Man is not as good as nature. No matter how good a plan is, it can't bear the occurrence of variables.

For the kindness he owed in Roma training camp and for the sake of his two younger brothers and sisters, Jordan took a great risk and went all the way to Budapest.

He fought with Natasha and Clint, was chased by Hydra, and calculated a deal with aegis.

But I never thought that pitero and Wanda had sold themselves to Hydra's nest.

Mad, it's a big loss!

I've done so many things. I've only paid off Natasha's skin, er, and aegis.

After getting the news of his younger brother and sister from Clint, Jordan was speechless for a time, followed by helplessness and big head.

To be honest, Jordan is not ready to face the hydra.

The Hydra meal should be enjoyed by Captain America and the Avengers.


Watching Jordan dazed, Natasha was relaxed and worried.

If the previous words and deeds of Natasha still have acting elements, but now after getting rid of her troubles, Natasha is completely sincere.

No matter what plans or ideas Jordan has.

There is no doubt that in the past few days, Jordan's help and maintenance for Natasha is beyond doubt.

Jordan's palm was held by Natasha. He soon woke up and said, "I'm ok, Natasha. Don't worry. You should enjoy joy and freedom now."

In a way, Natasha's deal with the aegis was done, even though she was out of the woods.

It only takes a period of silence. When aegis eliminates the official affairs and influence, Natasha will become a free man again. At most, she will change her job and change her boss.

And in this way, the so-called mutual use and calculation between Jordan and Natasha will be completely eliminated, and even become real friends, or closer.

After all, both of them lived and died together and fought together.

Looking at jordani congratulating herself in turn, Natasha laughed and said, "freedom is really worth celebrating, but it's going to take a while. At least I'll help you save your younger brother and sister."

Jordan was stunned and said, "Natasha, you..."

Natasha was smiling and didn't speak, but her eyes blinked and blinked, looking at Jordan.

A pair of talking eyes, Jordan NITTON down.

For two or three seconds, Jordan was a little moved. Then he said, "Natasha, I seem to like you more and more. Do you want to see my personal collection of guns?"

The car was caught off guard.

Natasha was stunned for a moment, then added her lips gently, full of provocation.

"Shet!" Clint felt that he had been forced to take a bite of dog food and said, "so I'm a bit redundant, right? Do you need me to open a room for you?"

Jordan noticed Clint and said, "Clint, why haven't you left yet?"

“F..k!” Clint's eyes glared.

When Clint finally calmed down, Jordan said seriously, "Clint, thank you for telling me the true information. You are a good friend."

Clint was still annoyed. He pointed out his middle finger and said, "if you treat me to a drink next time instead of ice cream, I'll just accept your friendship."

"But you know, I still have a job. I may not be able to help this time..."

Boom boom!

However, just as Clint was about to continue to say something, several sudden grenades exploded, and the burst fire instantly submerged a dining car nearby.

At the same time, the huge shock wave also rocked the three of them several meters away.

Christmas Eve is not safe.

With cries and noise, a fully armed team appeared at the entrance of the amusement park, headed by John Smith with an adsorption mask.

"Mission target two men and one woman, don't let people escape, open fire freely, allow lethal attack."

In the cold and slightly ferocious voice of command, the armed team quickly entered the amusement park, formed a fan-shaped queue, and burst into the depth of the amusement park.


An arrow in silent between, in the chaos of the crowd shuttle, will be an armed enemy shot on the spot.

In the distance, the eagle's eyes disappeared in the shadow of the fire.

Several armed enemies approached quickly in a three three formation and surrounded the place where the hawk's eye had disappeared.

However, as these people approached the shadow, in the ruins nearby, Jordan rushed out like a suddenly launched heavy truck, knee hit, triple shot, shooting, instant kick and volley.

A series of skills are launched in an instant. Before other armed enemies react, they kill several people in an instant, and then leap into chaos.

"Four o'clock, keep calm and be ready to fire!"

Among the armed enemies, there was a roar soon, and the command team quickly pursued the figure of jordani.


In a toy shop on the middle of the road, Natasha killed two people with two guns. Like a swift cheetah, she twisted one person down with inertia, then rolled over and got behind a restaurant car.

Until this time, among the remaining members of the armed group, a flat bomb with a flashing red light exploded.

In less than two minutes, a standard 12 man special combat team was killed by Jordan and his three men.

John Smith in the distance frowned and sneered.

"The firepower hands come forward to suppress them. They don't have to worry about casualties and force them out."

"Snipers occupy the commanding height and are ready to kill the enemy at any time."

The Hydra itself is extremely fierce. Under the command of John Smith, the whole armed force is even more ferocious. In order to achieve its goal, it does not care about the lives of the civilians in the amusement park.

Dada dada!

More than a dozen machine gunners came forward, and the barrage was like a storm, shooting in the direction of Jordan's disappearance.

In a flash, more than 20 civilian tourists were killed and fell to the ground, crying in the amusement park.

"F.. K, these animals!"

Behind a small Ferris wheel, Clint's face was ugly. He scolded and attacked. As an arrow shot, a bullet almost passed Clint.

"There's a sniper!"

"My side is also..."

Being caught unprepared, the situation of the three of them suddenly became critical.