In the next few days, Jordan will have nothing to do, just wandering in Asgard.

This makes Jordan a little regret. This is a good opportunity to travel. He should bring a confidant with him.

Among a group of colleagues, Tony is a science maniac. After Asgard threw out several kinds of black technology and energy application technology collected from the universe, Tony became completely addicted.

In order to take care of Tony, pepper had to stay with Tony.

Saifu's skin is pretty good. After knowing each other's details, Jordan wants to hook up. It's a pity that once she gets her dragon tooth sword and Gary's spear, she's completely closed.

The rest are Steve, pitero, Wanda and Nick Frey. It's nice to go out and visit Asgard together. Wanda is a little crazy recently, making it clear that she teases Jordan every day.

In beauty, Jordan Nicole has never been a strong willed man.

Wanda, no matter her figure or appearance, is no worse than the so-called pretty confidants that Jordan colluded with.

As soon as we met, we put our arms around Jordan and rubbed.

Who can stand this NIMA? What if he really can't control it? I'm afraid that old Jiang GE's coffin won't hold.

In order to avoid Wanda, Jordan also had to pretend to be ill, leaving Wanda and Pietro to Steve, hiding himself in the room.

A few days passed in a flash.

Under the insistence of Odin, the whole Asgard launched a grand and incomparable canonization ceremony.

The long life of a group of big men with an average life span of 5000 years made their ceremony extremely complicated. The whole canonization ceremony lasted more than 40 days.

During this period of time, Tony and others left the earth for too long, so they were all sent back to the earth by heimdar with rainbow bridge.

When the canonization ceremony ended, Jordan couldn't wait to come to nidavi, the town of dwarves among the nine kingdoms, under the leadership of Odin.

Although I have seen some scenes of nidavi in the film, the scene of dwarf town still gives Jordan an unparalleled shock.

Surrounded by a huge ring of stars, it can gather energy to melt metal by the heart of a star. Almost all the artifacts handed down in Asgard are made here.

As the leader of the nine realms, odinda was naturally entertained by the king of dwarves, etree.

A dwarf is not short at all.

The height of these dwarfs is three or four meters. The main reason is that the head is too big and the proportion with the body is extremely disharmonious, so they are called dwarfs.

In a sense, these dwarves are the only giant blood race loyal to Asgard among the nine countries.

Unlike ice giants and Fire Giants, the dwarves are peaceful and docile, though they have a huge size and strong power.

If the ice giants and Fire Giants inherit the power and bravery of the former giant Mir, then the dwarves inherit the wisdom and knowledge of the giant Mir.

Because of this, these dwarves mastered many of the mysteries and subtleties of the rune script.

Once the appropriate materials are found and the rune characters are poured on the weapons and armor made by dwarves, these weapons and armor can undergo a genetic transformation and form a powerful artifact with strange power.

It's not easy to make a artifact.

After a simple reception, Odin spoke to etree quickly and said, "king of nidavi, artifact caster, friend of Asgard, etree, this is my godson, Jordan Odin Jovovich. He is a powerful warrior. He needs your help to make the most suitable weapon."

"As you wish, your majesty!" AI Cui is very serious to salute to nod, this just looked at Jordan, open mouth and say: "Prince of Asgard, what kind of weapon do you need?"

"I need a gun, a gun like this," he said, without thinking about it

Just a turn of the hand, Jordan took out a silver white revolver with magical patterns from his space backpack. It was exquisite and powerful.

AI Cui seems to be in a daze, and then took over the white wedding dress of Jordan and looked at it carefully.

After a while, etree said, "it's a weapon made of good material and made of magic power, but its performance is shackled. The power of Hellfire conflicts with magic lines. Generally speaking, it's more like a magic wand than a gun."

Jordani: "it's..."

So, is Gu Yi's income the level you can barely see here!

I don't know how Gu Yi would feel after hearing this kind of evaluation.

After her comments, she said, "do you want me to imitate other people's weapons? Sorry, even if you are prince of Asgard, it is impossible for nidavi to let go of his glory... "

This is also a person with character, the legendary technical house, EQ is too low.

Jordan directly interrupted the other party's words and said: "no, Mr. etree, I just use double guns. If I can, I naturally hope to have better weapons."

I didn't insult myself with this kind of rubbish. Yes, I heard that the son of Odin was picked up by his majesty Odin from the atrium. Maybe this is the most powerful and magical weapon the other party has ever seen.

Oh, poor baby.

Etree looked at Jordan with pity and said: "the material of your weapon is good. The branches of the world tree and a metal that has no shackles in energy transmission. If your majesty Odin brings enough URU metal, maybe I can melt it and mix it to make a new material to make a real artifact for you."

Don't allow Joe Denny to open his mouth, old man Odin reached out and took out a big lump of black metal ore with silver light.

"It's not enough!" said atree, looking at old man Odin

Old man Odin's face turned black and said, "etree, nidavi is a vassal of Asgard. Only by virtue of Asgard's glory can we live peacefully in the universe. Don't push an inch."

AI Cui frowned, did not dare to talk with old man Odin, and said to Jordan: "this prince of Asgard, casting is a sacred..."

Jordan didn't even need to think to know what the other party wanted to say. He took out some Zhenjin and Edelman metals in his stock and said, "that's all I have."

AI Cui's face flashed away with excitement, and he said to old man Odin with satisfaction: "old rule, I'll take 30% of the material as reward, and ask your majesty Odin to turn on the stove!"

Making artifact, a weapon of this level, naturally needs the authorization of elder brother Odin.

Otherwise, if these nivida dwarves sell artifacts to the universe without restriction, would Asgard not become a worker for the nivida dwarves.

With one finger of the eternal gun in Odin's hand, a seven rainbow light melted into the core of the star, and the huge star ring began to rotate slowly and accelerate rapidly.

Nevida's stoves never go out, but there are limits.

In normal times, the star ring outside the furnace just turns slowly, making use of the power of the star to cast some ordinary excellent weapons and armor.

Only those who are strong enough can speed up the star ring to cast powerful weapons.

In the shadow of Asgard, only Mr Odin has this right.

The fire heats up, but it still needs a period of time to warm up. After collecting some materials, aitri smiles and says to Jordan: "there are a lot of materials here. I can help you cast a pair of double guns, but because of different materials, one will be mainly made of Wulu metal, and the other will be mainly made of this energy transmitting metal. What kind of properties do you want?"

Jordan Ni slightly a ponder, way: "attack, extreme attack, and fast enough to fire."

AI Cui nodded and said: "no problem, I can help you add the lu'en characters of armor breaking, penetration, sharpness, attack, energy increase and speed increase on the double guns. This can cooperate with your death power and play a great power. But you should know that there is a huge difference between guns with bullets and without bullets."

Jordan frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

With a strong smile, aitui said, "don't you want to cast matching bullets instead of weapons?"

Jordan understood the subtext of etree and made it clear that he wanted to do more business. To put it bluntly, it was "more money".

When watching the film, Jordan thought that this is a very serious person, and also very sad.

Now it seems that the mieba boss killed 300 dwarves and maimed aitri's hands for a reason.

From etree, Jordan can see some other characteristics of these dwarfs, that is, greed. If it wasn't for old man Odin, I don't know how hard etree would pit Jordan.

Jordan feels like he's trying to cripple this etree right now.

Biting his teeth, Jordan looked at atley and said, "without bullets, will the power drop a lot?"

With pride on her face, she said, "it's much better than your original gun."

"I still have a little personal treasure, but it's too luxurious to make bullets," he said

"If you have the right metal, I can help you build 12 bullets. A little space text and a little positioning text can ensure that your bullets will never be used up, but you need to find enough space energy to store energy for the bullets."

Jordan took a deep breath and took a small piece of metal out of the backpack space again.

Cabernet's alloy, a precious metal, was seized by Jordan from the storehouse of the snake shield Bureau. Although it is not as hard as Zhenjin and Alderman's metal, this metal has an extremely strong characteristic, that is, it can inhibit the self-healing ability of organisms.