As a mature killer, anything can be ignored, but there are two points, one is handsome, the other is forced grid.

All right, a little bit!

Jordan pretended to be full of pressure just because he saw Jennie fox.

Slaughterhouse and repair room are the directions to the core library of the Mutual Aid Association.

Jordan's strength is strong. Originally, he was ahead of others in propulsion speed, but he met an elite leader, Mr. X.

So in front of the fraternity core library, I met Jennie again.

Originally, after seeing Jennie, Jordan was ready to come forward to play fake cute, rely on the wound on his body, sell a wave of disabled, and then take advantage of something.

But just as Jordan came forward, behind Jennie, a familiar looking man appeared in Jordan's sight.

John Smith, a man with a prairie in his family.

"Hi, Jennie!"

"Hey, five minutes boy!"

Guinema, as soon as we met, Jordan choked on Jennie.

It seems that Jennie's memory is not very good. It's 15 minutes and 49 seconds.

Jordan's fists were tickling and he was peering over Jennie's head.

Jennie is indifferent, as always proud, sexy, strong, a smile at Jordan, and then a cold look at John Smith behind him.

At this time, John Smith, with a secret team behind him, had a standard dog licking look.

However, after seeing Jordan, John Smith almost couldn't help raising his hand, and the muzzle of his gun was about to go to Jordan.

"Stop, John. Remember who you are. This is not the time to be jealous of you!"

Nobodie's voice came from the earphone, calling for orders directly. Next to John Smith, several members of the secret team held each other tightly.

Obviously, nobodie didn't know where he was, and was able to monitor every move in the textile mill.

There are all kinds of ideas and thoughts in Jordan's mind. Jennie looks at the scene with great interest. John Smith's face is very blue.

For a moment, the whole scene was a bit awkward and silent.


Just at this time, a bullet fell from a very far away place and killed a killer who sneaked up to fight with a black gun.

"Joe, this is not the time to be in a daze. Sloan is ready to run away from the library of the fraternity!"

There was another sound coming from the earphone. It was cross who was charging as a sniper and observer in the distance.

Jordan didn't pay attention to cross's warning. Before the plan started, Jordan, cross and Cassian, who had a very low sense of existence, had already made the offensive and defensive alliance and reserve plan.

Even if Jordan doesn't go after Sloan, the other side can't get out of the palm of the hand of the three.

The key issue is the CIA.

Jordan also did not expect that John Smith's method was extraordinary. At this time, he had already killed the core library of the assassin's guild.

The library is not only the mission release center of the assassin's guild, but also keeps many secrets of the guild.

For example, the formulas of the strength source potion and the white wax repair potion of the mutual aid association are shared here.

If the CIA gets these things, it will be more terrifying than the assassin's Guild when it grows up.

Killers and government departments are born in opposition.

Let CIA benefit, this is not in the plan of Jordan and others.

It's slow to say, but in fact, Jordan, Jennie and John Smith are just a few breaths.

Joe Denny quickly came up with a smile on his face and said, "Jennie, it looks like this one is very familiar. Would you like to introduce me to this CIA agent?"

Although I don't know if Jane and John Smith are reunited, Jordan decided to sow discord first.

John Smith, as a CIA agent, married Jennie for six years.

It's a shame for Jennie fox at all times.

Jennie's face soon changed. She gave Jordan a coquettish and uncomfortable look and said, "you're not a good thing, huh!"

Jordan laughed awkwardly and said, "Jennie, you really hurt my heart by saying that..."

Creak, creak!

There was a bit of flirting between Jordan and Jennie. John Smith's face was black and his teeth were pounding.

"Ha, this special agent has good teeth and looks fierce..."

"Well, Jordan Jovovich, we'll see!"

Bickering is not enough to fight Joe Denny. At this time, we can't engage in any conflict. John Smith put a hard word and soon took people to the library.

When John Smith left, Jordan came to Jennie.

Take out the headset and crush it. Jordan said: "the purpose of the CIA is the source of strength of the fraternity. If the CIA gets that thing, we can't get it."

Jennie raised her eyebrows, looked at Jordan and said, "don't you have any plans?"

Before I tell you, I need to know if you still care about John Smith

Jennie sneered and said, "so do you want to try my depth here?"

Jordani: "it's..."

You don't know what to do to save you.

It's hard to press down this exciting idea in his mind. Jordan feels a little stiff, but he finally understands the woman's heartlessness.

This is true. Once the relationship breaks down, women are more ruthless than men.

So it's better to throw this black pot to John Smith. How can it still feel a little refreshing.

After a pause, Jordan said with a serious face: "when the fighting inside stops, you kiss me. The more intense the better, the rest will be fine."

Jennie sneered again and said, "Oh, in front of John Smith, is that your bad taste?"

Jordan said seriously: "no, it's a strategy. It's a strategy from China! When Smith can't help attacking me, there will be an explosion in this library, including the whole textile factory. Everything will be destroyed. "

Jennie's face was serious at last, and she said, "and then?"

"Then the CIA will turn its back on its back and wipe out the fraternity. The New York City Police Department and the FBI will personally come to thank the CIA, and we, as members of the underground world, will be completely separated from the CIA," he said

At this point, Jordan's meaning is very clear.

In a word, there is a black pot CIA to carry on. Jordan and others are victims and vulnerable groups.

When the incident is over, after spreading some news about the uneven distribution of stolen goods, the fact that the CIA has gained a source of strength, and then the traces of destruction, Jordan and others will be able to extract from the whole incident.

Even if it is for the source of strength, all forces will turn their attention to the CIA, including the Hydra hidden behind the fraternity.

There are many loopholes in Jordan's interim plan.

But cross's 300 rat bombs hidden underground will cover up all traces.

Jeanie was also surprised by Jordan's plan. After she reacted, she sneered again.

"Oh, man!"


Jordan is speechless. Oh, your sister, what's wrong with you.

Such a perfect plan, such a high IQ, the strength is not obvious enough!

Mahler is a chicken. Sooner or later, he wants you to call dad.