"Tony, my great nephew, what are you hiding from? I'm your uncle Obadiah!"

"Don't hide, uncle loves you..."

In the middle of the battlefield, the scene is a little amazing.

Tony Stark's armor is small and flexible, but it is not as strong and powerful as the iron overlord. Coupled with the lack of energy and ammunition, Tony Stark is almost pressed on the road by the iron overlord, constantly rubbing.

After helping to lift some huge rubble and rescue the last two injured people trapped in the ruins, Jordan quickly handed over the rest of the rescue work to Heidi, Ethan, and a large number of police.

Floating bomb!

Seeing that Tony Stark's armor on the main road was all faded, Jordan niten didn't hesitate to raise his hand, but a bullet fell on the iron overlord.

The power of floating bomb is general, but it has a lot of magic binding and floating power.

If it's for Gu Yi or mieba, Jordan's floating bomb may not be very useful, but for tieba, it's enough to limit the opponent's action for a second or two.

"What is this, shette?"

The iron overlord was bound, floating slightly, and Obadiah Stanton roared.

At the same time, Tony Stark also took the opportunity to get rid of the iron overlord's hands, floating slightly in the air, and ejected a few armor piercing bullets from his shoulders. With the rapid smoke of gunpowder, he accurately killed the iron overlord's whole body.

However, a few armour piercing bullets were OK against ordinary people. They fell on the thick iron lump like tiebawang. They just thought a few times.

The floating power disappears, and the iron overlord recovers his action ability again. When he lands, he comes to Jordan with Tony Stark's harassment attack. He wants to kill him on the spot.

Bang bang!

Looking at the iron overlord actually killed himself, Jordan was stunned for a moment, and then transferred, while a large number of bullets fell on the iron overlord.

Unfortunately, in addition to the control skills such as floating bomb and triple control, other skills, even the most powerful multiple burst, can't break the opponent's defense.

Triple control!

Long range attack, Jordan simply can't help the other side, simply a bite, directly play the strongest control skills, while the other side is entangled by energy, the whole person does not retreat but advance, just like a tiger, came to the iron overlord.

I really think I'm afraid of you.

Knee bump, roundabout kick, death revolver, lethal shooting, a series of physical skills and shooting skills, iron overlord was just hit a few small holes.

After all, it's flesh and blood. Even if it's ten times stronger, it can't compete with several inches of titanium alloy.

This is the first time that Jordan has encountered this kind of helpless existence in the battle. The roaming gunner's iron knee is red and swollen now.

If you are big and powerful, you can be a good judge.

Jordan and Tony Stark join hands to face the iron overlord with only one arm left, but they are also in a hurry and feel a bit suppressed.

Lack of attack, which is the most embarrassing place for Jordan and Tony Stark.

This iron overlord is just a few bastards. His defense is too strong.

Even in the face of Mephisto's demonic separation, Jordan is not so difficult.

After round after round of fighting and destruction, Tony Stark was more anxious than Joe Denny. After he was hit by iron overlord again, he watched the armor energy getting lower and lower, and his heart was about to take iron overlord to the sky.

"Tony, I need your help!"

Just as Tony Stark is ready to launch a taunt and start to act, Jordan yells at Tony Stark in the midst of a fierce battle.

If you drag on like this, you'll be dragged to death sooner or later.


"Two seconds, I need at least two seconds!"



Tony Stark answered, and then shot the plume directly, just like a shell, directly hit the iron overlord, which consumed little energy left. Two energy cannons knocked him down in succession, and then quickly bullied him to the ground.

At the same time, Jordan has also quickly come to the vicinity of the iron overlord, adrenaline full open, hand speed play to the limit, silver bullets, three rounds, lethal shooting, multiple head, Hellfire bullets.

It's full blast, and it's a continuous shot at close range.

In this way, the iron overlord's chest was abruptly punched with a gap.


The last shot into the gap, the iron overlord, who was still struggling, suddenly stopped.

After a big war, Jordan felt that he had not been so hard since he started his career. A lot of physical exertion made him sit in the ruins and gasp for breath.

"Hey, how are you?"

Tony Stark flicked open his face armor. The connection was a little loose. He took it off directly. His forehead was bleeding and he looked at Jordan.

"I can't die!"

Jordan waved his hand, but his mind was a little confused.

This should be the beginning of the era of superheroes. It seems that the future villains are becoming more and more abnormal.

A year ago, Jordan was able to run across New York with the strength of ordinary people. Half a year ago, with a white wedding dress in his hand, he could push Mephisto's world of demons, vampires and werewolves.

Now, facing an iron overlord, it's hard to get to this point. The world is deteriorating.

If you don't make progress, I'm afraid you will be reduced to the same level as the little transparent eagle eye in the future.

More and more police and people began to come to the battlefield. After a two minute rest, Jordan quickly got up and said to Tony Stark, "is there a place to rest?"

Tony Stark, with a cool face, said, "of course, I'm Tony Stark, a billionaire..."

Jordan searched through the ruins for a while, picked up the devil's Potion box lost in the chaos, and said: "then say goodbye. The black guy who will come later is not easy to talk!"

Now Heidi and Ethan have come over.

Jordan handed Ethan the box directly, then with a look of serious injury and dying, he walked two steps and leaned directly against Heidi's arms.

Tony Stark's words were interrupted, looking at the scene in front of him, he was even more stunned. He immediately changed his words and said, "where are you going?"

Jordan, Denny and Ethan hunt are not as good as death.

This piece of ruins is their own safe house, which is invested by individuals. There is no such thing as misappropriating public funds and being unable to trace. This is gone.

Jordan is also some egg pain, helpless way: "or go to my house first!"

Tony Stark followed quickly and said, "I've decided to give you face. Let's go together. Well, what do you call this beautiful woman? I'm Tony Stark!"

Jordani: "it's..."