Starting with the time gem, there is an invisible energy around, floating quietly in the palm of Jordan's hand.

It's different from the energy extracted from the cube.

The energy extracted from the magic cube of the universe is ubiquitous, pervasive, and highly corrosive. It can be integrated into any object, or corrode anything.

However, the energy around the gem of time is also everywhere, but it has a kind of ancient and inviolable characteristics. It seems that there is nothing that can shake this kind of energy.

The first time he sensed this energy, Jordan knew that it was useless to him.

No wonder the other side easily handed the gem of time to himself.

Hum, bald is not a good man!

Jordan just felt the energy of the time gem for a moment, and soon handed it back to master Gu Yi, saying, "this thing doesn't seem to like me very much."

Master Gu Yi calmly clenched his fist, and the gem of time disappeared out of thin air. Then he looked at Jordan and said, "every infinite gem has unique characteristics. They will choose the person they recognize."

This is a bit mysterious, or immortal.

The approval of bullshit, looking back, I also have the whole infinite gloves, six infinite gems. I don't want to play as much as I want. I can make them pose any way.

Master Gu Yi seemed to see Jordan's disdain, but he didn't retort. He just said lightly: "in this world, strength is never the only thing. Will and character are the real noble things."

"Will and character can't be eaten," he muttered

Master Gu Yi is quiet and smiling, just like an old father in a textbook. No, he is an old mother. He has a kind of benevolence of Lao Tzu's inaction, and a kind of Zen implication of Buddha's grinning at flowers. He says, "you will understand."

Jordan is far less profound than master Gu Yi. He has a lot of confused thoughts in his mind.

Time gem is useless. It's not easy to see Master Gu Yi once. If you don't do something good, you will not be reconciled.

Jordani thought of Thor and meow hammer, and immediately said: "master Gu Yi, you say that my situation is similar to that of the Athar Protoss. I don't know if there is any artifact similar to miao'ernier in our supreme sanctuary. Please play with me!"

Jordan's shameless appearance is even more than what master Gu Yi imagined.

After removing the table and fragrant tea, master Gu Yi waved his hand, with orange red lines forming strange patterns in the air. In a twinkling of an eye, they returned to the alley in New York City.

This is the meaning of seeing off the guests, but just as master Gu Yi was about to withdraw the mirror space and send it away, he found that one of his cape robes had been dragged in Jordan's hands.

It seems that the other party has the meaning of holding the thigh.

Master Gu Yi took a deep breath and said, "there are many magic weapons in the supreme sanctuary, but they are all things that can only be moved by magic. I don't have any weapons suitable for you here."

Jordan has a cute face and refuses to let go.

After a long silence, master Gu Yi took out a branch full of strong breath of life and said, "this is a branch of the world tree. If you can find the right pure gold, the will of the dead and the blood of immortality, I can help you build a weapon to arouse the power of death."

"What's that?" he said

Master Gu Yi sighed and stood still: "death and rebirth are twins. Only the branches of the world and appropriate pure gold are the main body can bear the corrosion of death. The will of the dead is the medium to communicate with death. Only by depicting with immortal blood can they be solidified in the main body of weapons."

Jordan properly put away the branches of the world, reluctantly released the corner of master Gu Yi's clothes.

However, just as master Gu Yi was about to leave, Jordan suddenly said, "master Gu Yi, these people are not ghosts, do you know?"

The mirror space disappears, and Jordan sees the vampire corpse in the alley who has his head blown out.

Master Gu Yi once again stepped slightly and said, "existence is rationality. She is attracted by the power of death on you."

After that, without waiting for jordani to react, master Gu Yi had already crossed the portal, leaving only a few magic sparks in the alley and disappeared completely.

Jordan watched the last magic spark disappear. He smashed his lips a little.

The supreme mage who has lived for hundreds of years is the strongest on earth.

What a good object to collect wool. Although I don't know what the other party's purpose is, there is no doubt that the goodwill shown by the other party is obvious.

At this time, we don't need to collect more wool, but we don't have many opportunities in the future.

What a pity!

With a deep pity, Jordan is ready to leave from the alley, but at this time, Jordan's eyes scan the vampire's body, and suddenly pause.

The vampire should be called the undead. I don't know if it has anything to do with the undead blood.

Jordan suddenly a little regret killed each other, in fact, the other side is not bad, licentious woman is nothing bad, or only a vampire, can let yourself inquire about the news.

Ah Xi!

There is no regret medicine in the world. Jordan just regretted losing it and left soon.

The branches of the world are already in hand. You can find clues from the group of vampires for the blood of immortality. If you have the right pure gold, you don't know whether the legendary Zhenjin will work.

Only the will of the dead, Jordan still has no clue.

It's not a problem that can be solved by daydreaming. Maybe it's time to contact Saifu.

However, before contacting seifer, Jordan still has some things to deal with.

Around the corner, avoiding one surveillance camera after another, late at night, Jordan came to a manor on Long Island, New York.

Soon, in a luxurious living room deep in the manor, Jordan sat opposite Norman Osborne.

Compared with the first meeting a few days ago, Norman Osborne was much more energetic. He was wearing a pajama and sitting beside a six-year-old boy with a kind face.

"Joe, I don't know. What's the matter?" Norman was very kind and a little surprised.

"Norman, I know you have a secret agreement with sever, and I don't care about it. I need you to guarantee the safety of Wanda, Pietro and Conrad's family. They won't be threatened by anyone and they won't be exchanged for benefits," he said

Norman's face was dignified. He waved and asked the nanny to come and take little Harry away.

Until then, Norman said, "Joe, we are partners. Of course I will guarantee..."

"Norman, I know more than you think. For example, the genetic diseases of the Osborne family, for example, the relief of your illness by life energy supplement, we'd better have a frank talk."

Norman's eyes narrowed, showing a touch of danger. Then he solemnly said, "I'm a businessman. You don't know what kind of benefits Saifu and CIA can give me."

"Norman, interest is never the most important thing. What matters is life and family. Think about yourself and think about little Harry. It's time to get rid of the curse of the Osborne family."


PS: Thank you for 1000 rewards from the book friend [happy oracle bone], 100 rewards from the book friend [sanynol], 100 rewards from the book friend [salted fish and melon skin], and 100 rewards from the book friend [sun in the sky v]~