Everyone has his own secret. Even the boss can't ask his subordinates to tell his private secret.

What's more, the relationship between Jordan and Nick Frey can only be regarded as a kind of cooperation.

We can't get much intelligence and information here. Nick Frey will leave soon. After all, the problems just exposed in aegis still need Nick Frey to solve.

Natasha and Clint stayed.

On Natasha's side, according to the information given by aegis, Red Chamber of Russia has sent Natasha's "schoolmates" to hunt down and kill. Moreover, there is more than one. Whoever can hunt Natasha will become a new black widow.

As for John Smith, strictly speaking, he is not a Russian person, and the Russian high-level may not know.

Nick Frey left Natasha with a suspended animation plan to help her get out of trouble.

It's OK to disappear mysteriously, but Natasha's own information is bound to continue to be on the wanted list of major intelligence agencies, which will have a great impact on her future actions. Maybe she will have to use a knife in her face to see people.

It's much more convenient to feign death. After leaving, aegis can also use official power to erase Natasha's information from major intelligence agencies. After a period of silence, it will be sunny.

As for Clint, it was Nick Frey who stayed to help Natasha with her suspended animation plan.

The CIA has a great influence in Europe, and it has sent nobodie to participate in Natasha's escape plan. For example, it will use the official power to suppress the arrogant momentum of Hydra, and let the unscrupulous people like John Smith restrain themselves.

To this end, aegis will put the information obtained from Natasha into the eye of heaven organization for sharing.

Originally, Jordan also wanted to help in Natasha's escape plan, but in order to express his sincere cooperation with Jordan, Saifu prepared a plan for Jordan to save his brother and sister.

Jordan is a little urgent, and Natasha's escape plan is quite complete, so the two sides are separated.

"Natasha, I'm sorry I couldn't help you..."

"No, Joe, you showed up when I needed you the most. I should thank you."

"Why don't we come here separately, my kidney is fine."

“Boy! It's a long way to go. We have a lot of opportunities, but not now. We all have more important things

Jordan is always crazy from time to time, two out of three sentences are driving.

And Natasha is a goblin, never refuse Joe Dani's invitation, but never give Joe Dani a chance to succeed.

After all, they hugged each other. Natasha left a kiss, or a thought, for Jordan.

After saying goodbye to Natasha, it was Clint.

Compared with Natasha's good looks, Clint was black in face, and still used to make complaints about Jordani's own use.

Jordan is thick skinned, hammered Clint's chest, said: "Clint, next time we meet, maybe it's a colleague, be happy!"

Clint cold for a moment, then a free and easy smile, the same hammer on Jordan's chest, said: "remember to practice your body, next time don't casually hit a few pistols, kidney weakness."

Jordani: "it's..."

This must not be the real Clint, your coldness and seriousness. Don't think I can't hear this pun irony.

They looked at each other, then laughed at the same time and said goodbye to each other.

In just a few days in Budapest, although Jordan's plan to save his younger brother and sister finally failed, it is not without any harvest that he can become friends with Natasha and Clint.

After secretly leaving from the underground base, Jordan looks at saiver, the born queen of fan'er.

"Are you sure you're going to leave the sky eye organization just built?"

"Did I say it was the eye of heaven? It's just a branch of Tianyan global base, not to mention that nobodie will be in Budapest for a while. "

Saifu, a woman, is too delicate and gorgeous.

Every eye contact between Jordan and the other party, almost can't help but have an impulse to fall for it.

This is also a woman who is very good at using her charm, but different from Natasha's way of using it.

Natasha makes more use of men, and seifer wants control.

Along the way, Jordan is not too anxious to ask Saifu's plan, but more thinking about the reason why the other party attaches so much importance to himself.

To put it bluntly, I'm just a killer. At most, I have good fighting power.

Seifer is in charge of nowhere, and has even worked with Nick Frey to set up the eye of heaven, which is about to start its development.

There is no reason for such a big boss to help himself save his younger brother and sister.

The excuse of so-called cooperation does not hold until our strength has grown.

When the cruise ship came ashore, there were vehicles waiting.

Before getting on the bus, Saifu seemed to see the mind of jordani. He was as cool as ever and didn't have any feelings. He said, "don't think too much. Anyway, this time I'm going to rescue your family, right?"

Jordan's eyes brightened and he was relieved.

Yes, anyway, as long as you save pirot and Wanda, and you have a shot in your hand, what's more terrible.

Joe Denny suddenly raised the Saifu in front of him more beautiful, and immediately said with a smile, "Saifu, I advise you not to have any bad ideas about me. We are just cooperating. I don't sell myself."

I, jordani Jovovich, a proud man, never betrayed my soul. Kate Jones was just an accident.

Saifu is speechless. When I get along with this kind of guy, I feel very tired.

Two people get on the bus, speechless all the way.

A moment later, Jordan could not help saying: "if you really want to, in the humanitarian spirit, it is not impossible to discuss."

Sever: shut up

"How are we going to get out of Budapest?" he said

Rarely serious, Saifu showed a touch of pride and said: "have you heard of the ghost flight? Using satellites to monitor radars and electronic scanning all over the world, we can get blind areas and gaps through calculation. We can appear at any place in the world at any time and in silence. "

It's different from the space carrier and Kun fighter of aegis.

Aegis relies on the huge influence of the World Security Council behind it. It has global authorization and can enter and leave the airspace at will, but it can also be monitored.

But the ghost flight Saifu said is absolutely secret.

Jordan doesn't know much about it, but if you look at Saifu's expression, you can guess that it's not a great technology.


PS: Thank you for 500 rewards from qingshouqu, 100 rewards from jimeier and 100 rewards from zhizhili~