Jordan and others can't really leave Clint alone. After tearing open the interception net in front of him, Cassian quickly turned around to meet Clint.

Out of Strack castle is the dense forest, even the field motor can not run far.

But that's enough. Without the energy shield of Strack castle, a four or five meter UAV roared in.

At this time, UAVs can not hang tactical missiles, but it is enough for precision guidance.

Just a minute and a half later, a tactical missile accurately hit the energy tank.

The violent fire and energy mixed together to form a huge shock wave. Within nearly 100 meters, everything was destroyed.

This wave of explosion destroyed the energy tank, at the same time, the army scattered by the Hydra was instantly killed.

The scattered people under him are not a threat to Jordan and others.

It's very difficult to enter Strack castle from outside to inside, but there is no big obstacle to break through from inside to outside.

When Jordan and others arrived at the expected retreat site, a Kun fighter was waiting for the crowd.

And in the nakun fighters, Saifu was as delicate and cool as ever, with the Queen's air, sweeping over the people.

It's wise that no one, saiver, Natasha or Jordan, talks about the harvest.

The Kun fighter took off, but did not fly to the secret base in Munich.

It took more than ten hours for the Kun fighter to stop and land in the middle of a ring-shaped island.

As if aware of the vigilance of jordani and others, seifer took the initiative to speak and said: "the situation in Europe is quite tense. After the hydra is exposed, there will definitely be a counterattack. The Munich base is too close to Strack castle."

"This is a secret base set up by our heavenly eye organization in the Atlantic Ocean. You can settle here for two days first. There is a signal shielding device on the island, so you can move freely without considering security issues."

After that, sever took several boxes off the plane and left soon.

At the same time, Natasha and Clint obviously received some news in their ears, looking at Jordan, Cassian, cross and others.

Clint and Cassian seem to ferment a little friendship. They fight Cassian and nod to cross. Clint finally stares at Jordan.

For no reason, Jordan looked at Natasha and said, "what's wrong with our circus boy? Will you find that you are my great uncle

Clint daily revenge, Jordan than a middle finger.

Natasha said with a smile, "boy, we're going to hand in the assignment. Maybe we can make an appointment for a drink in the evening. Are you interested?"

Jordan's face was full of excitement, and then he noticed other people's eyes. He nodded like a gentleman, but he didn't say anything. He calmly turned and left.

Just then, a voice came from behind him.

Clint: Joe

"What?" asked Jordan, turning his head

Clint smiles, cross smiles, and Cassian looks cheap.

Willis was embarrassed and said, "I love you three thousand times!"

With a jerk, Jordan left in a mess.

The scenery on the circular island is good, and what's more surprising is that the whole island can't be found on the map at all.

It's amazing how much energy seifer and Nick fry can use together.

One relies on the CIA to absorb nutrients, and the other has a black face and a blacker heart. Two people together can almost match a complete Hydra.

On an island close to the headquarters of Tianyan organization, Jordan, Cassian and cross are very cautious. When they get together, they just talk about trifles of life.

Jordan is missing Mindy and Peter.

Cassian kept make complaints about the fanatics of Tucao.

Cross is worried about his son's future.

Only the harvest in Strack castle was not mentioned at all.

At the same time, in a secret monitoring room, seifer, Nick fry, Natasha, Clint, nobodie and others stood in silence, watching the chatting of Jordan and others on the big screen.

For a long time, Nick Frey said with a blank face, "what do you think of Jordan Jovovich?"

Saifu frowned slightly, and said: "cautious, smart, strong, and defensive. It's easy to keep current cooperation, but if you want to control him, you can't find the twins captured by Hydra."

Seifer never disguised his ambition. It's not surprising that he had the idea of controlling Jordan.

However, after hearing Saifu's words, Nick Frey didn't say anything, but Natasha and Clint frowned involuntarily.

Nick Frey stopped for a moment and said, "Natasha, what do you think of him?"

Natasha looked at Nick Frey sensitively. For a long time, she just frowned and said, "scum man, seembryo, asshole..."

Clint couldn't help laughing and then covered up.

Natasha just turned around and said, "but I believe him. He is a very sincere person."

Nick Frey looked a little dissatisfied, looked at Clint and said, "Clint, what's your comment?"

Clint curled his mouth, his eyes as sharp as ever, and said, "this is a real jerk, but my arrow won't aim at him!"

His two generals were obviously biased, and Nick Frey's face became more and more ugly.

In a sense, it's Nick Frey's nature, or deep professional instinct, to doubt anyone.

In particular, as a killer like Jordan, in a short period of time, he was able to gain the trust of his two generals, which is not simple and normal.

Loyalty is like treachery!

There is no such word in the west, but there is a similar idea.

How can a killer have the quality of sincerity? Nick frining believes that under the surface of Jordan's sincerity, there is a conspiracy.

Seifer, on the other hand, looked at Nick Frey with an ugly face and a smile on his face.

A moment later, Nick Frey looked at Natasha and said, "I hear you have an appointment tonight?"

Natasha had just joined the aegis for a few days. She didn't have much loyalty and sense of belonging. She sneered with some displeasure: "does the aegis even have to manage personal privacy now?"

"Maybe director Frey wants to watch a live broadcast," saiver said? Natasha, if you don't feel comfortable with aegis, eye is always ready to welcome you

Nick Frey's face was red and purple in the black at this time.

Forced to take a deep breath, Nick Frey said to Natasha, "Natasha, you have lost the caution that an intelligence officer should have. You should understand that when you give up your guard against a person, it is the beginning of the other party's plot to succeed."


PS: Thank you for the 500 reward from the book friends~