The MI army is very powerful, but in terms of information channels and means, it is much more rigid.

Jordan didn't bring many people, only Wanda, pitero and James. When they arrived at the market town, they just made a casual inquiry and went straight to a hidden alley.

This is the gathering place of a group of dark forces in the market town, such as ruffians, thieves, robbers, etc.

It's not too hard to deal with such a group of people.

Just half an hour later, in the middle of an old courtyard, Jordan pulled two wires and came to a mustache tied to a table.

It's not because the other person's beard is too ugly, but because the other person knows English.


Without saying a word, Jordan put two nails directly into the thigh of the bearded man.

For a moment, the beard let out a series of painful howls, and then there was a growl in his mouth.

Jordan didn't pay attention, but wrapped two wires on the nail on mustache's leg.

"Shh, be quiet. I'll explain to you the function of these two wires. It's a very simple parallel loop. I'll ask you a question and you can answer it. If you are not honest, I'll pull the switch and there will be current coming. It may not be very pleasant, but I believe you can handle it three times..."

"F.. K, do you know who you have offended? I am..."


For this kind of hun hun's temperament, Jordan is really very familiar, not waiting for the other party to finish, directly executed.

About twenty seconds later, Jordan turned off the switch.

At this time, the beard tied to the chair was smoking all over the head, salivating all over the floor, and a little incontinence. The expression on his face was extremely painful.

Jordan stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of mustache's eyes to make him concentrate. He said: "obviously, your answer is wrong. This kind of electrocution is actually very rough. Three times is the limit of human body. After more than three times, you will probably die of congested heart. So I'll give you another chance. Do you want to think about it?"

Seeing that Jordan was about to reach out to pull the switch again, the big beard shed tears and nodded wildly.

Jordani laughed and said, "where is the nearest stronghold of Shijie Gang?"

"Here, this is it," he said

"Three days ago, in Kuwait, the Shijie Gang kidnapped a rich man from the United States named Tony Stark. Where is he now?" he said

Bearded face floor fear, seems to pause, ready to say something.

But before he opened his mouth, Jordan had pulled the switch directly, and there was another fierce cry in the room.

Twenty seconds later, Jordan turned off the switch and said, "I guess you'll lie, so I'll give you a little warning in advance. You have another chance!"

Mustache glared and gasped. His face was full of tears and snot. He didn't know how many times he had scolded Ma raefak.

Jordan did not say a word, quietly waiting for the other party to recover, about a minute later, Jordan just asked again: "where is Tony Stark?"

This time, bearded completely lost his courage and said, "70 kilometers to the East, there is a village. I'm just a minion. Only the members of the core organization there know about the real event."

Jordan's face was a little ugly and he sighed.

Bearded instinct yelled: "I really don't know, please, don't..."

It's no use begging for mercy. In order to avoid the leakage of information, neither Jordan nor James will allow the members of the Ten Commandments Gang here to live.

After finishing the Ten Commandments gang members here, four of them, Jordan, went to the small village as bearded said.

On the way to the small village in the desert, there was some silence.

James is OK, but Wanda and Pietro are a little pale.

For a long time, Jordan sat in the front row of the car and said, "that's why I don't want you to get in touch with the killing. If you have blood on your hands, people will become ferocious..."

Wanda and Pietro have not seen killing and death.

But this time it's different. There's no reason or pity. It's just that these people are involved in the Shijie gang and afraid of information leakage, so they are all killed.

As Jordan once said, it's not something to be proud of.

From the bottom of my heart, Jordan is still the little townsman in his last life. Although he often talks about the glory of a killer, in fact, he doesn't want to be seen as cruel and cruel.

Wanda, a little anxious, took Jordan's arm.

Pitero is more extreme, said: "Joe, it's not your fault, those people are thieves, criminals..."

Jordan suddenly turned his head and said, "Pietro, don't argue. I'm a killer, and you may also be exposed to fighting and killing in the future. I just hope that you won't become indifferent because of this. Those are lives."

After that, Jordan stopped talking and the car fell into silence again.

For a while, James suddenly turned to look at Jordan and said, "you're not a good man, but you're a qualified brother."

In the back of the car, Wanda and Pietro trembled slightly, while Jordan laughed, changed his posture, and still didn't say a word.

What James said is exactly what Jordan is struggling with.

Jordan wants Wanda and pitero to grow up and have the ability and disposition to protect themselves. But from the standpoint of a brother, Jordan doesn't want Wanda and pitero to be like him.

The feeling of killing people is not good.

The education of Wanda and pitero was just a small episode. Along the way, the vehicles soon came to the desert village.

Different from the market town near the garrison base, it is already deep in the desert, and the influence of both the Afghan authorities and the rice army is almost unknown.

In this village, more than 90% of the people are members of the Shijie gang.

Unlike members of the underground world elsewhere in the world, members of the Shijie gang are almost a complete bandit army and standard terrorists.

After inquiring about the situation of the village outside, Jordan did not let James, Wanda and Pietro participate in the next operation.

The location of Tony Stark's kidnapping hasn't been determined yet. It's enough for Jordan to sneak in and interrogate information alone.