The scene on the West City Avenue is chaotic. Pitero doesn't need to worry about Jordan. Even if Dominic and Bryan are leading role gangsters, they still can't take advantage of the extreme power of pitero.

On the contrary, Wanda and gizel are fighting fiercely, and they have a vague impulse to start.

However, when they were quarreling with each other, Jordan had already come to the Lamborghini in giselina unconsciously. He stirred his nose slightly and soon came to the corner of the car.

This is the place where jizel hid the washing powder in the car. When he saw Jordan approaching, he was a little flustered. Instead of quarreling with Wanda, he drew the gun from his waist and came to Jordan's side. Quietly, he put the muzzle of the gun against Jordan's waist.

At this moment, Jordan had already collected his armor. Looking at the gloomy face of gizel, he said with a smile, "beauty, what's wrong with you growing up like this? Why do you have to sell washing powder?"

Jizel faked to hook up with Jordan, covered up the gun in his hand a little more tightly, almost lying on Jordan's shoulder, but his voice was very cold, and said: "what do you mean?"

"I mean, you're so beautiful. Isn't it good to be a model or an actor? Why do you have to be a thief?" he sighed

Jizel was stunned at first, and then looked at jordani. He felt a lot more agreeable and said, "stay away from my car. It doesn't like strangers to come near. Otherwise, you'll go to hell to cajole those female demons!"

Gizel gives Jordan a push to push him away from his car.

However, what is more painful is that jizel's push is like pushing on a big mountain. The mountain does not move. Instead, jizel is pushed away by the force of recoil.

It was only at this time that Jordan tore down the door of the Lamborghini like a piece of tissue paper. He tore down the door and shook it. The washing powder in the interlayer fell to the ground.


Jizel didn't have time to be surprised. Seeing the disclosure, he immediately raised his gun and pointed it at Jordan's head. His face was incomparable anger.

Being pointed at with a gun, Jordan honestly raised his hands and said, "beauty, you should know that these things are much more hateful than demons."

What Jordan said was the washing powder on the ground, which was the worst in the world.

Jizel's face was ugly. After struggling for a while, he said, "this is my job. You don't have to worry about it. Who are you? Who is it? "

Jordan hasn't said a word yet. The incident here has attracted three people who are fighting in the street, including Pietro, Bryan and Dominic, as well as other people on Westside Avenue.

Money and silk understand people's heart. For these gangsters on the West City Road, no matter how harmful the washing powder is, in most people's eyes, it's not washing powder, but a lot of money, which smells like angels but has demonic temptation.

"F.. K, everybody stay still, DEA, everybody back!"

"Hobbes, there's something wrong here, West City Avenue..."

When the washing powder on gizel's car fell to the ground, Bryan could no longer be jealous of others. He pulled a pistol from his waist and yelled at the crowd around him, while walking in the direction of Jordan and gizel.

DEA is the abbreviation of DEA.

In a way, DEA people are more notorious in the United States than the FBI, the police and other organizations.

Even in the eyes of some people, DEA is similar to a group of bandits with official identity.

Bryan yelled and caught everyone's attention.

Giordani looks at the play and gizel looks ugly. On the other hand, Dominic and other people are already angry.

Vince yelled: "f.. K, don, I knew this kid was unreliable!"

Dominic ignored Vince, as if to kill each other with his eyes, roared out: "Brian! I thought we were lumberjacks! "

Brian's face struggled, swept over mia, who was weak in Chinese, and finally said firmly, "I'm sorry, I'm an undercover police officer!"

Mia was shaking, and pitero took the opportunity to embrace her and said, "mia, I'll protect you!"


Seeing this scene, many people in the crowd couldn't help but ask FAK to make a noise.

When Jordan watched this scene with great interest and was ready to end the farce, a lot of vehicles gathered on the periphery of the West City Avenue, and 20 or 30 vicious people with AK, riff and other weapons rushed over.

Although the little gangsters on the scene often encounter some fighting in the street, they have never seen such fierce gangsters like the army, and they are all silent.

Until this time, a guy who looks like smiling Buddha came to the field, glanced around, glared at gizel, and then said: "make that note, take all the people and goods away!"


Before a group of bandits had time to move, there was a sudden gunshot, and a bandit with AK fell.

At the same time, a face of super Humvee was forced into the crowd. From above, a huge, dark bald man came down. With a fierce breath, he looked at all the people in the field, showing his white teeth, and said: "look at yourself, who moves who dies!"

Sure enough, in this bald man's voice, a laser red dot appeared on the key of a large group of people.

Brian's legs were trembling. Seeing the bald man, he was surprised and said, "Hobbes, sheter, I almost died. Remember what you promised me."

Hobbes grinned and looked at Dominic and others with disdain.

In the past, Hobbes might have been able to catch a glimpse of these high-level gangsters who are good at racing and have some abilities. However, since he saved New York and mopped up demons with old John, Hobbes has long been unable to catch a glimpse of these high-level gangsters.

Ignoring Dominic and others, Hobbes looked at the leaders of the gray gang and said with a smile: "Campos, we've met again. This time we've got the stolen goods. What else do you have to say?"

Campos said with an arrogant smile, "Sir Hobbes, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just here to watch a car race. It's not a crime to watch it, is it?"

Hobbes sneered and said, "do you think all of us are blind?"

Campos laughed more and more, and said, "Sir Hobbes, my lawyer may sue you for slander. I don't know these people. Do you know me?"

A group of fierce bandits did not give up the appearance of resistance, have denied any relationship with Campos.

This is a group of not afraid of death, not afraid of prison bastards, Hobbes face suddenly become ugly.

At this time, after several hesitations, gizel suddenly said, "I have evidence. These new washing powders..."

With jizel's opening, Campos's face suddenly looked very ugly. He stared at jizel and said, "bichi, I know you can't rely on this kind of mounting. Let's do it. I'll kill them!"

the real intention is revealed in the end.

After Campos finished speaking, the two bandits rushed to Campos and gave out a series of painful roars. In the twinkling of an eye, their scales and bone tips pierced their clothes and turned into ferocious monsters more than two meters high.

Bang bang!

All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire everywhere, in the distance, Hobbes ambush, have shot.

However, the bullets broke through and hit the monsters and gangsters who had turned into monsters one after another. They just let the monsters howl and occasionally step back two steps, but they were totally unable to break through. They could only splash sparks on the scales.

These monsters are different from any other monsters that Jordan has seen before, but they also make Jordan look familiar.

Scales, bone spurs and magic patterns, these monsters seem to have the same origin as the devil potion organized by Aidian, but they are much more mature. At least, these monsters at present still have a complete sense.

On the other hand, when he saw these monsters, Hobbes, a bald man, also had a dramatic change in his face. He cried out: "sheter, have you developed a new type of washing powder?"

Campos, under the protection of two monsters, said with a smile to Hobbes, "are you surprised? Are you surprised? "

Hobbes roared, pulled out a big left wheel and fired several shots at each other, but the biggest result was that he lifted a few scales on the monster's body.

Campos sneered and said to the monsters, "kill everyone and take the goods back!"

Twenty or thirty super monsters are resurrected from the sculpture state in an instant. The speed of each monster is comparable to that of tigers and leopards, and its strength and defense are even more amazing.

Especially in the vicinity of jizel, two monsters grin and scream, smash a car and rush towards jizel.

Seeing this scene, Jordan was not surprised but pleased.

It's time for the hero to save the beauty.

After embracing jizel's Fufeng willow waist, Jordan draws his gun with his backhand, and is ready to say some sweet words to jizel first, and then kill these monsters with a handsome posture.

With the impression of heroes saving beauty and being handsome, you can almost pick flowers when you cultivate your feelings.

However, at this time, Wanda, who has been silent for a long time, appeared in front of gizel in a huff and puff. There was a red light in his eyes, and his hands flashed red. A piece of crimson energy entangled the two rushing monsters.

Then, with Wanda's hands dancing, the two monsters, like dolls, were tightly bound, wrestling back and forth on the ground, and then were torn apart by Wanda.


Jordan was shocked by Wanda's ferocious operation in front of him, and jizel also responded, slapped him in the face and yelled angrily: "Stinky sulfur hooligan, what do you want to do?"

Jordani: "it's..."