The strength of hatred lies not in its strength and resilience, but in its soberness compared with Hawke, which is the most difficult point to deal with.

Because of this, there are two and a half long streets in Manhattan, which have been baptised like destruction.

At the end of the battle, the whole street was filled with smoke, flames, ruins and bullet marks. In addition, there were soldiers who gathered the bodies of their comrades in arms and people who cried in panic.

At the end of the battle, hawk changed back to Bruce Benner, a little sad but helpless.

Tony, however, didn't stop, dressed in ragged armour, and went all over the battlefield to save people.

This scene, I have to say, touched Jordan a little bit.

Many tragic events, just heard and seen in the TV news, will never have too much feeling. Only by personal contact and personal experience can we touch the awe that erupts in crisis.

Fear life and death.

It's different from Jordan's previous battles.

Most of the battles that Jordan experienced were aimed at the enemy and soldiers. Even if they were affected, there would not be much movement.

This time, it was different. Hatred was stronger than iron overlord.

Especially after the emergence of hawk, the fighting and fighting between the two big men, each punch and each foot, are almost gun level power.

"Let's leave. When the military responds, there will be trouble..."

Just as Jordan stood in the same place, looking at the tragic scene on the long street, dyke, Heidi and Ethan appeared beside him.


"Needless to say!"

Dyke and Ethan had something else to say. Jordan turned his head quickly, forced a smile and waved his hand.

This is not the first time for Jordan to face the destruction, nor the first time for Jordan to face the death of civilians. It's just that Jordan feels the joy of death and the counterattack from life for the first time in this tragic scene.

Jordan's power is increasing, and death's power is rapidly recovering, even expanding.

Finally, looking at the long street, Jordan turned his head, looked at the three people and said, "I'm ok. I'm just a little tired. My home is not far ahead. I think Tony's decoration should be almost done!"

Ethan and Heidi have been to Jordan's house, and Decker is here for the first time.

Compared with the decoration style presided over by Natasha, Tony's taste is better. Of course, it is also possible that the other party is willing to pay for a designer. The material is more novel and expensive, and there are more technological creations.

The only thing that annoys Jordan is that his two-story mansion with several hundred square meters was shamefully bought by Tony and completely wrapped in a small corner.

You deserve to be poisoned.

After returning home, Jordan didn't say too much to the three. He went back to the room and fell into bed.

It was the first time that Jordan fought fiercely after he had the real name of death.

In terms of combat effectiveness, there is no doubt that Jordan is more powerful than ever. Even if he hated this level of boss, he was rubbed by Jordan when he didn't pay attention at the beginning.

It's a surprise for Jordan, but there's also something that scares him.

While fighting, Jordan didn't feel it.

Just now, after the battle, Jordan saw the souls on the long street, the souls of those innocent people who died in the battle.

Even, Jordan can easily feel the cry and despair of those souls through death.

For the first time, Jordan realized that maybe the power is too powerful and magical, which is not a good thing. This makes Jordan feel the pain of empathy.

It's rare that Jordan had a nightmare.

When was the last time he had nightmares? Jordan can't remember clearly. It's like when he was first trained to be a dog, beaten black and blue, and forced to face the killing at Roma training camp.

In his muddle, Jordan felt that he had fallen into the darkness.

In the dark world, there is no light, no sound, no heat or cold, but Jordan himself has a kind of consciousness that seems to be sleeping but not sleeping, and waking but not waking.

Jordan struggled, but he couldn't feel his hands and feet.

Jordan yelled, but he couldn't hear anything.

Jordan wants to open his eyes, only to find that he seems to have no eyes.

Suddenly woke up, Jordan wants to break away from the endless darkness, but can only feel the empty rotation of thinking, nothing else.

It's like despair, it's like falling into an abyss.

From the beginning of panic, panic, struggle, to gradually calm down, calm self-help, and then to unprecedented numbness.

Even, Jordan can feel that his thinking is getting slower and slower. What he once cared about and didn't care about has all become indifferent. His consciousness is drying up, returning to silence and eternal darkness.

All of a sudden, a strange idea came up to him. Maybe it was death itself.

As soon as this idea rose, Jordan began to feel that there was a kind of cool, gentle breath, like a gurgling stream, pouring into his consciousness.

Jordan's mind began to become active again. Memory was returning and feeling was returning.

After a long time, Jordan felt a ray of light. To be exact, it was not light, but a kind of light, not clear and dark, not tonal.

Jordan had no reason for a surprise, reached for his face.

Then, Jordan saw his hands, even his eyes and face, until he saw himself as a whole.

It's not God's perspective, it's Jordan standing there and seeing himself.

Trapped in the abyss of despair, I don't know how long, Jordan instinctively began to run, jump, want to get out of the abyss cage.

Running up, Jordan was suddenly awakened.

I am a light, the shining light that reflects everything. The so-called eyes and hands are just what I want to see.

In addition, there is nothing else in the endless abyss world.

Is it hard to cross again? May be through to the world of chaos?

With the strange idea of light, Jordan began to walk indefatigably in the abyss world. Later, Jordan felt that walking was too slow and began to run. Then Jordan began to try to fly.

In this abyss world, Jordan can do anything but communicate with others.

Even though there is no concept of time in the abyss world, Jordan's consciousness does not return to silence again.

Until one day, Jordan in this endless abyss world, finally met another glow.

"Big Odin?"

The glow that Jordan knocked down was much stronger and brighter than Jordan himself.

If Jordan is just a small flame, and the glow in front of him is just like the existence of the sun, and when he sees each other, Jordan instinctively knows that the other party is big Odin.

"Hella? No, you're Jordan Jovovich, the son of death's real name I gave you? "

Like the sun before the glow is not active, until the emergence of Jordan, just let that glow appeared a little bit of fluctuation, and then, the sun like glow began to revive, turned into Odin's appearance.

Jordan has some egg pains. Looking at the old man Odin in front of him, he doesn't know how to speak.

In other words, if you want to be called "Dad" for such a big guy, it's also certified by the other party. In case you can get some benefits.

No matter how bad it is, let the other party send themselves out of the endless abyss.

When Jordan was particularly tangled, old man Odin was a little strange, then calm, and said: "son of death, this is the world of will, the origin of the universe, can appear here, you and I are equal, and I have no advantage, I can give you."

The capital word "Jiong".

"Can you feel what I'm thinking?" he said

Odin calm way: "in front of the universe, all things have no secret, all things are equal."

Jordan suddenly understood, looked at old man Odin, and suddenly said, "are you the son of the sky?"

Odin immediately turned black and said: "Jordan Jovovich, the equality I said is only based on the nobility of your soul and will. It doesn't mean you can't be polite. I'm the will of the sky, the God of the gods, the king of ASA, and the Lord of Asgard. I'm still your father when I leave from the origin of the universe."

Jordani: "it's..."

Make complaints about fuck!

Just as Jordan's idea just rose, a bright glow, just like thunder, fell on Jordan's body, which directly split Jordan into silence.

It seems that for a moment, and as if for a long time, Jordan nifang regained his consciousness.

Jordan suddenly understood that in this place where the universe originated, as long as the will does not die, it will not die. Even if the God King Odin has such powerful power, it is impossible to completely kill Jordan.

This is a law of the origin of the universe.

But obviously, it's dad's or dad's.

Jordan carefully looked at the old man Odin, hesitated for a long time, said: "Odin my father!"

Old man Odin's face looked a little better and said, "my son, you're the second one in Asgard. No, to be exact, you're the second and fifth one who came into contact with the origin of the universe. With you, I'm at ease with Asgard."

Joe Denny stole a look at old man Odin and said, "how can there be a second and fifth one?"

Old man Odin's face was heavy, and he said, "it's HeLa, my eldest daughter and your sister. She was bewitched by death and became a puppet of death. She appeared in the origin of the universe. It's not pure. I sealed her in the underworld. I want to use the power of the underworld to let her understand the true meaning of death. Unfortunately, I don't have much time, So on the recommendation of master Gu Yi, I chose you and gave you the real name of death... "