Clint is on the side wall of a church outside the banquet hall. He takes off his waist clasp and presses the button. Under the traction of a steel wire, he rises rapidly towards the roof.

In several blocks around the banquet hall, a large number of military and police officers have appeared, completely blocking the whole area.

"In the direction of the top of the building, send a helicopter to take photos..."

"Team two, take Arthur Avenue..."

Chaos and panic are the best cover.

An assassination, Jordan and Natasha in the chaos of the crowd, has not been found, but is outside the banquet hall Clint, the first to be found.

Manchester city is the ancient capital of England. It is not too big and there are not many tall buildings.

This time Manchester United Champions League banquet, there are a lot of police patrolling outside at any time, Clint did not expect, Manchester City, these police to come so quickly.

In the rapid galloping on the roof, Clint was not happy, pressed his headset and said: "Jovovich, you bastard, this is just a beheading operation, f.. K, now you've turned it into a terrorist action."

Shooting and bombing are very different cases.

The former is at most a premeditated assassination, while the latter can be defined in too many areas.

In the banquet hall, in addition to the members of the Manchester United team, more than one third of the guests are British dignitaries and celebrities, as well as a large number of celebrities, stars and models.

Jordan's six melons rolled down, even if there is no real bomb lethality, but it has been able to directly constitute a terrorist attack and explosion.

In the chaotic crowd, Natasha also had a pity on her face and said: "yes, concussion bombs can hurt people's head, eyes and ears. I don't know if C. Rowe and David will hurt them or not, and whether they will affect their future performance."

“F..k!” There was Clint's roar in his ear, saying, "you don't come to a good end, male and female dogs."

Along with the crowd, Jordan and Natasha have come to the courtyard door outside the banquet hall.

A large number of military, police and security personnel, each carrying a large firepower of weapons, with a scanning instrument, compared with the information database, compared with every crowd to the door.

"We seem to be in trouble," Natasha said

Jordan looked at the situation at the door, raised his eyebrows and said, "no, it's not too much trouble now."

After that, in the chaos of the crowd, Jordan turned and raised his hand. There was a magic pattern flashing on the white wedding dress. A silver bullet, with an arc, crossed the distance of 100 meters and landed on a bodyguard in the hall.


All of a sudden, the light damage explodes, and the one who was hit roars. The layers of scales split his clothes. The purple devil's tail and the black devil's corner grow fast.

"Despicable human magician, die!"

The demons who can disguise themselves as human beings are not cannon fodder even in hell. They are the middle and lower level demons with names and blood lineages.

The power is not much stronger than the cannon fodder in the devil, but it already has wisdom and can use some simple magic.

At the moment, the demon's disguise is broken by the light magic damage of the silver bullet. The demon roars and instantly locks down Jordan in the crowd.

In Jordan's hands, the white wedding dress, the magic lines fade, like falling rose petals in general.

Such a magical atmosphere, among countless people, is enough to let the devil lock in at a glance.


The devil soared, but in the twinkling of an eye, it had become a monster three meters high, with four feet and two hands, just like a beast. Where it passed, a large number of people were cut through a passage.

"Hey, officer, helpus, there's a monster coming."

The devil sprinted 100 meters. When he fired that shot, Jordan wrapped around Natasha and came to the door. His face was full of panic and fear. He pointed to the direction of the banquet hall.

At this time, the monster just finished its transformation.

In the chaos, a large number of people rushed out of the gate directly, while the other soldiers and policemen, regardless of others, ran behind the vehicles at the gate one after another, and a large number of guns aimed at the direction of the gate.


The huge iron gate and railings were scattered, and the devil rushed into a circle of police cars like a giant of war.

"Shoot, shoot!"

The roar with broken sound came from afar, accompanied by dense gunfire, a large number of bullets converged into a rainstorm, which blocked the devil at the door.

"The effect is good! This time Nick Frey's excuses are much easier to find. He'll thank us. "

From a long distance, Jordan looked at the gate, and there was a fierce firefight. A large number of people in the press rushed to the front, taking pictures, videos and even live broadcast.

Manchester United Champions League banquet, a large number of celebrities gathered.

Such a thing, in itself, is easy to attract a large number of sports news, entertainment news and other reporters on the waiting list. Now the fierce monster incident is completely detonated on the scene.

As Jordan said, this kind of thing is far more powerful than Langley Abu Dhabi's assassination.

Nick Frey will be much more relaxed at the end of the assassination of Jordan and others.

On the contrary, Natasha said with a smile: "I think director Frey would be even more reluctant to see the present situation."

The main responsibility of aegis is to deal with global abnormal events and extraordinary phenomena. Compared with an assassination case, Nick Frey wants to suppress the fact that this kind of demon is directly reported. He is afraid that he does not know how many resources to use and how many brain cells to die to make up stories.

Jordan took a look at the chaos in the rear and turned his head and said, "whatever, we just couldn't do it in the car. Natasha, we still have a long night to spend!"

Natasha did not give a weak wink and thought, "where's Clint?"

"Clint, who is Clint?" he said seriously

Natasha also laughed boldly and said, "who cares!"

In the middle of the night, in the suburb of Manchester, under the irradiation of a helicopter, Clint rode a motorcycle with a face full of madness in the streets and wild.

Listening to the sound from the earphone, Colin roared: "f.. K, male and female dogs, you have to die!"

Manchester this night, sleepless all night.

And not only that, all over Europe, London, Paris, Berlin, Venice, Vienna, and so on, big or small, almost everywhere there are battles.

This is the final battle between aegis and Tianyan with undead and Hydra after all the intelligence gathered for more than half a year.