The light of the burst fire was dyed orange in mid air, and the splashed debris fell to the ground like a meteorite.

By this time, Jordan had rushed to Colson's side and knocked him down on the side of a car.

"Sheter, Colson, are you dying?"

Scattered iron shells and debris jump on the ground. Even in the back of the car, you can feel the explosion of the shock wave in the air.

At this time, Colson, first with a blank face, then casually touched on Jordan's body.

"F.. K, Colson, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Jovovich, where's your rocket launcher?"


Jordan looked at Colson with a question mark on his face and a look of concern for the mentally handicapped.

Not embarrassed at all, corsens said, "Mr. Jovovich, that was..."

Jordan finally understood Colson's question. He was shocked that Jordan exploded the whole vehicle with one shot.

Hellfire bullets, magic damage, and lethal fire.

It's not surprising that Jordan's shot blew up the whole vehicle in mid air.

But obviously this is not the time to explain. When the explosion subsided, Jordan turned over and shot a shower of bullets to stop the evil spirit knight from tens of meters away.

At the same time, Jordan said to Colson: "there is a hell king who has arranged evil spirits on Damon's body. I have asked someone to strip the evil spirits from Damon's body, but it's not easy for Damon to control the Hellfire left by the evil spirits. We need to find a strong enough place to trap the evil spirit knight, so that Damon can have time to control the Hellfire in his body."

Hell monarch, evil spirit possessed, Hellfire, evil spirit knight.

With a string of words similar to myth, Colson felt like he was living in a dream for a moment.

For seconds, Colson shook his head and said, "I know a place!"

Without looking back, Jordan said, "where?"

"It's an island between Brooklyn and New Jersey, which is a secret NASA research base, and it's not too far away," Colson said

Jordan frowned and said, "shall we fly over, sheter?"

Colson was obviously talking to Nick Frey through a headset, while the evil knight was standing on a thick SUV.

The Hellfire covered the cross-country vehicle. A huge skull impact angle extended from the front of the vehicle, and it started on its own.

Like riding the wind and breaking the waves, the skeleton chariot smashed the vehicles off the street and rushed towards Jordan and Colson with a crushing force.

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets hit the ghost knight on the skeleton chariot accurately.

Silver bullet with holy light magic damage instantly suppresses Hellfire on the evil spirit knight. The floating bullet is very powerful. The evil spirit Knight floats up in a short time and gets away from the skeleton chariot.

At the same time, Jordan rushed out like a cheetah, taking advantage of the Hellfire on the evil spirit knight.

Knee hit, roundabout kick, triple shot.

The evil spirit knight was hit in mid air, lost the Hellfire covered skeleton chariot, rushed out of the distance, restored to its original appearance, and hit the roadside.

For a moment, Damon has received the hint from Jordan.

After landing on the ground, Dimon's face showed half of his face, which was full of pain.

"Energy, i... ah, f.. K, Mephisto, get out of here..."

A highlight drama is about to be staged, but Dimon only says the beginning of the designed lines, and then rolls on the ground.

Even ordinary people can see that from time to time, the devil's figure will flash on Damon's body.

"What happened?"

Just then, Colson and Nick Frey just finished communication, came to Jordan's side, looking at this scene, some shocked, some curious asked.

"How do I know?"

Looking at Damon rolling on the ground, Jordan's face ached.

This actor!

It's totally different from the script designed by Jordan and Damon.

Originally, Jordan wanted to use Damon's mouth to test a wave of aegis, and to prepare for the future wash white, but Damon was tens of meters away from the script.

Just when Jordan was very depressed, Dimon's body suddenly burst into flames.

Then, Damon regained his human appearance, sat up in horror, and his eyes fell on Jordan's face. He immediately focused and said, "Joe, where's Mindy?"

"Ha?" Jordan's face was blank.

Damon was about to cry now. He turned over and grabbed Jordan's collar. His face burst into flames and turned into a skeleton, but his arms remained human.

"F.. K, here comes murphysto. He's going to find Mindy!"

It's not hard to guess. Even master Gu Yi warned Jordan and Damon before.

As the master of the evil spirit knight, Mephisto is bound to be extremely angry.

It was Mephisto who wanted to recover Damon's ability, but he was driven out of Damon's body. Even the emperor of hell may not be able to withstand the damage of Hellfire.

Otherwise, as a hell monarch, he would not be very angry for losing a little evil spirit.

If you can't get Damon, you'll get Damon's family. That's what Mephisto always does.

"Shette! Osborne building Jordan's face turned ugly in a moment.

At this time, Colson was also shocked by Damon's half skeleton and half human appearance. However, as an experienced agent, he guessed some bad things from the short words of Jordan and Damon.


A flame linked, Damon had turned over Jordan, demonized a roadside vehicle, left a line of fire, and rushed to Osborne building.

"Mr. Jovovich, I've informed officer Frey that your friend Cassian has evacuated from Osborne with Mindy!"

"No, Osborne building, pitero and Wanda, f.. K!"

Just as Jordan was anxiously looking for a usable vehicle, a hurricane was rolling, and a kungfu fighter had come to the low altitude in the sky.

"Joe, maybe you need a little help?" Clint said to Joe at the belly of the Kun fighter

Aegis is not good at nothing. Communication and reaction speed are absolutely fast.

By the time Damon recovered, Nick Frey had already sent a Kun fighter, picked up Clint, and headed for the battle site.


PS: I'm still trying to code, and I'm going to update it in the evening~