The time for master Gu Yi to build this magic weapon is very short, but the quality of this magic weapon is very high.

Even when master Gu Yi saw the final shape of the magic weapon, he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise.

"It's a powerful holy instrument. It should have a proper name."

"White wedding dress, she will be my love!"

A good gun, for the shooter, is no doubt the same as his lover.

Jordan almost at the first time, for his gun, a very numb name.

Zhenjin's gun body gives it indestructible hardness and super capacity and energy accumulation for different kinds of bullets.

The handle of the world's branches and branches endows it with super strong energy guidance and affinity.

The magical pattern cast by undead blood solidifies enough magic damage.

The fire power of the will of the undead is to bring its own infinite Hellfire ammunition.

Just holding the gun, Jordan can feel that even if his blue bar has not been opened, many skills that could not be used can be used now.

Extraordinary power.

It's an extraordinary power of its own.

From this moment on, I became a real roaming shooter.

After a long period of excitement, when Jordan regained his mind from the excitement, Damon was the only one left in the room.

Joe said, "Damon, where's master Guyi?"

Dimon gave Jordan a silent look and said, "master Guyi left an hour ago."

"An hour ago?" he said

Damon pointed to the clock on the wall and said, "yes, you've been giggling for an hour and seven minutes."

Jordani: "it's..."

Jordan originally wanted to build a pair of double guns, but master Gu Yi left so fast that he didn't wait for more than an hour, so Jordan temporarily suppressed this idea.

Damon's evil spirit has been stripped.

The most urgent task is to play a big play to see if we can find an opportunity to take the magic cube away from aegis.

"Damon, you should still be able to become a knight of evil spirits?"

"Of course."

"Let's fight. We've got a new weapon. We're itching."

"Are you sure?"



A burst of fire rose from Damon's body, and the terrible heat wave almost burned all the oxygen in the whole room for the first time.

Then, a chain of fire, like a long dragon, swept towards Jordan.


Jordan is a little sorry for speaking too slowly.

The power of the evil spirit knight is much more powerful than Jordan imagined.

Even if he didn't control the mount, the fire temperature and speed power of the evil spirit Knight were no less than Jordan.

Among the pieces of broken glass, Jordan jumped out of the room, directly across the distance of seven or eight meters, and landed on a low building.

It's too bad to fight with the evil spirit knight in a small room.

The evil spirit knight is powerful and has Hellfire to protect his body. Jordan can't fight with his melee with his body skill at all. He can only smash the window and open the distance.

But just as Jordan landed on the low roof next to him, a skeleton with a rolling flame also flew out of the window.

The necromancer has the ability to demonize tools and control all mounts, but it doesn't mean that the necromancer has no personal action ability.


Silver bullet!

Just as the death knight flew out, an extremely accurate bullet just landed in the center of the death knight's brow. With its own rigidity and flying effect, the death knight in mid air gave a slight pause and fell directly from several floors.


Just as Jordan was wondering if he wanted to mend his knife, a chain with a flame spiraled up from the downstairs, whistling and tightly tying a stone pier.

Then, under the chain, the evil spirit knight ran up from the downstairs, turned into a skyrocketing figure, and landed on the top of the building.

"In the name of God, I condemn you!"

Rough with a trace of sacred voice, from the mouth of the evil spirit knight.

An evil spirit knight who escaped from hell is like a skeleton, surrounded by death, with the fire of hell, but he wants to punish God.

This is like the most absurd and uninhibited fable, which hides a kind of irony.

Jordan was all goose bumps stimulated by this sudden scene. Damon's acting skills are really good.

Whistling chain, like a serpent python, began to wind around Jordan.

Not far away, Jordan is full of bullets. Every bullet can hit the seven inch chain accurately and fly it away.

Silver bullet!

After breaking the chain in midair, Jordan is once again familiar with his new skills.

A bullet with silvery white light hit the target accurately and burst out a breath like holy light.

With the effect of flying, the evil spirit knight was almost involuntarily floating in the air, and the fire and power of his whole body were scattered in this moment.

Opportunity can not be missed, Jordan jumped on, a knee hit, the evil spirit Knight into the air.

Then, Jordan took out a huge Gatling from the space backpack, and a lot of bullets went up like a storm, drowning the evil spirit knight.

After a barrage of bullets, the evil knight was about to land, and a melon just landed.


Terrible waves and shrapnel impact, the evil spirit Knight directly blow up a few meters away.

After playing this set of continuous skills, Jordan felt that his whole life was complete. After many years, he finally played the continuous skills of roaming gunners.


At the time of Jordan's feeling, the evil spirit knight in the distance has got up again and sent out a furious roar to Jordan.

Even if there is no expression, the vocal cords are thick.

Jordan can also feel that the evil spirit Knight under the cover of the appearance of big dad, has been completely angry.

It's agreed to fight casually and then go to the aegis bureau to demolish the house. What does that mean.

"Hey, man, it's an accident. It's just an accident. My hand slipped," he said with a smile

The evil spirit Knight gave out a strange laugh, and his angry empty eyes were like gods, staring at Jordan's body. He threw the iron chain in his hand and formed a shield in front of him just like the propeller of a helicopter. Then he rushed madly in the direction of Jordan.

Don't blame me, Joe. I was just an accident. I slipped.

After the demons in his body were stripped, Damon really recovered his will, including his own thoughts when he became a Demon Knight.

But the clay figurine still has three points of fire, not to mention Damon's body is also hidden in a group of Hellfire.

Jordan looked at the spirit Knight's angry bull like collision, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, you're so strong, I won't lose a hair after two blows..."

"F.. K, are you serious?"

"Sheter, man, the fur under can't be burned. I live on them."