's conjectures.

For spider serum medicament this kind of thing, Jordan is greedy, but it is not indispensable, not to the point of unscrupulous.

People have feelings.

After more than half a year's contact, Jordan may have had some bad ideas, but after getting along with may and Peter for a long time, it's a bit fake to say that love will last till death, but the feelings are absolutely true.

In Jordan's view, may and Peter have the right to know the truth, not be kept in the dark.

Of course, Jordan has already copied all the information in advance. Even if he gave all the original to Peter, it's no problem.

This kind of mixed CIA agents, Osborne group business secrets and other grudges, after all, completely scared may.

After just thinking about it for a while, may took hold of Jordan's hand.

"Joe, Peter, he's only six years old. These things shouldn't involve him. We don't need any confidential information. Let's keep these things away from Peter, OK?"

"Don't worry, my lady. I'll protect you and Peter."

This is May's decision, and the other party has the right to make a decision. Jordan just hugs may tightly, one hand is held by may, and the other one somehow falls from May's shoulder to her waist, and then to her hip.


May grabbed Jordan's hand and said angrily, "Joe, I just thought that you are also an agent. You answer me truthfully. Are you close to me because of Richard and Mary?"

Jordan's face was shocked. He didn't expect that his previous bluff had hit his feet in the opposite direction.

There was some egg ache on his face. Jordan said: "how can you think that? I just like you very much... "

Mei was somewhat helpful, but she was still alert and said, "don't try to cheat me!"

After a pause, Jordan said honestly, "well, may, to tell you the truth, I'm not an agent. My real identity is a killer."

"But I'm very disciplined. I kill all those damned bastards. If you have information sources, you will know that I have a nickname of justice adjudicator in the underground world."

All of a sudden, Mei was stunned by the information. His mouth opened slightly, which made Jordan ready to move.

Feeling the reaction of jordani, May's expression suddenly became wonderful again. After all, the atmosphere just arrived.

After struggling for a long time, may finally refused Jordan.

"Joe, a lot of things happened today. I need to calm down and also think about our relationship. After all, Richard and Mary are no longer here. I will register and adopt Peter..."

When may pushed Jordan open and shut him out of the door, Jordan was full of remorse.

To be honest, to be frank.

I'm still young. I'm inexperienced. How can I just say everything.

Compared with may, Mindy, Peter and others, Jordan has a lot of energy. Even if he didn't sleep all night, he doesn't feel sleepy now.

After a cold shower, Jordan enters the basement with his harvest from the ruins.

The so-called "mature potion" aside, Jordan's eight years of training and a year and a half of killer career, there should be some caution and care, potion this thing, can't drink.

Then there is the computer hard disk, which has been disassembled. It has ten tricks and nine tricks of its own.

Putting it aside, Jordan began to tidy up the contents of the backpack.

A stack of ghostly scientific manuscripts and reproductions are stored separately. The rest is Richard's so-called diary.

It's a diary, but in Jordan's opinion, it's more like a chronicle of events.

"In August 1998, rose was a complete idiot. The CIA came to me..."

"In February 1999, the CIA was pressing hard. Maybe Osborne group is really a breakthrough..."

"In April 2000, I finally entered the Department of life sciences in Osborne, and curt Connors' gene grafting is a good idea..."


"In March 2005, the deal with the CIA was discovered by Norman Osborne. Mary and I have to get out!"

"It's a success, but there's no time left. The medicine only needs the last one..."

The last handwriting looks messy, and the words are only part of it.

But even so, Jordan has understood the relationship between Peter's parents, the military, the CIA, the Osborne group and so on.

It's just the potion. Jordan's a little confused.

Success, and only need the last what?