Jordan is very surprised to be able to open the space backpack, but his space backpack is really a bit magical.

1.45 cubic centimeter space backpack, what is it for, loading a bullet for yourself?

No kidding!

It is also possible that the absorbed space energy is too small, so it can only be turned on so much for the time being?

It's not impossible to urinate with your own system of emotion. Since I came to this world, my system seems to have been following the conservation of energy.

If you don't pay, you will never be promoted.

On the way back to the ghost flight, Jordan thought about it all the time.

The final answer is that there is no solution for the time being. Only when we get similar energy again can we really verify it.

It didn't take long to take the ghost flight. Jordan and Ulysses were taken to Munich, Germany.

It is still a very secret base. It seems to be much more perfect than the secret base in Budapest. There are many people operating in the base.

Ulysses was soon imprisoned, and Jordan came to Saifu's place.

It's not a place to work, it's more like a bedroom, or a mini bar.

Seifer, an exquisite woman, obviously leads a much better life than Nick Frey. She lives a decadent capitalist life with public money.

Compared with the last time I saw Saifu's meticulousness, this time Saifu was much more leisurely.

Jordan also very impolitely sat down to the side of the small bar, carrying a bottle of whisky to pour a cup for himself, looked at Saifu and said: "aren't you going to explain the accident in this operation?"

Saifu was very attentive to mixing wine. He only glanced at Jordan in the interval and said, "didn't Ulysses bring it back? I don't know what you mean by accident? "

The little girl was calm and not flustered at all.

"For example, in the course of the operation, the British air mobility agency, for example, Ulysses is not a hydra at all," he sneered

Saifu ignored Jordan's question and concentrated on mixing his cocktail.

For a long time, Saifu just took a blue cocktail, twisted a green plum from it, and looked at Jordan.

Face to face, eyes to eyes, this is the psychological offensive seifer is good at.

However, when this action was just done, Saifu seemed to think of something, and suddenly stopped. This guy was shameful. It was like this last time, and then he was taken advantage of by the other party.

Saif was not embarrassed when he was interrupted. He fumbled on the glass and said, "I sent someone to send the action of British air mobility agency. At least, it helped you, didn't it?"

It's undeniable that if it wasn't for the air mobility division's fighting with camp Roma, Jordan's action this time would never have been so easy.

"What about Ulysses?" he said

Saifu showed a slight smile and said, "did I ever say that Ulysses was a hydra?"

No, Saifu just said that if you catch Ulysses, you can let jordani enter Strack castle and help jordani save pirot and Wanda.

It seems that this is just a word game of seifer.

Jordan is not anxious angry, just staring at each other, said: "I'm waiting for your explanation."

Seifer took a sip of the wine, frowned, pushed it aside, and said, "if I'm not wrong, the secret key of Ulysses' shadow bomb has already fallen into your hands?"

Jordan took out a thumb sized chip and said, "is that it?"

Seifer's eyes brightened for a moment, and Jordan was acutely aware of seifer's emotional fluctuation. With a smile on his face, the electronic chip in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Although our space backpack is not big, it is not a problem to install such a small chip.

Seifer looked at the sudden scene, raised his eyebrows, then slowed down, and said: "good magic, but do you think this little trick is useful?"

"It's a trick, but do you need me to take off my clothes for you to check? I'm sure you can't find it."

Joe Denny is not afraid of seiffer's insidious threat.

When dealing with such a spy leader, I don't dare to get on other people's cars without more precautions.

Jordan is 80% sure that the other side does not really mean to use force against themselves, but it involves a question of who is the leader.

From the beginning, Jordan was in a weak state, led by Saifu.

This is not normal, the ultimate reason is that Jordan's strength is too weak.

Now I've just got the space backpack. Although it's only 1.45 cubic centimeter, it's OK to use it to make a bluff and increase the sense of mystery.

Seifer's face became more solemn after a moment in judging the meaning of Jordan's words.

Finger in the bar beat twice, Saifu said: "it seems that your little secret is more than I imagined, then let's talk about it frankly, I'm deploying a future electronic information strategic deterrence plan, and shadow bomb is one of my plans."

"You help me get it, and I help you save your family. It's a good deal for both sides, isn't it?"

Jordan doesn't care about seifer's plan. He only cares about his family, but that's not the reason why he can be used.

Electronic chips appear and disappear at Jordan's fingertips, flashing.

"If you don't have a proper explanation, you'll never get it," he said

With that, the chip on Jordan's fingertip just disappeared.

Saifu's face finally had a little change, said: "shadow bomb, this is a kind of electronic magnetic ripple bomb, once activated, can effectively paralyze all electronic devices within a certain range."

"Don't you think we've ever tried to attack Strack castle? They have an energy weapon left over from World War II, which can even be used in conventional operations. We need to use shadow bombs to paralyze each other's electronic control center. Otherwise, unless the army is used, you will never be able to save your family from the castle. "

I have to say that Saifu's plan is really one link after another.

First, send out the information and let the air mobility Department attack camp Roma. Then, send Jordan to fish in troubled waters to rob Ulysses and get the electronic chip to improve his strategic plan.

By the way, he was able to capture Ulysses, make contributions in CIA, and help Jordan enter Strack castle to save people.

Jordan doesn't even know if the other side has any other backup means and plans.

This is a great woman.

For Saifu's small abacus, Jordan didn't care. After thinking about it, he directly took out the electronic chip and put it on the bar. He said, "when can we start saving people?"

With the electronic chip in hand, seifer finally showed a touch of relaxation.

After a look at Jordan, seifer said with deep meaning: "the sincerity in you is very touching! We can start the rescue operation at any time, but you still have a very powerful helper who hasn't come. "

Surprised, Jordan said, "Natasha? Clint

Saifu said: "not only that, cross, gunner, it's hard to imagine, just not long contact, they see you as a friend!"


PS: Thank you for the 100 rewards from the book friend [were you still there that year], and thank you for the 100 rewards from the book friend [Shen Zhixi]~