"Remember, the essence of power is for us. If you want to be a strong man, the first thing you need to do is to understand yourself and master the power you use."

"There is no other way to master this power, only practice makes perfect."

"You two are very powerful, but that's not enough..."

If he is a teacher of learning, he must be far from being a teacher. But if he only talks about the use of power and the improvement of combat effectiveness, he can educate Wanda and Pietro.

The system template in Jordan's mind is a vivid example.

A lot of skills, the use of a lot of strength, step-by-step continuous training, the formation of conditioned reflex, just like the existence of skills, is a very clever way to use strength.

Pitero's ability is very strong. It's just developed. After its speed burst out, it can reach a speed of nearly 50 meters per second, and it can take up the shadow when running.

But oddly enough, with such speed, pitero's physical quality is only two or three times that of ordinary people.

It's like all of petro's talents are focused on speed.

Speed is not only strength, but also the recoil of strength, which leads to the vast majority of pitero, who only dares to run around with speed, but dare not attack casually. At most, that is to say, to push a person or to lead a person to a somersault.

For pitero's ability, Jordan doesn't have a good training method, just focuses on enhancing the other side's reaction ability.

As for attack, in Jordan's view, speed is the strongest attack.

With two full moon cutlasses, petro is almost invincible as long as he runs all the way and cuts along the speed.

When you go back and wait for the success of spider medicament research, you can also try to tailor a spider serum medicament for pitero. There is no need for other increases. As long as you can master the spider's sensing ability, the bear man will be able to start his career.

The trouble is Wanda.

Unlike Pietro's external ability, Wanda's ability, which is close to nothingness, is something that can't be seen or touched. It's all controlled by spirit.

In this respect, Jordan is not good at, or has no experience at all.

If he had a chance, he would send Wanda to master Guyi and ask him to help him teach. But since Mephisto happened, master Guyi has not been in the holy place for a long time.

Jordan doesn't know when the hell dimension invasion will be solved.

So now, what Jordan can teach about pitero and Wanda is something about fighting, physical fitness, experience and so on.

A lot of mechanical practice, let two people have their own strength, skilled control.

In this respect, Jordan also has a lot of experience.

While Jordan was training for pitero and Wanda, a private plane also landed in the airport of Kuwait City.

Tony Stark's ultimate destination is Afghanistan.

However, the situation in the Middle East is complicated. In some dangerous and chaotic areas, let alone Tony Stark's private aircraft, even the aircraft of the US military may be shot down from the sky by a rocket at any time.

Kuwait is a transit place. Tony Stark will stay here for one night, and then be escorted by the military to Afghanistan by land. After the contract is signed, he will transfer to a private plane and go back to the United States.

There are three days for the whole trip.

In addition to his contract with the military, Tony Stark, chairman of stark industries, has two banquets and three business negotiations in Kuwait.

Most of these things happened by the way. At this time, Tony Stark was a qualified businessman, although he was wild and uninhibited.

Towards evening, the plane landed.

In a luxury team, Tony Stark holds two beauties with Middle East style, and the powerful music in the car resounds.

Opposite Tony Stark, a black officer in military uniform had a serious face.

"Tony, you should keep a low profile. This is the Middle East. Out of this city, many places are war zones..."

"Hey, James, it's Middle East party time. Relax, OK?"

"No, Tony, you don't understand what I'm saying. We've received intelligence that the deal won't go well. Some people don't want you to sign the current contract with the military."

"So does our Captain James need my protection?"


Poop, poop!

Just as Tony Stark and the black officer were talking, there was a dull noise on the window of the car, and several white marks appeared.

Bulletproof glass, and the quality is very good.

The motorcade on the street did not stop at all. Instead, it accelerated towards the military reception site.

At the same time, in the rear of the convoy, more than a dozen military vehicles stopped in the screeching sound of brakes, and a large number of fully armed soldiers began to surround the vehicles, to guard against and block the streets.

However, at this time, the Rockets with fire lines and white smoke came from the streets in all directions.

A wave of rockets washed the ground, but in an instant, dozens of people who were killed by the rice army were all submerged by the fire.

"Who are these people, sheter?"

Among the luxury cars, Tony Stark, with a toad mirror and a beautiful woman, was shocked by the sudden attack.


Without waiting for Tony Stark to respond, a rocket hit the vehicle in front of him.

The luxury car suddenly stopped on the street, and the remaining Mi Jun soldiers in the motorcade quickly came to the side of the luxury car. Relying on the vehicles, they formed a defense circle.

"Pay attention to the commanding heights and be prepared for snipers."

"Signalman, contact headquarters and ask them to send someone to rescue."

"Fire point, block the perimeter, no one is allowed to get near."

"Tony, listen, I've activated your and my location-based distress signal in three minutes..."


When the black officer on the bus was telling Tony Stark, two more rockets with whistles went straight into the front of the car where they were.

A burst of shock wave burst open, Tony Stark in panic and fear, in front of a dark, has been completely unconscious in the past.

Until this time, a group of armed men in Middle East folk costumes and face masks rushed into the street without entanglement with the rest of the soldiers. After grabbing Tony Stark, they soon retreated in the noise of gunfire.