Shooting from the opposite side of the door, the bullets fell like they didn't need money, and then they collided like they had rehearsed in advance.

From time to time, there are also round the corner of the bullet, from the door side of the wooden wallboard through.

The person on the opposite side has definitely activated adrenaline.

Otherwise, if an ordinary person, it will be difficult to have a long-range block and Jordan so against.

The fierce barrage lasted only a few seconds.

The gunfire at the door stopped, Jordan did not hesitate to directly smash the broken wooden door, with a fierce momentum, directly hit the knee, and hit the figure inside.

Roaming shooters, that's what they are.

Not only can the shooting technique reach the amazing level, but also in physical combat, it also has the most top combat effectiveness.

A dull hum rang out, the figure in front of Jordan's eyes was hit by a knee, and the whole person flew three feet.

If there is an MP, then an m-137 green machine gun can directly form a combined skill BBQ, which can screen the opponent.

However, he was not so cruel to his former friends.

The figure in the room is Jennie fox.

Just an ordinary person, even if the adrenaline burst, hit by a knee, it is enough to make it completely lose combat effectiveness in a few seconds.

With the gun into the waist holster, in the face of struggling Jennie, Jordan up is a punch.

Concussion therapy, specializing in all kinds of amnesia, confusion, loss and other negative effects.

And this kind of therapy also has the effect of stealing teachers' skills.

Four times in a row, Jennie fox is not surprised to wake up from that kind of brainwashing amnesia. On a naturally sexy face, with sharp pain and confusion, she looks at Jordan in front of her eyes.

"Jane, are you awake, remember who I am?"

"Joe? Why does my head hurt so much? "

"Well, it doesn't matter! Jennie, I've come to save you. By the way, I'll solve the fraternity. Where are the others? "

Jennie took a look at the shabby look in the room, rubbed her head, and looked suspiciously at jordani.

"It's been like this when I came here," he said with a calm face

Jennie didn't investigate, but as soon as she judged the situation, that kind of powerful woman's momentum rose up. She picked up the gun and said, "I know where Sloan is. Come with me."

The combination of the two killers, of course, no one can stop.

Jordan is a standard beast assault stream. When he sees the crowd, he will directly launch his skills to rush through. After entering the melee, all kinds of skills will be misplaced.

The perfect combination of gunshot and body skill in Jordan's body, that kind of fancy killing scene is the purest violence aesthetics.

Jennie is not as reckless as Jordan, but Jordan attracts fire. The two modified M1911 are also constantly spitting out fire tongue, knocking down the killer who is a little far away.

In the weaving room, 80% of the killers were attracted by CIA's staff outside, so Jordan and Dani passed quickly.

At the entrance of the stairs, Jennie gave Jordan a special look.

"What's wrong with me?" he said

Jennie rolled her eyes and said, "have you always been this way of fighting?"

"What's the problem?" he said

"It's a miracle that you've lived to this day," Jeanne said

After that, Jennie gracefully made way for Jordan to charge forward and act as a target to attract fire.

Jordan doesn't care about that. Anyway, there are not many killers left in the textile factory.

Hurry up the stairs. Under the sign of Jennie, there are two directions. One is the place where the repairman is sitting, a little far from the core of the Mutual Aid Association, and the other is the slaughterhouse where the butcher is sitting. Although it is a shortcut, the butcher's means are very fierce and strange.

Jordan didn't want to think about it. He directly chose the slaughterhouse and said, "Jennie, you go to the repairman. He doesn't know that you have recovered your memory. He won't doubt you. This time, we can't leave any hidden danger."

Jennie's sexy, when the bone, the style of acting more men's style, without saying a word to leave directly.

Looking at Jennie's back and her wriggling little buttocks, Jordan was stunned. Suddenly he felt nostalgic. Then he slapped her in the face.

Jennie is nothing, a very indifferent look, but also turned to cast a provocative look.

At this time, John Smith just rushed to the stairs with a small team, and his eyes burst when he watched the scene of the adulterer's teasing each other.

"F.. K, men and women, I'm going to kill them!"

"John, calm down, it's time to fight, not for you to catch the traitor!"

"Sheter, get out of the way..."

John Smith and team members of the quarrel, has been far away from the Jordan did not find, even do not know in their own rear, there is a green panic agent, wholeheartedly want to kill himself.

By this time, Jordan had come to a dark, bloody, smelly slaughterhouse.

It's different from the other killers in the fraternity.

Butcher is a killer who focuses on using knives to fight. He is fat and tall, but he has excellent stealth and concealment techniques.

As soon as Fang entered the slaughterhouse, Jordan had been taken care of by the butcher.

When the first knife, like a snowflake like white pitching, flashing cold skin edge.


Jordan could have resisted it with a pistol, and the blade of his knife flashed across it.

When Jordan reacts, the butcher has completely disappeared in Jordan's vision.

Warri, is it a ghost?

Jordan stood up against the wall and didn't rush into the room full of steak.

Throw away the pistol that has been broken rifling, Jordan backhand from the waist again took out two pistols, do not want to, directly hit a bullet.

The fat butcher was obviously very proficient in close combat.

Jordan didn't want to hide and seek with each other in the room. His gun was accurate and directly interrupted the hook on the huge meat chops.

The field of vision became much clearer. Behind a huge meat steak, the fat butcher came with a knife in one hand and a hook in the other.

It's very special. We don't play according to common sense.

Ten meters apart, the fat butcher saw that he had been exposed, so he didn't hide at all. He was so angry that he rushed to Jordan with a knife.

Bang bang!

In a row, he ran out of all the bullets in his arms. In the fat butcher's hand, the butcher's knife flashed. However, with the speed of his hands, he split all the bullets away.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was no more than three meters, and the fat butcher's face had shown a ferocious smile.

Fast draw, three consecutive shots, mobile shooting, step shooting, air shooting.

It was just two seconds in a row. After five shots in a row, Jordan calmly put his left wheel into the holster.

At this time, the fat butcher appeared in the place where Jordan was.

In his hand, the butcher's knife fell to the ground, with a hole in his chest, bared blood, and suddenly fell to the ground. Only at this time did the other party realize that the horror and pain came like the tide.

In the blurred line of sight, a figure gradually became clear.

"There's nothing that can't be broken," said Jordan, fiddling with the butcher's knife on the ground

The fat butcher was not able to speak, just looking at his butcher's knife which had been with him for many years.

In that butcher's knife, Jordan's five shots, each shot hit the same point, made a red hole.

At the last shot, Jordan's bullet went through the hole and into the fat butcher's chest.

"It's... Impossible..."

"Oh, nothing is impossible, some call it magic, and I call it a good target!"