When he came to a strange world, he couldn't find any sense of belonging.

Especially as a killer who can't communicate with others easily, Jordan is in a kind of confusion most of his free time.

Mindy often sees Jordan sitting in a daze somewhere.

Usually at this time, Mindy will restrain all her cleverness and lean close to Jordan. Sometimes, she will take the initiative to hold Jordan's callous hand with her tender hand.

"Godfather, are you unhappy? Otherwise, Mindy won't have the sundae party, will you

In cleverness, she is only a seven-year-old boy. Mindy is sensible, and she can never think of the empty confusion in Jordan's heart.

In Mindy's eyes, the only big thing recently seems to be to blackmail the godfather.

But this is my godfather, blackmail Godfather. Can it be called blackmail.

It's a pity that I've planned the sundae party for a long time.

Looking at Mindy's pitiful face calculating his own abacus, Jordan suddenly felt very warm and laughed.

"Mindy, after years of waiting, the godfather will find you a little sister?"



"Will the godfather marry his little sister?"


Take root in the ground, now that you have come, you can really settle down.

In the underground shooting range, Jordan and Mindy play. When big dad comes back, the three of them go home.

Well, there seems to be something wrong. Bah, it's a family of two. Big dad is the third party at most.

Time flies.

While Mindy was counting the day with her fingers, the big birthday party arrived as scheduled.

Capitalism degenerates and corrupts the society. When money is spent properly, nothing can be done.

The banquet arranged by the mainland hotel is much more luxurious than Giordani imagined. Actually, with all kinds of desserts and sundaes, it is hard to pile up a sundae house.

Let alone children like Mindy and Peter, even adults are very happy at such a dream party.

A party lasted until late at night. Mindy and Peter were tired of playing, so they just went to sleep in the mainland hotel. Joe Denny squeezed into May's room.

The next morning, the fragrance curled around the pillow, but the beauty was gone.

May finally got away from Jordan a lot.

Strictly speaking, the two sides are not people of the same world after all. Mei is very cheerful, but she can't accept the day when there is a gunfight at any time.

As for girlfriends and girlfriends, you don't have to think about it.

But may wants to live with Peter. In a short time, she is not going to find an uncle for Peter. Occasionally, may allows Jordan to play with Mindy.

As for how to play, it's the prostitutes who see the benevolence and the chickens who see the wisdom.

After May and Peter left, big dad left with Mindy, too. When he was quiet, Jordan came to the rooftop garden that he had made an appointment with Winston.

This is one of Winston's favorite places to stay.

When Jordan came here, Winston was holding a big orange cat in the sun, combing its hair gently.

Seeing the arrival of Jordan, Winston didn't say hello for the first time. Instead, he straightened out the hair of the big orange cat and let it go. Then he looked at Jordan.

"You see, cats don't like to be bound by people, but as long as this kind of creature is always so pleasing and pleasing, as long as it comes here, it can always get a good reception!"

"Joe, you are not the same. You are a tiger, but like it, as long as you are willing to come back, the mainland hotel will always open the door for you!"

Winston is an old-fashioned figure. There is always a metaphor in his words.

Jordan wants to get rid of the constraints left by Roma training camp through the mainland Hotel, which Winston knew for a long time.

So Winston, in this way, expressed his solicitation for Jordan.

After more than 20 years of operating Continental Hotel in New York, Continental Hotel in New York has almost become Winston's private industry, and Winston, with his own ambition, has never been willing to become a puppet of others.

Win win cooperation, no constraints.

Winston's way of dealing with people is always very comfortable.

Jordan laughed and said, "Winston, you are a respectable elder. New York Continental Hotel will always be my second home in New York. You know, I am always nostalgic for home."

Winston laughed, too. The attitude of Jordan was enough.

Until this time, Winston just got up, got two glasses of wine, handed one to Giordani, showing a kind of closeness, and said: "Joe, I know your intention. I can help you solve some problems in the Council, but in Russia, you can only rely on yourself."

"Leviathan people are used to barbarism, and I can't help you too much, but if you need, I can help you collect some information."

Jordan nodded, touched Winston with his glass and said, "Winston, I owe you one."

When he got to the point of Jordan, he killed the assassin's guild and became famous in the first World War.

The kind of blood oath badge that used to be popular in mainland hotels has not much binding force. Jordan's oral promise is far more precious than the so-called blood oath badge.

At this time, Jordan's glory was no worse than that of the mainland Hotel Council.

They were drinking and chatting in the roof garden. About half an hour later, Charon came to the roof garden with a piece of information.

Winston took the information, looked at it first, and then handed it to Jordan.

"Joe, this is the only thing I can help you. This is a piece of information from the Russian government. Recently, an ace agent in the red chamber defected with a lot of intelligence and secrets. If you can take this defected agent as a gift, you will be able to get the understanding of the high level of Leviathan."

"You know, in the eyes of others, we are members of the underground world, but in fact, the strength of every underground world, more or less, is always inextricably linked with the governments of various countries."

Jordan took the information and nodded solemnly.

Winston is right. The so-called underground world power has always been the shadow of light.

Giordani is a Gypsy, born in Eastern Europe, Belarus, the predecessor of Roma training camp, and even can be traced back to a large intelligence branch of the former Soviet Union.

The particularity of this birth, born with a very strong binding force.

Jordan can make a plan to unite with the CIA to kill the whole assassin guild, but for Roma training camp, Leviathan and even the whole Russian regime, Jordan is as small as an ant.

It is the most feasible way to exchange gifts for the understanding of Leviathan's senior management and get rid of the natural bondage of one's own origin through the exchange of interests.

However, opening the information and entering the first line of font, it caused a wave in Jordan's heart.

"Natasha Romanov, code named black widow, born in 1984..."