Saul is probably the legendary one who can't change what he eats. After being hit by Jordan's knee for two waves, Saul learned to fight with Jordan carefully.

It took less than a minute to get back the meow hammer, and suddenly the recklessness soared again.

A leap in the air and a split.

This kind of posture is really very handsome, the upper strength is not as good as his opponent, sol is often able to win with a kind of handsome and explosive posture.

But Jordan, no matter in strength or otherwise, is obviously no less than sol.

He was set in the middle of the air, and the special Gatling was mighty, spewing endless torrents of steel. When the thunder flashed, relying on the power of the thunder, he was forced to get rid of the controlled rhythm. Even if Saul didn't receive any injuries, he was also beaten a little disheartened.

The pure flow of firearms and ammunition has little effect on the existence of Jordan and sol.

If you want to really damage the existence of Jordan and sol, you need at least energy level weapons, and you must be more advanced energy weapons to break the defense.

The weapons of science and technology are not weak. Like the weapons of terror like the Star Destroyer, even if there is such a big brother Odin, it will not be easy for him to be hit. He may even be in danger of falling.

However, the quality Gatling in Jordan's hands is obviously not of that level.

One after another, sol suffered losses in Jordan's hands. After landing, he had to calm down and stare at Jordan's direction. The meow hammer in his hand was spinning like an electric fan.

"Joe, you have good strength and excellent fighting skills, but that's the end of it!"

After that, the meow hammer in Saul's hand swung, like a meteorite, with great power, towards Jordan's direction.

In the course of the previous battle, sol suffered a lot and became smart.

In Saul's opinion, Jordan is not on the right track. He is a brave fighter with great strength, but he doesn't confront himself head-on. Instead, he uses all kinds of tricks to make himself suffer.

Sol is not ready to move forward again until he knows what Jordan's tricks are.

Meow hammer is extremely fierce. Even in Asgard, it is absolutely a powerful artifact. Breaking through all obstacles, it has appeared in front of Jordan.

Bang bang!

The speed of the meow hammer is not slow. It doesn't take too much time for Jordan to react. In a breath, Jordan raised his hand to count the shots and hit the meow hammer, but it didn't work.

As a last resort, the ion flame sprayed at Jordan's feet. The whole person reversed in mid air and landed sonorously, but it was just right, avoiding the blow of the meow hammer.

But at this time, Sol's face is showing a smile of satisfaction, and, with a hand, the meow hammer is in a faster speed, turned back.


With the help of the ion flame, he can stabilize his body and mind.

At the same time, the meow hammer in Saul's hand has gathered a group of terrible thunder, which cuts through the void like a dragon and bombards Jordan heavily.

The overall situation has been decided.

The power of thunder is ferocious and violent. In Saul's impression, even the same level of strongmen have never been spared under his own thunder power.

With a big hammer, Saul was ready for the cheers.

It's crackling.

When sol was very proud, Jordan's body, the black armor burst out a ball of sparks, chest that ark reactor, bright like a small sun.

"Energy index soared, 400 percent..."

Seeing this scene, Sol's whole body was in a daze, and even Jordan himself was in a daze.

Then Jordan quickly reflected how he forgot this. Sol's lightning attack seemed to be a super charging treasure for Tony's armor.


After reaction, Jordan's chest, a bright light burst, directly some of the dreams of sol fly out of dozens of meters away.

When he was hit by someone again, he roared, and the meow hammer in his hand rotated rapidly. The whole person was suspended in the middle of the sky, and the clouds and storms all over the sky began to converge towards Saul.

This is a big move.

In the face of this scene, Jordan did not dare to have the slightest carelessness. The power of death on his body gathered together, and the bullets, like streamers, formed a barrage in the void, bombarding the tornado and hurricane in the sky.

Thunder melts bullets, death tears storms.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a crazy collision similar to the special effects blockbuster.

But in the eyes of people who really know what to do, such as old man Odin and old man frica, they can clearly see that this is a duel between death and thunder.

Two kinds of wills are entangled in the void, death is sharp and thunder is violent.

It can be said that after playing to this extent, even Jordan and sol are difficult to control and stop.


Just when Jordan's eggs hurt, the old man Odin, who was watching the battle, quickly stood up, his eternal gun on the ground slightly, then stretched forward, and a huge multicolored light burst out, with the power of destroying everything, separated Jordan and sol in the sky.

Under this kind of strength, Jordan originally thought that he was quite strong, but he didn't even have any resistance.

"The power of Asgard!"

Jordan had never seen such a terrible force, but sol was familiar with it. He exclaimed and soon looked at his father.

Until this time, Odin said: "in the name of the king of the gods, I judge this battle as a draw. Do you have any objection?"

Who has the courage to refute Odin in Asgard, except sol.

Jordan thanks for the honest salute and then salutes sol.

Saul was also surprised at the strength of Jordan. He quickly came to Jordan, hammered him in the chest, and said, "brother, you are much better than rocky. We often compete with each other in the future, and I will soon surpass you."

Jordani: "it's..."

There's nothing to say about mad and Saul. At least they have to wait until they are punished, lose their magic power, experience a lesson, and grow up before they can communicate normally.

The final ranking of brothers, or nothing, anyway, between Western brothers and friends, called brother brother is rare, are calling each other by name.

However, this battle is not without benefits.

Although in Asgard, old man Odin is the king of the gods. He can be said that he can directly grant Jordan a prince, but it can't be avoided that people in Asgard are estranged from Jordan, a sudden outsider.

In the first battle with sol, Jordan's bravery soon won the respect of most people in Asgard, and also wiped away the estrangement, making people begin to accept the sudden appearance of the prince.

After the duel, Saul, rocky and others, at the command of Odin, take Tony and others to visit the whole Asgard.

As for Jordan and Saifu, they were brought to the golden palace by Odin alone.

Golden Palace's luxury is dazzling, far beyond Jordan's expectation.

In the past, Jordan thought that the so-called golden palace was just a name. However, after close contact, Jordan realized that the whole palace was made of 90% gold and some other alloys.

Compared with the Odin family, Tony's 200 billion group is like a joke.

Big dog, big dog.

Well, no, it seems that I'll be the number in this family in the future.

Think of here, looking at the magnificent golden dome, Jordan almost salivated.

Fortunately, at this time, Odin did not pay attention to Jordan, but to Saifu. For a long time, he just said, "valkiri, how do you feel when you come back to Asgard?"

Unlike Jordan's money buff, seifer's attention is more focused on the dome murals.

Asked by Mr Odin, Saifu was stunned and looked at him. He sighed for a long time and said, "Your Majesty Odin, my name is Saifu. As for Asgard, it's very different from what I remember."

"So you don't admit that you're a member of Asgard anymore?" said Odin, with a blank face

Saifu frowned more and more, but he said quickly, "no, of course I'm a member of Asgard, but in my memory, the owner of the mural is his majesty Kur!"

Old man Odin's face was not worried. He gave a cold hum. Fortunately, he was not really angry and said, "stupid, my elder brother Kur is just a conservative. Even if he controls Asgard's power, he has no ambition. Only in my hands can Asgard shine the whole universe."

When old man Odin said this, he was proud, but it was not bad.

Asgard has a long history, but it has always been only a corner of the universe. At that time, the asgards were only asars.

But in the hands of Odin, the whole Asgard seems to be full of vitality, calming the dark elves, unifying the nine regions, sealing the flame giant, banishing the king of frost, and becoming the overlord of the whole universe.

In today's whole universe, but where the people of van Asgard go, who is not polite to three points, honestly call the Athar.

Compared with his brother Kur, Odin's achievements are real.