This time, the three of them broke through with the help of a group of mysterious people.

After escaping from the back of the amusement park by a wall blasted by Clint's explosive arrow, the three men saw a dead body and a mysterious person waiting outside the wall.

Under the guidance of the mysterious man, the three of them didn't even meet a policeman on patrol.

All the way around, they came to the Danube.

After entering the huge underpass, the boat stopped, surrounded by smooth walls, and there was no place to dock.

Just when the three of them were a little confused, there was a buzz, and the water in the passage fell quickly.

Soon the river dropped three meters, revealing a gate made of steel.

With the opening of the steel gate, the light along the road lights up, forming a deep passage. At the entrance of the passage, there are old acquaintances who think of Jordan.

"Nobodie, why are you?"

In front of the three men, it is nobodie, who was once cheated by Giordani in the nowhere of CIA.

John Smith was still the man in front of him in the war of destroying the assassin's guild.

Nobodie's face is still with an uninhibited smile, gray hair, said: "Joe, isn't it good to live in New York? Or do you have a conscience and go all the way to Europe to give your head away

Natasha and Clint quickly make eye contact with jordani, and are alert for a moment.

Jordan stopped the two people, very atmospheric ashore, cheeky will have a hug with nobodie, was nobodie suddenly cold face to resist.

Jordan is not embarrassed, a serious face: "nobodie, New York can't blame me, we agreed, mutual aid collection, each by means."

"By the way, I'm sorry about John."

Nobodie was silent. He gazed at Jordan for a few seconds before he said, "in fact, it's just after John Smith that we found out the fight at the amusement park tonight. Come with me. Our leader wants to see you."

Jordan three people follow, Jordan is not at all outside, said: "nobodie, aren't you the leader of nowhere? Why is there a boss? "

Nobodie, with a black face, gave Jordan a death gaze, but he didn't answer. He just quickened his pace.

Soon came to the end of the passage, is a T-junction.

At this intersection, nobodie stopped and ignored Jordan. Instead, he said to Natasha and Clint, "you are the famous black widow and eagle eye. We have Sir Nick Frey waiting for you."

Clint and Natasha were stunned, and then they looked at Jordan. They didn't speak or leave.

It's a little bit moving for Jordan.

In a sense, their actions can be regarded as a kind of implicit determination and protest. There is no doubt that they are worried that after they leave, the people in the mysterious base will do any harm to Jordan.

Nobodie was obviously a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that in such a short period of time, Jordan had established a strong connection with the black widow and eagle eye.

As a man who has been a spy and secret agent for half his life, nobodie understands the value of this period.

"You two don't need to worry. Our boss just wants to have a private chat with Mr. Jovovich. Officer Nick Frey will explain to you both."

Nobodie smiles at them. When he looks at Jordan, his face suddenly changes.

Jordani make complaints about the extreme pettiness of character. How does this old thing look like an atmosphere? Why is Beek so small?

But Jordan wasn't very worried. He nodded to Natasha and Clint.

Two minutes later, Jordan quickly turned left and came to a room that looked very technological.

The whole room is the size of a basketball court, almost everywhere is full of huge display screen, a look to make people headache complex circuit, connect dozens of computers.

I can see that it's not completely finished yet.

Just when Jordan was in a daze, a woman with blonde hair appeared from a row of screens and said to him, "Hey, boy, come here and give me a hand!"

When a blonde wants to install something on the back of the monitor, Jordan just takes a look at the other person's amazing face and immediately runs over.

"What do beauties need from me?"

"Help me to recommend this monitor."

"No problem!"

This is a giant screen the size of a blackboard, with the help of a booster, but a normal person, even a Hercules who has reached the limit of the human body, may not be able to lift it alone.

But for Jordan, it's hard work, but it's still within his range.

For more than ten minutes, just as Jordan blushed and his neck was thick and he could hardly carry it, the blonde finally stooped out from behind the screen.

At a glance, under the delicate clavicle of the blonde, Jordan saw a touch of white.

For a moment, Jordan, who was exhausted, pushed the screen higher again.

Then, Jordan and the blonde work together to return the screen. The blonde takes off her gloves and shows a pair of boneless hands to Jordan.

"Meet me. You can call me seifer."

"Jordan Jovovich."

There is no doubt that this is a very delicate woman, with blond hair cut into a small braid, tied into a high ponytail, even a broken hair can not be seen.

Even working in this unfinished room, I wore exquisite gloves.

Previous contact, blonde performance is very friendly, the kind of casual call Jordan help behavior, wanton and polite.

But at the moment of serious contact, the delicacy displayed on the other side is a more powerful and domineering temperament.

Friendly but not polite, delicate and domineering.

Just a short contact, blonde has given Jordan a very deep impression, like a natural queen.

For Jordan's surprise, the blonde didn't care at all. Her eyes were calm and said, "I should like to thank you. In nowhere, nobodie and I used to be competitors. The defeat of New York helped me become the controller of nowhere."

"As you know, nobodie is a fool. If the competition fails, I am ready to resign and find another way out."

Jordan finally understood why nobodie's attitude towards his face is not face and nose is not nose in this meeting.

Then Jordan laughed impolitely and said, "Saifu, right? Really, it's very polite of you to say that I'm not that kind of person. Why don't we hurry up? "

Seifer: "I'm not sure."

Jordan was slightly confused and said, "well, isn't that what you mean? I thought you and I met alone just to... "

Saifu: put on your clothes and talk. Don't be shameless

"I didn't mean anything else, but you invited me. If I don't take off my clothes, it seems that I don't respect you!" he said

Saifu did not say a word, straight from the waist back out of a loaded M1911.


PS: Thank you for 500 times of reward from the book friend [Fengling Yuesheng], 100 times of reward from the book friend [a leaf of 0 green grass], and 100 times of reward from the book friend [the garbage truck of qiumingshan]~

Thank you for the support of every book friend in the past week. Adding a new chapter is the beginning of the new week. I hope you will continue to support me sincerely!

Back to the text, Saifu comes from "speed and passion 8". There is no account of the origin of this role in the film, so it is based on the principle that others don't give it, and his own brain mends it.

Finally, I would like to ask for your support again~