In this operation against the snakeshield Bureau, under the various series of Jordan's actions, seifer, Tony and Colson did not have a long time to integrate. They quickly responded to the existence of the snakeshield Bureau.

And the Hydra side, is not good stubble.

An old fox like Alexander Pierce, just through some clues, has already perceived the possible crisis and decided to make a final fight directly.

Zora's algorithm, which was originally hidden in the insight plan, requires more than three space carriers. After entering the troposphere of 3000 meters, Zora's algorithm is a triangle combination. It relies on Lemurian star for precise positioning. It can kill thousands of enemies in one shot, and clean up all enemies in one minute.

At that time, the Hydra will be able to really turn from the dark to the bright and realize the king's presence in the world.

But under the potential uneasiness and crisis, Alexander pierce decided not to wait any longer. Even if it was an aerospace carrier, it would take more time to eliminate all the hidden dangers ahead of time.

Alexander pierce has a good hunch.

At this time, with the help of seifer, Colson has arrived in Washington with two agents, "Nick Frey" and "hill", accompanied by Natasha and Clint.

These people are all internal members of the aegis. Whether they want to seize the right to speak, control Alexander Pierce, or publish the aegis database to the public, they need to enter the headquarters of the aegis.

However, at this time, the whole aegis headquarters has been completely on alert.

On a long passage, a large number of ground spikes have been raised, all the special anti-aircraft guns have been unlocked, and even the gate has been completely sealed. There are many Hydra members, fully armed guards on the passage.

"Sheter, the hydra's reaction is much faster than we thought!"

"Yes, I don't think we can pass this level of defense without an army. To be honest, I haven't been married long and I don't want to die here!"

Natasha and Clint sang together, which made the atmosphere of the whole team a little relaxed.

The plan to destroy the snake shield bureau is more difficult than most people think.

Colson just took a look at the situation on the passageway and directly suggested, "I think it's time to ask for hawk's support. That big guy is much more powerful than an army."

Originally, people thought that they could sneak back to the headquarters of aegis.

But now, the hydra's response is that it has to turn the tables and let the agents such as Colson, Natasha and Clint go to attack. It's really difficult.

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Saifu, with the real-time monitoring of Tianyan organization, can naturally see the scene in front of aegis headquarters.

Needless to say, in a secret base in Washington, a helicopter soon took off.

Not long later, the helicopter in a roar, has come to the aegis headquarters near the sky.

Without waiting for the Hydra inside aegis to respond, among the strange eyes of many Hydra members, a figure suddenly fell from the helicopter, which was hundreds of meters high.

"What is this routine?"

"Maybe I want to express my firm determination to die in front of us if I don't open the door."

"Shall we report to our superiors?"


Just as a group of Hydra members in the passage of aegis headquarters were talking about it, an arrow suddenly went through the guards of many Hydra members at a tricky angle and nailed directly on the card reader of the steel gate.


The electromagnetic arrows of shadow series burst out, and the gate controller of the whole aegis headquarters suddenly failed.

Then, without waiting for the reaction of the Hydra members, there was a terrible roar from the place where the figure fell under the helicopter. With the spread of the sound, a green figure, three meters high, appeared on the straight passage like a wild monster.


Today's hawk, when it appears, is a state of second rage. Obviously, for some time, hawk's power, even if it doesn't appear frequently, has been growing in a subtle way.

"Shet, it's hawk, fire, authorize all defenses, fire now!"

"Sir, our main controller is out of order!"

"F.. K, are you telling me this now? What's the matter with zaote... "

Just in front of the gate of aegis, the members of hydra were in a panic, and hawk had rushed directly to a huge machine gun tower base.


Under the second fury, hawk only knows such a sentence, but his action is not simple.

Just like a raging rhinoceros, hawk dashed up against the base of the gun turret and smashed it down with both hands. A steel tower with a height of four or five meters was torn apart.

Then, with the gun barrel and a big iron pier in the rear, hawk smashed it all the way and rushed to the steel gate of aegis.


There is a steel gate after Chi Xu, which is smashed out of a hole by Haoke.

In front of Hawke, any defense will not play a big role. At best, it is just a matter of the length of time.

"F.. K, fire, stop it!"

Dozens of Hydra members, in the dark castle near the gate of aegis, opened fire quickly, and a large number of bullets spewed out, just like the tongue of fire, towards hawk.

At the same time, it is obvious that the headquarters of aegis has also received the news that two Kungfu fighters are flying out of the air and starting to gather fire towards Haoke in mid air.

It was only at this time that Colson, Natasha, Clint and others appeared on this long passage.

Natasha just glanced at the battlefield and said, "I'm going to solve the castle. I'm going to close the gate!"

Clint glanced at the two Kungfu fighters in the sky and said, "I'll take care of the direction of the sky."

Colson's face was tangled and he said, "OK, I'll take someone to join hawk."

Just as the battle continues on the emergency exit of aegis, Jordan and Tony have come to the mansion of a member of the Senate in Washington.

In a word, the senator and Tony had a lot of contacts.

For example, before the science and technology fair, a senator and the hammer group jointly launched a public opinion dispute against Tony's steel armor.

In the name of Tony Stark, it's not too hard to meet the senator.

At this time, however, Tony still didn't believe that this Senator snett was a member of Hydra.

On the way to meet with Senator Snyder, Tony spoke to Jordan and said, "sheter, I hate this guy, but without the permission of the law, we are acting against a senator. It will cause a lot of trouble. I shouldn't have acted with you."

Snyder is a very powerful person in the U.S. Senate, and even has a great chance to be elected the next president of the Senate, which is the executive post of the vice president of the United States.

Jordan said calmly, "Tony, this is what we have to do. Aegis is not difficult to deal with. Even if hydra is bold, it is impossible to hide an army. But Senator snett is different. If we can't control him, no one can guarantee that there will be missiles, or even the army, in our action at any time."

After all, Jordan is still a little worried that Hydra will retaliate against his relatives in the case of jumping over the wall.

In the United States, most of the power of hydra is hidden in the aegis.

Because of his special status, Senator Snyder is the biggest tentacle of Hydra's political direction, and can even influence some decisions of the State Department, the military, and even the president of the United States.

In addition to fighting at the headquarters of the snake shield Bureau, the biggest difficulty is the influence of external public opinion and political forces.

If it's Nick Frey, these are Nick Frey's jobs. The other party even has the authority to directly contact the president of the United States.

But now that Nick Frey is away, all Jordan can think of is Tony.

Saifu, Colson, Natasha, Clint and others, although they appear more often in battles and movies, in fact, their obsession is still too low.

That's the main reason why Nick Frey is so strong in front of everyone.

Personal combat effectiveness is very important, but as long as you are not alone and don't care about anything, no one can be more terrible than a state machine.

Even superheroes dare not say that they are in direct confrontation with national forces.

What dislike the senator's house is not yet present, and Toni is still reluctant to make complaints about the guy he hates. He says to Jordani, "Hey, Joe, you know, if I think we can have lunch in the White House, and the influence of Toni, it's not too hard to meet the President..."

Jordan turned his lips and said, "that's the problem, Tony. What are you going to say when you see the president? We don't have any substantial evidence in our hands. Put on your armor. We are likely to face a battle next!"

Tony nodded, holding a box in his hands. With the mechanical climbing, a silver red mark 5 armor quickly covered Tony.

At the same time, surrounded by more than a dozen super strong men, a big bellied figure appeared in the hall.

It was Senator snett who came. Even when he saw Tony's armor, he didn't have any fear. He said directly, "Tony Stark, you are a rare guest. Are you here to offer your loyalty to the great Hydra?"