Zhang Wuji's mother is right. Beautiful women can't believe it. They are more cruel than each other.

Fortunately, Jennie has some sense of propriety. She just takes care of Wanda and Pietro. She sends a few thieves around them and keeps them close to some people.

Jordan was heartbroken, but helpless.

Lishihua mansion is less than 40 million yuan. It was bought by Wanda and pitero at a premium. At this time, if you sell it again, you don't know how much to lose.

After using the Italian gun to teach the money goblin a lesson, Jordan's attention was attracted by the latest news about Tony Stark.

Half a year ago, Jordan, Damon, aegis and others worked together to encircle Mephisto's demons in Ohio.

During this period, aegis contacted stark industries and launched a Jericho missile, which was powerful and attracted the attention of the military.

According to the military's plan, it was originally planned that the upgrading of weapons and equipment would be carried out in 2008, one year and four months later.

However, the strength and superiority of Jericho missiles have greatly moved the military.

In particular, the US garrison in the Middle East, because of the unfavorable war situation, has repeatedly submitted petitions and decided to send a large amount of military expenditure in advance to introduce Jericho missiles to the Middle East as a deterrent.

Under such circumstances, Tony Stark joined the Jericho missile demonstration program in the Middle East during his trip.

After seeing this news, Jordan is the whole person, who has a feeling of being ignorant.

Tony Stark's trip to the Middle East, under his own influence, is nearly a year and a half ahead of schedule. Jordan doesn't know whether it will lead to the complete disappearance of iron man in Marvel world.

The butterfly effect, Jordan finally understood what the word means.

According to the truth, the operation of everything will not be affected without anyone. But if iron man, one of the three giants of the women's Federation, is gone, who knows what the world will be like in the future.

It's a matter of military procurement and weapons replacement. Jordan certainly can't influence it.

Thinking about it for several days, just as Jordan was ready to let it go, he suddenly received a message from Los Angeles International Airport.

"The account has ordered two tickets from Los Angeles to Kuwait City, the flight..."

Jordan, needless to say, knows that these two tickets must have been ordered by Wanda and Pietro.

Life is full of fright, there are so two bear children do younger brother and sister, even if it is not his own, Jordan also feel that his last life, no, it must have done a great sin.

It was obviously not Jennie's idea for them, because it was so stupid.

The military didn't give a specific weapon test site in the news. When they were discredited, the two tiehanhan were ready to go to the Middle East to assassinate Tony Stark. I'm afraid they were a little bit gone with the wind.

After having extraordinary ability, it's normal to have such a state of mind.

Jordan wants to take the two bear kids back and teach them a lesson, but after thinking about it for a long time, Jordan still decides to let them play a role and follow them until nothing happens.

In the half year battle in Europe, since Jordan's physical fitness reached 10 times that of the human body, that is, level 40, his own evolution seems to have stopped.

At the port of Latvian, Jordan killed Marcus and William, the two forefathers of undead creatures, but his own experience did not increase at all.

According to Gu Yi, his evolution is somewhat similar to that of the Athar.

In the future, if he wants to continue to improve his strength, most likely, he will have to deal with the Assa Protoss of asgardna. For Wanda and pitero, he can't take care of them.

Now Wanda and Pietro are determined to assassinate Tony Stark.

Take this opportunity, let two people grow up, is the best choice.

What's more, there is a saying that blocking is better than sparing. In case they have something to do in the future, they will make trouble again. If they are not around, there will be some things that they regret later, which will make them even worse.

Now that the decision has been made, Jordan has made a reservation for a ticket to Kuwait City in three days, so he turns his eyes to stark industries.

Under the butterfly effect, some things will change, but people will not.

The birth of iron man, in fact, stems from the greed of Tony Stark's bald uncle.

Jordan also doesn't know whether Tony Stark's trip to the Middle East will have any problems. All he can do is to investigate the details of Obadiah Stan from the underground world.

New York Continental Hotel, rooftop garden.

I haven't seen you for a long time. Winston is still like an old gentleman. After seeing the arrival of Jordan, he didn't have the previous support. He quickly took off his glasses and welcomed him.

"Joe, long time no see!"

Strength brings status.

Jordan's battles in Budapest, Europe, Ohio and other places may be able to hide from the general public, but not from those who want to know.

The underground world is dark and dark, but after all, it is the shadow of light in the whole world.

As the controller of New York Continental Hotel for more than 20 years, Winston will not be able to grasp the network and sphere of influence less than the governor of New York.

Jordan has never seen the power of the underground world. He hugged and exchanged greetings with Winston.

After the greeting, Jordan said, "Winston, I want to know something about the Shijie Gang, such as contact information, trading channels, etc..."

As usual, Winston baked cigars and handed one to Jordan, as if without any fluctuation.

When he lit his cigar and took a couple of puffs, Winston said, "cigars are good things. It's a pity that people can't enjoy them when they get old."

"Joe, the Shijie Gang is too complicated. Believe me, you don't want to provoke them."

Jordan's fingertips beat on the table, thinking about what Winston meant.

Unlike other people, Winston, an old man, always hides a lot of things in every sentence and never leaves any handle.

After a little thought, Jordan said, "Winston, I don't know many people in the Council. I can't help you with the change of the mainland Hotel, but I owe you a favor. How about that?"

Winston laughed and said, "Joe, I can't say too much about the Shijie Gang, but I have an old man. You can get in touch with him."