What is total disintegration.

The transportation system has been shut down, finance and communications have been completely paralyzed, and all resources, including gas, water, electricity and nuclear power, have been cut off

This is a kind of terrorist activity of destroying all infrastructure in the United States in a very short period of time.

In 1998, Thomas Gabriel, the infrastructure security programmer of the Department of defense, proposed such an electronic war dominated by hackers.

In order to prove that the electronic defense of the major units of the U.S. government is too weak, Thomas Gabriel used a notebook to invade the Pentagon's electronic firewall in less than 15 minutes in front of many senior defense officials.

Then Thomas Gabriel was fired and almost put in jail.

It's a sad story.

Thomas Gabriel is just a clown, a disgusting and disgusting clown in the eyes of big figures in the Department of defense.

So in response to Thomas Gabriel's plan for a comprehensive collapse, the Department of homeland security has developed a counter defense.

When the momentum of comprehensive collapse appears, it is enough to back up all the important domestic data, load and lock them in a safe place.

It's simple, it's easy, and it won't cost the rich dads behind the politicians.

This is in line with the mind of a group of officials of the Ministry of defense.

Neither the Department of defense nor the Department of homeland security expected that Thomas Gabriel would return eight years later.

We have formulated a more comprehensive plan for the collapse, and are ready to take practical actions to teach our old owners a lesson.

By the way, you can also get what you want in chaos.

In order to better implement his plan, Thomas Gabriel found Ulysses Crowe in the black market of the underground world, prepared to buy the electronic program of the shadow bomb from him, and made the transaction within the scope of Russia that the United States could not reach.

Then Ulysses was arrested by Jordan.

This is also the reason why the CIA, FBI and DHS jointly tried Ulysses urgently.

These people want to break through Ulysses and arrest Thomas Gabriel.

It's a complete collapse. It's really going to be operated by this Wuzai.

I'm afraid we don't know how big a chaos and disaster will happen in the United States. The losses will be enough to replace a whole batch of senior officials from the Ministry of defense, the Ministry of Homeland Security and other departments.

After learning the inside story from Ulysses' safe house, Jordan felt that there was an old trough.

It's really a miracle that the Ministry of defense, the Department of homeland security, the CIA, the FBI and other government departments of the United States can exist for such a long time.

The corruption and inaction in it make people stare at each other.

Jason Bourne in the news reports before, and Thomas Gabriel in the conspiracy to retaliate later. Once these elites get out of the restrictions of government departments, their ability to break out is amazing.

Just as Jordan was shocked by the intelligence in the safe room, a sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.


"FBI, don't move!"

"Put your head in your hands and lie on the ground!"

The door was suddenly knocked open, and a group of special forces with helmets and shields rushed into the room, with more than a dozen guns pointed at Jordan.

This scene, Jordan seems not surprised, even showed a smile.

Hands up, on the ground.

Jordan was honest, and seemed to do it all with a little impatience.

The crowd soon separated. A strong, bald man like Hercules and a middle-aged, sad bald man came to Jordan side by side.

good heavens!

A muscle bald man of Samoan blood, a bald man of middle-aged crisis.

Looking at the two people coming, Jordan realized that his hasty plan and decision didn't seem very wonderful.

"Thomas Gabriel?"

"No, I'm Jordan Jovovich."

"No matter who you are, wait until you are in the Bureau."


Jordan was easily arrested without much resistance, but instead of being taken to the New York Police Department, he got into a military vehicle and headed for Washington.

As long as six hours of travel, Jordan also learned about the origin of the two bald men around him.

One is Luke Hobbes, an elite independent operations unit of homeland security, and the other is New York detective John McCullen, who accidentally got involved in this.

Maybe Nick Frey and Guyi are too bald.

In the whole process of being escorted, Jordan was honest and tight. He also discussed with John McCullen about how to educate his daughter.

Towards evening, Jordan enters the CIA Langley headquarters full of novelty.

Four floors underground, in temporary custody.

Through the double iron railings, Jordan meets Ulysses Crowe, who is also being held here.

"Hi, Ulysses, long time no see!"


When they met, their reactions were quite different.

At the beginning, in the Roma camp in Eastern Europe, jordani's madness and ferocity obviously left a deep impression on Ulysses.

And as a witness who has seen the combat effectiveness of Jordan, Ulysses does not believe that the government's wine bag can catch each other.

Looking around, Ulysses may feel that he can't escape. He directly connects himself to the iron fence and whispers to GIO Dani: "Jovovich, what do you want to do?"

With a harmless look on his face, Jordan said, "man, I just miss you. Your case is very troublesome. I have no other good way to come in, so I can only do this. Don't you feel moved?"

Ulysses didn't believe Jordan's lies. He said grimly, "what are you going to do?"

"I want Zhenjin," said jordani, with a smile on his face

“F..k!” Ulysses patted the iron fence, angry but helpless, and said, "I should have guessed that for a long time, you madman."

When Rodney catches him at Camp Roma, Ulysses tells him the code word and the safe house.

Ulysses's original intention is to hope that Jordan and Thomas Gabriel can get together after seeing the information and plan of the safe house.

After all, Thomas Gabriel's plan is absolutely attractive to the outlaws of the underground world.

Once Jordan and Thomas Gabriel get together, the possibility of a complete collapse of the plan will definitely increase.

That's billions, even tens of billions of dollars, and it's also a source of wealth.

As long as the comprehensive disintegration plan breaks out and the United States is in chaos, Ulysses will have a chance to escape from the prison.

But now Joe Denny is in front of Ulysses.

This means that his plan and hope to escape from the sky have been almost completely destroyed.

This madman, with his endless wealth, came here at the cost of his own arrest.


Unreasonable lunatic!


PS: Luke Hobbes, from the film "speed and passion" series, and "speed and passion" biography.

John McCullen, from the movie "die hard" series.