Sincerity is the key to success.

In this way, it's not reliable to use it on slag man. It can also be said that flies don't bite seamless eggs. As long as you work hard, you can always taste the sweetness.

After two life and death battles, plus a life-saving grace, the last two or three months of hard work, Jordan as a successful lick dog, everything.

So Mindy became a little light bulb.

Fortunately, Mindy's holiday was not long, and he was soon checked back to New York by Jordan, who contacted the security team of stark industries.

But Jordan and Heidi's honeymoon didn't last long.

After Tony gets the life potion from Jordan's hand, aegis has no chance to win Tony's favor through this matter. Nick Frey can't help finding Howard's legacy and delivering it to Tony.

That's what Tony complained about.

With Nick Frey almost obvious tips, Tony did not expect to find a solution to palladium poisoning.

Tony's father, Howard, is not inferior to Tony's genius, but also one of the founders of aegis. He came into contact with the magic cube of the universe very early, and found a new element structure in the process of research.

Due to the backward conditions of the times, Howard was unable to create this new element at that time.

Tony didn't live up to his father's expectations, and made a new ark reactor. Because of the image left by his father, his heart and mind changed again, and he was ready to host another stark science and Technology Expo after decades, just like his father.

So not long before the sweet little days of Jordan and Heidi begin, Tony sends out an invitation to Jordan.

As a model of the same few friends, Jordan naturally won't refuse Tony's invitation.

Fortunately, at this time, after nearly a month in Yellowstone Park, Jordan and Heidi have visited the whole Yellowstone Park. Not to mention, Jordan's strength has been upgraded to a bottleneck again.

The breath of death accumulated by a super volcano in thousands of years is enough for Jordan to improve his death power and physical quality to a very high level in a very short time.

Jordan Jovovich, level 50.

Just in terms of simple physical fitness, Jordan has more than doubled. The passive skills of steel and super self-healing have almost reached the full level by Jordan.

Today's Jordan, even if he doesn't rely on guns and only depends on his physical fitness, can compete with the hate and the second fury of hawk.

If you jump 100 meters, the bullet can't break the skin.

In a sense, Jordan feels like a little Superman now.

The only thing that makes Jordan feel a little sorry is that even though he is physically strong enough, he still can't fly.

And for the first time, Jordan saw system tasks in his subconscious system.

Task name: Awakening -- Musketeer 1

Completion conditions: collect 1000 souls who are free from death

Task name: Awakening - Musketeer 2

Completion conditions: collect 10 death crystal stones, 10 soul crystal stones, 10 life crystal stones and 1 share of God's blood

Task name: Awakening - Musketeer 3

Completion conditions: go to hell alone and kill the undead monarch 5 times

Task name: Awakening - gunshot 4

Completion conditions: enter the origin of the universe, resist the invasion of death 3 times

The ultimate reward: life leap forward, the body of the protoss, the road to becoming a God

About the two things of the final reward, Jordan has actually heard the old man Odin explain.

In the process of the growth of the ASAR Protoss, we will also encounter the same bottleneck as Jordan now. After all, although the ASAR Protoss was born with a high level of life, they are not real gods.

For thousands of years, the ASAS also need to cultivate their own divine power through constant exercise.

After nurturing the divine power, Odin, the Lord of Asgard, will give him a proper real name. After a long period of time, he will be able to really master a trace of the real name and power, and then he can be regarded as a real Protoss.

To become a Protoss, there is almost endless room for growth.

For example, the will of the place of the origin of the universe is polished, the divinity is cultivated, and the divinity is condensed. Until then, the power of the laws of the origin of the universe can be regarded as the real God.

This is the real way to become a God.

In this way, the emergence of divine power is the first leap forward of life, which can enable people to obtain the right of active evolution.

It is the second leap forward of life to obtain the power of real name and power. It can rely on the power of power to enter the origin of the universe and cultivate immortal divinity.

It is the third leap forward of life to unite the divine personality. At this point, he has become a big man in the universe. God King Odin and master Guyi are the best in this stage, and they have the power to touch the law.

The rule of control is the fourth leap forward in life. Like Asgard's power and infinite gems, they are all the most precious things at this level.

The reason why Jordan is valued by Gu Yi and Odin is that he has a little power when he is a mortal.

This is equivalent to that Jordan was born in the process of the second life leap forward. He was just passive. When his strength reached a certain level, he could easily understand how to complete the second life leap forward.

It's like the system task that Joe Denny has in his subconscious mind.

This is a very difficult thing.

In the process of becoming a God, the first leap forward in life is not too difficult. As long as you constantly hone yourself and strengthen yourself, you will be able to cultivate divine power sooner or later. Even like old man Odin, you can directly give your real name to those close to you and help people wake up to divine power.

But from the second leap forward in life, it will become very difficult. External forces can't help, so we can only rely on ourselves to ponder and understand.

For example, Thor, the God of thunder, has lived for hundreds of years, but still can't understand the power of power. He can only rely on the meow hammer to call thunder at the cost of consuming the power. It's not until in "Thor 3" that the gods come to dusk and even have their eyes removed that they control the power of power of thunder under endless pressure and realize the growth of calling thunder with their bare hands, Ushered in a second leap forward in life, strength surge.

The third leap in life is even more difficult. There are few people who can see marvel as well as Odin and Guyi.

As for the fourth leap in life, Jordan couldn't imagine what it would be like.

That's why the power of power is so precious.

Thor can't find the way of the second life leap for a thousand hundred years. Jordan can easily advance as long as he can complete four system tasks.

Of course, it's not as easy as you think.

For example, the 4 missions of gunslinger, entering the origin of the universe and resisting the invasion of death for three times, should have been the most difficult, but Jordan thought it was the easiest to complete.

Gunslinger 3 mission, into hell to get the death spirit monarch 5 times, there are traces to follow.

On the contrary, the missions of Musketeer 2 and Musketeer 1 hurt Jordan a little. What's the soul, death crystal, life crystal, Soul Crystal and God's blood that broke away from death.

With so many demands, why doesn't the garbage system kill itself.

It's better to have a clue than no clue.

I don't have thor as much time to waste and explore as Thor.

With a little joy after the emergence of the system task, Jordan and Heidi soon set foot on the journey back to New York. However, what makes Jordan painful is that Heidi received a distress message from dyke when he was near New York.

Then Heidi simply went from New York airport to an island in the Atlantic Ocean.

It's not that Jordan is not willing to help. On the one hand, Tony invited us to hold the stark science and Technology Fair. On the other hand, Heidi has already controlled the power of Hellfire born in her own body after almost unlimited life potion supplement.

The power of Hellfire's power was more than that of death in the early stage.

This not only greatly improved Heidi's physical fitness, but also brought her extraordinary ability to control the fire.

It's not polite to say that Heidi's fighting power, even if it's a direct confrontation with Jordan, will never fall behind. After all, those with fire ability can easily achieve flight and long-range attack by boosting with fire.

Dyke's trouble is not big. It's said that he and Ethan, appointed by the CIA, sneaked into a prison on the Atlantic coast of Africa to collect evidence of a criminal organization.

With Heidi coming to help, as long as there is no big boss like hate, it's not a big problem.

On Tony's side, Jordan remembers that in the previous life of Iron Man 2, at the stark technology fair, a strong Russian made a lot of noise.

Now Tony decided to hold the Technology Expo a year in advance, and Jordan didn't know if anything would happen.

Thinking all the way, Jordan watched Heidi get on the plane, and soon returned to the Central Park building.

Maybe because of the influence of Jordan, Wanda and Pietro, Tony has rarely lived in Los Angeles now. Instead, he lives longer in New York.

After all, New York is the most prosperous city in the United States, while in Los Angeles, Tony lived there for a long time when he was young and frivolous, in order to facilitate contact with Hollywood female stars.

What's more, now Tony has made up his mind to live in New York under the control of pepper, which is more convenient for pepper to work as the CEO of stark industries.

It is worth mentioning that Tony in New York, has bought a large piece of land, stark building, has been breaking ground.

Jordan doesn't mind being next door to Tony.

Because at Osborne space research center, the research laboratory cooperated with Norman has been in trouble recently, and Jordan has no financial source for a long time.

For such a big family, Jordan felt that he had no pressure as a man with proletarian ideology and soul.