Betty Rossby has more to do with it than Jordan and Decker imagine.

On the one hand, Betty is really a kind person, on the other hand, the consequences of the popularization of the devil's Potion are really frightening.

If general Ross really wants to popularize the potion in the whole army, few people can afford the result.

The purpose of jordani and dyke is to save people and destroy the cooperation between Aidian organization and the military. They don't mean to hurt general Ross, which is not bad for Betty Ross.

In the eyes of Jordan and dyke, Leonard had to pick up the phone and dial general Ross's number.

After a short time, the call was put through quickly.

"Hello, is that general Ross? I'm Leonard Samson, Betty's boyfriend... "

"I'm very busy. I don't have time to listen to you!"

"Well, well, I recently found out that Betty has a lot of contact with a man who looks like a wanted man in the military, Bruce Benner..."

"Where are you now? Where is Betty and the man? "

"Just across from where I live, there's a bar. The address is..."

The phone soon hung up, and before even through the phone, Jordan and others can also recognize the impatience and excitement in general Ross's words.

With Bruce Benner as the lead, you'll never worry about general Ross.

Looking at Leonard's face trembling, Jordan patted each other on the shoulder and said, "well done. If general Ross comes, you should know how to do it?"

Leonard nodded wildly and said, "understand, understand!"

After Leonard is finished, Jordan turns to look at Decker and Betty and says, "Decker, you can go to Calver's lab now. After Heidi and Ethan are rescued, you can withdraw as soon as possible. We can talk about the cooperation between the Aidian organization and the military later."

"As for us, Miss Betty, it's time to go to the bar."

Leonard's role is so much, it is enough to cheat general Ross out, and Jordan is the real candidate to disguise Bruce Banner.

It doesn't need to be meticulous. It's enough to hold general Ross for a moment.

Half an hour later, in a bar with mostly wooden furniture.

In front of the bar, Jordan wore a cap and deliberately showed half of his body, but covered his face tightly and pretended to be intimate with Betty Ross.

In a car outside the bar, several soldiers in military uniform looked strange.

"Is this man sure it's Bruce Benner? It seems that the data is higher! "

"I think so. I heard that general Ross's daughter was Bruce Benner's boyfriend. They were so close."

"Then report it to the police."

With an intelligence transmission to the military Laboratory of Calver University, soon, an armed helicopter took off from Calver University.

At the same time, more than a dozen military vehicles loaded with guns and ammunition entered a military camp near New York, forming a long motorcade towards the bar where Jordan and Betty were.

"Joe, the men in the military lab are on the move!"

In the bar, in Jordan's hidden headset, Dyke's voice soon came.

Jordan slightly adjusted his sitting posture, lowered his voice, said: "Decker, after you get it, retreat to the predetermined location, pay attention to safety."

The plan went better than expected.

Betty naturally heard the conversation between Jordan and dyke, hesitated for a moment, and said, "what about the devil potion? My father, he... "

Even if the concept is not the same, but after all, it is the biological father and daughter.

Considering the cooperation between Aidian organization and the military, Betty is still worried about her father's safety.

Jordan frowned and said, "I can give you the information about the devil's Potion. If you think it's necessary, I can even go to see your father with you."

If there is enough information to prove the danger of devil's Potion, as long as Ross is not a fool, he will be on guard against Aidian organization.

Betty took the information from Jordan, paused and said, "this is enough."

After that, there was some silence between Jordan and Betty.

At the same time, on the upper floor of the bar, the gray haired bar owner pushed the door to a bedroom.

In the room, a man in sloppy clothes, rough appearance, but with gentle temperament, like a baby, curled up in a corner of the bed.

Obviously, there is a great lack of security in this man.

The barman sighed, then woke up the other party, slightly excited, and said, "Bruce, your lucky day is coming!"

The man who was woken up was a little alert for the first time, then he settled down and put on his glasses.

The barman shook his head, pulled each other up, walked downstairs and said, "Bruce, look who's here!"



Looking at Betty Ross standing up suddenly and running towards a polite man with glasses, although there is no sad feeling of being robbed of a girl by someone, there is still a pain in his heart.

Is there such a coincidence that I happened to meet Bruce Benner in a random bar.

Konima, now general Ross is encircling here.

"Cough!" Thinking of this, Jordan had to interrupt the couple and said, "this is Mr. Bruce Banner, Miss Betty. Your father should be here soon."

Sure enough, Betty's face changed a lot after being reminded by Jordan.

In an instant, Betty pulled up Bruce Banner and said anxiously, "Bruce, you hide quickly..."

Just then, Jordan turned his head to the street and said, "it's too late!"

The next moment, on a road outside the street, you can see a group of military vehicles coming towards the bar. In addition, in a truck outside the bar, three soldiers in military uniforms rushed towards the bar.

General Ross's scouts outside the bar have discovered Bruce Banner.

Jordan took a look at the soldier coming, spoke to Betty and Bruce, and said, "I'll stop these soldiers, you two, run!"

Anyway, Bruce Banner was exposed because of the reasons of Jordan and dyke.

Although Jordan doesn't want to have any conflict with the military, he can't just watch Bruce Banner get caught.

What's more, if Bruce Benner is mad, turning into a hulk or something, isn't he guilty?


PS: happy National Day, in this jubilant day, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a subscription~