General Ross is not a good man, but his daughter is obedient, kind and brave.

Not everyone has the courage to have a boyfriend like Bruce Benner, let alone fight against his father for such a boyfriend.

Betty Rose's shot in the air, the success of the school gate caused a lot of riots.

Thousands of students and faculty members immediately left more than ten soldiers in disorder. Even though there were a large number of soldiers guarding outside the school gate, some of them forced their way out.

However, under such disturbances, crowding and trampling are also very serious.

Bruce Benner soon disappeared, and Jordan took the opportunity to hold Heidi, as the mainstay, to keep all the people out.

"What do we do now?

Heidi and Jordan were a little far away from the school gate. The riot lasted for less than two minutes. Surrounded by a large number of soldiers, a certain degree of order was soon restored.

Dyke and Ethan are old timers. They are close to the school gate. At the first time of the riot, they have rushed out.

Jordan watched a large number of soldiers block the crowd, and a convoy began to rush into the school. He still hugged Heidi and said, "wait a minute, the military can't block the crowd all the time and don't let it out."

The riot in the crowd gradually subsided. Heidi struggled in Jordan's arms for a while, but couldn't get rid of it. He said, "should you let me go now?"

"No, Heidi, I'm the best friend of dyke, and you're Dyke's sister. I can't let you get hurt in the slightest bit," he said

Heidi rolled her eyes and was about to say something when a woman in the crowd suddenly approached them.

Unlike Bruce Banner, who ran away in the chaos, Betty rose was at the center of the chaos when the riot happened. Although she was not caught by the soldiers, she could not get out of the crowd.

In the crowd was coerced around several times, Betty rose found after Jordan, came to Jordan and Heidi two people.

Just as Heidi was about to reason with Jordan, Betty Ross grabbed him and said, "Sir, help me and Bruce."

Now Betty Ross, struggling with hope.

It's like a drowning man who catches the last straw to save his life and seizes Jordan's arm to death. There's a big disagreement and it's about to explode.

Before Jordan said a word, Betty begged again: "yesterday at the bar, I did everything you asked me to do. You owe me that."

Don't talk nonsense. I didn't.

Betty rose said something to help Jordan and dyke attract general Rose's attention. After hearing this, Heidi sneered and broke away from Jordan's arms.

"Betty, you have to let go of me first. Bruce will be fine..." he said

Betty Ross said, "help me, help Bruce, please!"

Looking at the soldiers who had noticed the movement in the distance, Jordan had a feeling of being ruined and said, "Betty, I'll help you. We've been noticed. Let's get out of here first."

After he agreed to Betty, Jordan was very comfortable. He grabbed Betty's little hand again and took them with him. It was like squeezing in the middle of the campus.

"Dyke and Ethan, you two need to find a place to hide. Heidi and I will find you when we get away..."

"Norman, I need your help..."

"James, it's me. You owe me. It's time to pay it back!"

"Shetter, Tony? I heard that you have something to do with the military... Yes, I'm here at Culver University... "

Those big soldiers behind, have found the clue, began to chase three people from the crowd.

At this time, Jordan felt more and more uneasy and contacted all the people he could contact.

This uneasiness is not an illusion.

After being given the real name of death by old man Odin, Jordan's sense of danger is more sensitive than before. This time, his uneasiness is unprecedented.

“Stop! If we don't stop, we'll shoot! "

The crowd was crowded. Jordan and Heidi, with Betty Ross as a tow bottle, couldn't walk too fast. They were soon surrounded by a large number of soldiers.

Around Jordan, Heidi's palms began to heat up.

"There's no need to do that," he said, giving each other a reassuring look

After stopping Heidi, Jordan pointed to the sky. There was a news TV helicopter in the sky. It was taking aerial photos of the situation below.

Not to mention the destructive power of Heidi after transformation, the consequences of fighting with the military in public alone are enough to make Jordan and Heidi unbearable.

Jordan and Heidi didn't resist. Because of Betty Ross, they were quickly taken into a military vehicle.

The military vehicles ran rampant in the campus. In a short time, they came to a huge playground. At the edge of the playground, general Ross with white hair was commanding something.

The three were taken to general Ross.

After a while, general Rose's attention shifted from the signalman to the three men, first from the two men, and finally looked at Betty rose and said, "do you know what you're doing? Do you know that your behavior today is enough to send you to the military court? "

"You don't have to say that," said Betty, with an angry look on her face

General Ross trembled and yelled, "I'm your father. Is that how you talk to me?"

Betty sneered and said, "no, of course you're not..."

"Enough, take her down!" Rose directly roared, interrupted each other's words, like a furious lion, looked at Jordan and Heidi, said: "Jordan Jovovich is not small, in such a short time, can find so many big people to intercede for you."

"General Ross, I don't mean to offend you. I just have to!" he said with a modest smile

General Ross laughed and said, "what about her? Her strength belongs to the military. You can't find a few lobbyists to take people away. "

Jordan frowned and thought, "I have some shares in the Osborne space lab. general Ross should know what's in that lab?"

General Ross laughed strangely and said, "do you want to exchange shares for her? That's a great asset

Jordan also laughed and said: "if general Ross agrees, can we leave? My girlfriend and I have no intention to fight against the military. Before, it was just because of Aidian organization..."

Just as Joe Denny was talking, Betty, not far away, suddenly yelled again and said, "Jovovich, I don't agree. Bruce's blood is for you to help him out."

Suddenly, general Ross's face changed.

Jordan's face was full of pain and looked at the already crazy Betty rose. His heart was full of a kind of love.