The battle between jordani and the soldiers of Strack castle in the dense forest did not attract much attention in the castle.

In other words, Baron Strack at this time did not care about the small stock raids of Jordan and others.

Without enough reinforcement and net defense, the dense forest line, which is several kilometers long, can not stop Jordan and others.

After the split up, the teams led by Jordan and Cassian left with Natasha and seifer, who were the hands of aegis and nowhere.

Under the ancient road outside the city near the castle, it is in a shadow.

Cassian is still a little worried about Saifu and Natasha's behavior of taking people away. She looks at the two guards on the road above, and then looks at Jordan. They turn over in an instant. They are as sharp as a tiger and as light as a cat, strangling the two guards silently.

It was not until this time that they crossed the road that they came to the front of a blue light curtain covering the whole castle.

This is now the world's leading energy shield.

It has to be said that the inside information of hydra is really deep enough. When the world is still in the era of firearms, Hydra has begun to climb towards a more advanced energy era.

"It's hard to imagine that the most advanced energy technology of mankind is actually in the hands of a group of terrorists. What's wrong with this technology? We have to be terrorists..."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up before the patrol comes!"

Strack castle's energy shield technology is really powerful, but it is not without any shortcomings.

Without enough energy transmission system, the energy shield of the whole strakowski Castle needs hundreds of energy conversion and excitation devices on the ground to jointly trigger.

Jordan and others don't have enough technology and firepower to blast off the energy shield, but they have a series of shadow electromagnetic blocking. As long as they find an energy conversion and excitation device, they can break a small channel in a short time.

That's enough.

Along the road quietly strangled more than 10 outside guards, Jordan and Cassian quickly found a huge steel device more than three meters high.

It looks like an iron pier, but through the occasional gap, you can see that there is a bright blue energy source in the iron pier, which transmits huge energy to the light curtain.

"Here it is!"

Jordan quickly took out a series of adsorption type shadow bombs, casually to iron pier on a paste, two people quickly away.

"Three, two, one!"

"Electromagnetic energy is blocked. There is still seven seconds to restart. Please pass as soon as possible."

From the earphone came the call of the base personnel. Jordan and Cassian passed through the three meter hole of the energy shield without any pause.

After entering the castle, Jordan did not rush to move, but stopped in a hiding place.

Then, Jordan motioned silently to Cassian, touched behind his ear, turned off the headset and took it off.

Cassian saw the action of Jordan, eyes a bright, also turned off the headset, said: "Joe, do you have any ghost idea?"

"Cassian, as you can see, seifer, Natasha and Clint are not of the same mind as us. We can't go back empty handed when they come here," he said

Cassian's eyes lit up and said, "what's your plan?"

Jordan took off the positioning device on his wrist and said, "Cassian, I'll save people. You go to the general control center and find a chance to bring out some drawings and data."

"I've already told cross that he will go to the R & D department."

"Remember, try not to meet and conflict with Saifu, Natasha and Clint. They eat meat and we just drink soup."

Everyone has two plans.

The cooperation with Tianyan is not the original intention of Jordan when he came to Europe, but it will not be performed according to Jordan's script.

Natasha is dangerous and full of temptation. Her whole mind is changing all the time.

Clint is competitive and loyal. He is a relatively pure fighter and has been carrying out Nick Frey's plan.

Saifu has incomparable ambition and precise plan, and is born with the ability to control the overall situation.

Even their two iron Hans, pilot and Wanda, are not lonely. Not long after Jordan left Roma camp, these two iron Hans joined Strack castle on their own.

They're all real people, making things more complicated.

Therefore, Jordan can only constantly change and adjust his plan to gain as much as possible, which can be regarded as adding some security to the future of himself and others.

Looking at Cassian leaving excitedly, Jordan did not rush to leave, but took out a pile of energy blocks.

All of these were collected by Jordan on the way of the raid.

Clench your hands tightly, the wisps of space energy are constantly integrated into Jordan's body, most of which are swallowed by the space backpack, and some of them are integrated into Jordan's heart, and gradually disappear, as if they have never appeared.

The whole process is not particularly strenuous, about only five minutes, Jordan stretch for a while, feel their physical fitness increased again.

Although this kind of growth is small, it can be regarded as another way to improve oneself.

Finally, he took a look at the direction of the iron pier, and Jordan quickly flashed out and sneaked away towards the dungeon, human experiment, biological research and other departments in Strack castle.

Shorthand for terrain and maps is an introductory course for killers.

Even without the positioning device and earphone, the general framework of Strack castle was in his mind.

At this time, because of the enemy on both sides of Strack castle, there was a lot of tension.

However, on the other side of the mountain, the joint special forces of the three kingdoms are very aggressive, and most of the Hydra fighting members have been drawn to the front line.

Jordan alone, whether it is combat effectiveness or speed, are more rapid.

More than ten minutes later, Jordan went through all the passageways and came to a huge underground space.

The underground space of the whole Strack castle is very vast, and the environment in the dungeon is not as messy as expected. The independent stone houses one by one look more like an underground theme hotel.

This kind of environment proves that Pietro and Wanda have not been greatly abused.

This gives Jordan some peace of mind, but also some headaches, because the similar pattern, undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty of Jordan's search.

Two iron simple, really give oneself a lot of trouble.

After they were rescued, they had to be hanged up and had to be whipped.