Time is the most terrible power in the world. It can corrode everything, including the power of blood, in silence.

The first generation of vampires and werewolves were extremely powerful.

Such as Marcus, William, and even later Victor, Amelia and other vampire elders, have far more extraordinary power than ordinary people.

But as the centuries passed, vampires became less agile and werewolves less ferocious.

No matter victor or Marcus, they all want to control William, the ancestor of werewolf, so as to create a steady stream of powerful werewolf fighters.

All this is not much different from the information Saifu said.

Vampires and werewolves have become endangered protected animals, and an alternative living drug for those in power to extend their lives.

Otherwise, vampires and werewolves would have been extinct long ago.

What Thales said has greatly impacted Serena's three outlooks for hundreds of years, and the onlooker Michael has the feeling of staring at the dog.

But Jordan nice is not surprised, took the opportunity to hold Serena slender willow waist, a comforting look.

Then Jordan looked at Thales and said, "where's Alexander? I'm sure you know something. "

The muzzle of the gun was heavy. Jordan didn't give Thales any room to refuse.

Thales was not that tough at all. He quickly searched for a while and said: "at pier 17 in valandovo, Alexander's name is Lorenz Marco now. He is a retired senior official in Latvian. He has been watching Marcus and William's actions for hundreds of years..."

From the mouth of Thales to get enough information, Jordan and others did not stop.

Out of the castle, the three drove and soon returned to the town of valandovo.

But this time, the three of them came directly to the dock. After the car slowly stopped, a soldier with a military dog came to the side of the car with a gun.

"This is a military restricted area. You have illegally intruded here. Raise your hands and get out of the car slowly!"

The defense on the dock was tight. In addition to the soldiers who came to the front of the car to warn, there were at least more than a dozen fully armed soldiers in the dark, vaguely encircling the three men.

Serena is still immersed in the sadness of becoming an endangered animal. Jordan slowly opens the car door and says, "we're here to find Lorenz Marco!"

Several soldiers, with an attitude of custody, soon came to a ship with the three men of Jordan.

It looks like a decommissioned warship, but the interior is well decorated, with smooth wooden furniture and a wide range of collectibles, which is very historic.

Entering the last room, Jordan finally met the first undead person in history, Alexander corvinas.

It seems that Alexander is an ordinary old man in gorgeous clothes.

Sitting behind a huge desk with pale hair and elegant clothes, Alexander showed a sense of wisdom and even a trace of fatigue even without saying a word.

Jordan can see clearly, it is a trace of fatigue for life.

This kind of feeling, Jordan in the body of master Gu Yi, also saw, like reading the world after the prosperity of the lonely, boring, and heavy.

Alexander swept over the three men and waved casually. The soldiers who had escorted them left soon.

At this time, Alexander just said: "to my surprise, I thought that only Serena and Michael, you two, this one..."

Jordani smiles and says, "jordani Jovovich, come and ask Mr. covinas a favor!"

Alexander slightly confused, said: "I in your body, smell the breath of death, as well as, the power of space gem."

After that, Alexander himself trembled slightly, as if he had fallen into some kind of memory.

Any immortal, that long life and memory, is the biggest treasure house, storing countless secrets hidden by history.

Jordan felt Alexander's slightly dissipated energy and frowned.

After a long time, Jordan Ni Fang was uncertain and said: "Mr. corvinas, I seem to feel the power of homology in your body."

Alexander seemed to wake up with a start, pause for a moment, and said: "yes, it's the power of the same origin. It was about 1500 years ago. I was an ordinary human being. The Crusades were full of war, death and pestilence. Unfortunately, I was also infected with pestilence. "

"But I was very lucky. After I was infected with the plague, I was abandoned to the ship and arrived in London in a storm. It happened that the nine realms overlapped. I got a gem there, which radiated charming red light like running water. At that time, I was tortured by death. I thought it was a gift from God and made the wish of immortality..."

Old people always miss the past and are better at telling the past.

The source of the undead, the vampire and the werewolf is far more strange than what Giordani imagined. It is actually from coincidence, which is the gift of etheric particles, that is, the gem of reality.

Alexander didn't know it was a real gem at first. In his life as long as more than 1000 years, after contacting with many people with extraordinary abilities, he gradually realized that he had been lucky.

It's strange, but it's reasonable.

After all, so many people died because of the plague. Without special reasons, Alexander could not be the only one who mutated and became an immortal.

Only the gem of reality can turn the ethereal thing of immortality into reality.

But this kind of infatuated long life, under the time whet, also gradually became Alexander incomparably heavy burden.

Especially after human technology became more and more powerful, Alexander has been hiding for hundreds of years.

The three of them were shocked by Alexander's miraculous experience.

At this time, the outside of the cabin, suddenly came bursts of gunfire and cry.

Everyone was awakened by the sudden change. Alexander was the first to react. He looked a little ugly. After a pause, he said to Jordan, "young man, what's your intention?"

Jordan was not embarrassed. He said directly, "Mr. covinas, you and master Guyi are old friends. To tell you the truth, I need to build a weapon. Guided by master Guyi, I want to ask you for some immortal blood."

Master Gu Yi certainly didn't say that, but it didn't prevent Jordan from talking about it.

Alexandrians are mature, but they don't expose Jordan's lies. Instead, they look at him and say, "what kind of weapons do you want to build to deal with my children?"

"Mr. covinas, do you think it's very difficult to deal with vampires and werewolves with current human technology?" he said with a calm smile