Since the 20th century, almost all the science and technology of human biology in the world will never be able to get around a big mountain.

Abraham Erskine, a man who has died for more than 60 years, is like a monument.

Military super soldier program, multiple human experiments of Hydra, Russian leech serum medicament, Osborne, CIA, fraternity and so on, all the researches on human enhancement are born out of the former super soldier serum, and even can't break through now.

The research of Osborne group is the same as that of strakowsburg.

Professor Conrad himself is a great master in the field of human biology. In the environment of Strack castle, he can make a certain degree of research and breakthrough.

After coming to the top matching laboratory in Osborne, there are a lot of materials in hand. In just a few days, it has restored the life replenishment energy in Strack castle.

This thing can quickly replenish a lot of vitality for Wanda and pitero, and offset the burden of the power in the body on the body.

However, even if there is life to supplement energy in hand, it can only continue, not cure.

Two different kinds of heterogeneous energy are produced in Wanda's and pitero's bodies respectively. They are like a seed and need to absorb nutrients to grow.

It's like soil and plants.

If the soil is not fertile enough, the plants can only squeeze the soil, forming a vicious circle, until one day, the plants wither and soil erosion.

Life supplement energy is a nutrient that can help plants grow, but it can't fertilize the land.

Only when the plants grow up and mature, flowers bloom and leaves fall, and the land is fed back, forming a virtuous circle, can the hidden dangers of Wanda and Pietro be completely eradicated.

This brings us back to the original problem: there is not enough energy.

The energy block that Jordan brought out of Strack castle can maintain the vitality of Wanda and pitero, but if they want to go further and complete their powers, they are not enough.

In addition, there is no other way.

For example, the life ray of stark industry can also supplement this situation, but the effect is far less than that of the life supplement energy transformed from the energy block, and the cost is very high.

Based on the size of Osborne group, it can be concluded that the cost is very high. Naturally, Jordan can't afford it.

The simplest way is to find an infinite gem.

It's easy to help Wanda and Pietro replenish their energy and perfect their powers with the infinite energy of infinite gems.

But it's not so easy to get it.

Now at this stage, there should be two infinite gems on the earth. One is the time gem. In the hands of the supreme mage of Kamata Taj, it's for the big guy and can't be provoked.

Another one is the magic cube. It should be in the hands of aegis. I'm afraid I don't have the authority above level eight or nine. I've never heard of the existence of the magic cube.

In the lab, Jordan looked at Conrad's report with a headache on his face.

It's very difficult to rescue the two iron Hans from strakowski castle. Do you have to overturn the aegis.

Mad, this is a little hard!

After knocking his fingers on the table and pondering for a long time, Jordan looked at Conrad in front of him again and said, "Professor, didn't you draw a tube of blood from me before? What's the result?"

Conrad looked excited and said: "Joe, this is what I want to tell you today. It's amazing. Your situation is similar to Wanda and Pietro, but completely different. In your cell genes, we detect mitochondria, Golgi complex and lysosome..."

With a sad face, Jordan rudely interrupted each other's words and said, "Professor, if you can make it as simple as possible, I will thank you very much."

Conrad rolled his eyes and said: "in short, your genes are exactly the same as human beings, but the cells have mutated and contain a kind of active energy. If we can analyze the mystery of this active energy, it may be a milestone in the history of human evolution, just like an evolution from Neanderthals to Homo sapiens..."

Conrad was so excited that he couldn't stop talking.

Jordan has completely lost the confidence to understand each other's words, and he doesn't know why. He knows what each other's word means, but he is confused when he is connected.

After waiting for Conrad to talk to himself for a long time, Jordan said, "Conrad, if there's nothing wrong..."

"Yes!" Conrad grabbed Joe Denny, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Joe, my experiment still needs a little cooperation from you, just a little bit..."

Two hours later, Jordan watched as the foot long needle pulled out of his waist. His face turned pale.

Nail, hair, subcutaneous tissue, blood, marrow

It's called a little bit of cooperation?

Conrad, come here. I promise I won't kill you.

Kidney pain, soft feet, Jordan never thought, this technology house crazy, more terrible than a 30-year-old woman.

If Jordan isn't half a shareholder of the lab, plus he's very fighting.

I'm afraid I'm not going to slice myself for research today.

When all the research samples are preserved, Jordan covers his waist and looks at Conrad quietly, waiting for an explanation.

Conrad seems to feel that he has gone a little too far and is rarely embarrassed.

"Joe, I'm sorry to do this to you, but your secret is so fascinating. It's evolution. In you, I see the ladder to the gods."

"Be careful, I'll try to understand."

"Joe, do you know the origin of life? Lightning and water gave birth to the first life on earth. What's the key? It's the influence of the special energy field. I don't know what happened to you, but the cells of your body must have been affected by the special energy field, resulting in a change... "

Conrad was still talking, but Jordan was stunned on the spot.

Ancient memory LV3!

Conrad has put the truth very simple, the truth, but let Jordan's mind, suddenly more than a paragraph of memory, from death!

Special energy field effects.

What happened to Jordan was that when he came across, the influence of death and new forces.

Jordan is a dead man.

The memory of death is too painful. After rebirth, the brain automatically hides this memory.

Until this time, Conrad's words wake up the dreamer, let Jordan recover this memory, at the same time, also understand the source of the strange power in his heart.

Rebirth from the dead, coupled with the strange experience of crossing, makes Jordan steal a trace of the power of death.