After less than 10 days in nivida, Jordan, with two pistols in white wedding dress and black suit, and his newly upgraded armor, returns to Asgard under the leadership of Odin.

At this time, the canonization ceremony had already ended, but people in Asgard were still immersed in the carnival.

After all, Jordan didn't quite adapt to the pace of Asgard's life. He talked with old man Odin for a while. After living for half a month, he came back to earth under the transmission of haimodar.

Asgard is not bad. Although the technology there is not obvious, it is far more developed than the earth.

But the key is that there are too few people in Asgard. Under the martial arts atmosphere, few people go to entertainment activities and so on. The leisure people have been traveling for decades.

With an average life span of more than 5000 years, these people can spend their time at will.

Jordan likes salted fish, but he can't stand the pace of Asgard's life.

After returning to the earth, although the air index instantly dropped by dozens of points, it has to be said that this kind of red dust, which is full of turbid air, makes Jordan feel more at ease.

At home in the Central Park building, Tony is addicted to scientific research.

The Avengers alliance, which has not seen for two or three months, has been on the right track. Steve miraculously got together with Falcon again. Led by them, they formed a team to maintain world peace all day.

Natasha is still out of sight.

However, when Jordan was thinking about which girl he wanted to hang out with for a while, a phone call from Los Angeles made Jordan's egg ache.

It's been a long time since Tony's assassination that Pietro and Wanda haven't bothered Jordan.

It may be that in Asgard, Wanda failed to play a role in all kinds of teasing for Jordan, so after returning to the earth, Wanda went to liszhihua mansion in Los Angeles to live.

In addition, Wanda, who was extremely upset, soon after returning to Los Angeles, let off steam and became obsessed with car racing. He made a great reputation in the underground car racing circle of Los Angeles.

Wanda doesn't have much money on hand, but she has the key to Tony's villa.

In less than two months, Wanda, as a new female driver, has smashed Tony's 14 sports cars.

Bad technology and big gambling.

After smashing 14 sports cars, Wanda has decided to sell cruise ships and luxury houses.

Pitero, who couldn't bear it, had to call Joe Denny and didn't dare to tell Tony. Who knows if Tony will go crazy when he knows that his 14 collection sports cars have been damaged.

This is indeed a problem, which has become so serious that it has to be solved.

Jordan didn't dare to stop much. That night, he flew to Los Angeles.

When I saw pitero, I was in Tony's Marbury mansion. Originally, Tony's underground garage full of sports cars had become empty, which could be called running mice in the barn.

As his own brother, pitero has been working in the underground garage to finish the crime scene for his sister since he called Jordan. Relying on his fast running and quick action, pitero has set up more than ten tents in the garage in just half a day.

"What are you doing, Pietro?"

Under the guidance of Jarvis, Jordan quickly catches pitero who looks like a thief in the garage.

Pitero was still holding a hammer in his hand. He was startled by Jordan's yelling. When he saw that it was Jordan, he just said, "Joe, it's you, isn't Tony here? I'll build some sheds. If Tony comes back, he won't find a few sports cars missing. "

Jordan's face turned black for a moment, and he felt that he had really fallen eight lives to meet such a stupid brother as Pietro.

It's a special way to hide one's ears and steal one's bell!

If you put up a few tents, others will not find out the truth. If Jarvis didn't inform you, you would not know that you are a fool in the underground garage.

If Jarvis knows everything, can he hide it from Tony!

He grabbed pitero by the back of his neck and carried him upstairs to the living room. Jordan sat down on the sofa with a big golden knife and said, "where's Wanda?"

Pitero's little eyes blinked, and he wanted to hide a wave.

Jordan slapped the table and roared, "do you want to keep it from her? Do you know how much a dozen sports cars are worth? That's Tony's

Pietro said with a smile: "Joe, Tony is so rich anyway, he won't care..."

"Put P!" Jordan's hair exploded, almost roaring: "Tony has money. Does it have anything to do with you? Is he your father or your mother? If you can't go to college and do a good job, you feel that if you have some ability, you will float to the sky. If old Jiang Ge had known you were so disheartened, he should have buried you in the ruins with you! "

Pietro had never seen Jordan get so angry. He felt numb, aggrieved and resentful.

Joe Danielle, a good person, at a glance to see the psychological Pietro, no guest way: "unconvinced?"

Pitero glanced at Jordan, bowed his head and said nothing, but the little emotion was obvious.

Jordan gave a sneer and said, "OK, I'll give it to you today. You said Tony has money. Does his money fall from the sky? When Tony and you two were so old, they lost their parents. As a big enterprise like stark group, do you know how much thought he wasted on the development of the enterprise under his unrestrained appearance? "

"Pietro, do you think you can run such a big business?"

Pitero looked a little embarrassed and said, "I haven't learned this..."

"Don't you dare to talk back?" he said? I haven't learned it, have I? You are bored to send you two to college. Tony opens the back door for you to practice in stark group. You are used to constraints. I'm afraid you forget to be offended at Roma training camp and Strack castle! "

When he was yelled by Giordani, pitero's face was a little embarrassed, but he was still a little resentful. He said, "I didn't forget, but Wanda and I shouldn't do this. The Avengers League is..."

"Shut up Jordan got up abruptly, his face full of anger.

Pitero was yelled by Jordan, but he was not reconciled. He said: "no, you don't have the right to control so much. You're not our brother..."

The scene was dead for a moment, and Jordan shook himself and sat down on the sofa.

At this time, pitero also realized that he had said something wrong. He looked at Jordan in fear and said cautiously: "Joe, I don't mean that. Wanda, she loves you and I love you. No, I mean, Wanda and I just want to help you..."

It's a family conflict.

In addition to some oriental ideas brought by his previous life, he always wanted to give all good things to Wanda and Pietro, but in fact, he had no experience in raising children and ignored what they really wanted.

Wanda and Pietro are also in a strange situation. When they were young, they had a big change, and they had no sense of security. They took Jordan as their father and brother, but they were different.

In a short time, this kind of awkward contradiction is nothing.

But the longer the time is, the more independent the thoughts of Wanda and Pietro are, and the more different their ideas are from those of Giordani. This time, it's just the outbreak of concentration.

With Jordan's experience as a man of two generations, we can naturally come to this point.

After a long silence, Jordan patted Pietro on the shoulder and said, "Pietro, you know, I just want you two to be safe. I'm just afraid that one day when I meet old ginger in heaven, he will blame me for not taking care of you two."

"No, I can protect myself, I can protect Wanda, and..."

"It's really grown up, and what?" he said with a smile

Pietro gritted his teeth and said, "Joe, you are a killer. You may not go to heaven in the future."

It's a long life!

Jordan glared at pitero and said, "dog, take me to Wanda. You need to learn a lot if you want to join the Avengers League."

Peter roton was shocked, looked at Joe Denny and said, "Joe, do you really agree that Wanda and I will join the Avengers League?"

"I'll give you and Wanda to the captain. When Steve agrees, it will count," he said

"Let's go to Wanda now. I know where she is. She's just sold a cruise ship. She's going to find a bald man to race tonight," he said

Jordani: "it's..."

West City Avenue, a famous underground Racer gathering place in Los Angeles.

It's more or less different from the scene in TV movies. Without the police's inspection, an abandoned basketball court has been pulled open, and the lights are bright. There are even DJs with a professional team playing disc. Among the hot girls shuttling back and forth, new or old vehicles are placed in rows.

And behind this kind of strange prosperity, there is a lot of evil hidden.

Everyone who can take part in this kind of underground car race is clean. Almost everyone has some cases on his back, big or small.

Wanda doesn't like this kind of environment, but for a long time, Wanda often loses to the same person in the competition, which makes Wanda, who has been in a rage since she came back from Asgard, hold her breath and have to win the bare head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Wanda, right? Do you want to send money to Dominic again, sister? Dominic's asshole has average skill. How about our last lap?"