Among the information collected by Natasha, hill and others, there are some information about the latest abnormal fog organized by Aidian, and even some human experimental data, as well as a few photos of abnormal subjects.

In the whole battle meeting, Jordan didn't say a word. He was silent because he fell into a kind of inexplicable shock and fear.

Just a look at the picture, Jordan knew the horror of this thing.

Although the abnormal experimental body photos in those photos are not particularly obvious, the appearance of bloodthirsty fangs and gray skin has already had a kind of rudiment, the rudiment of zombie.

Even Jordan considered that if one can't handle it properly, I'm afraid this event will be the beginning of Marvel's Zombie universe.

Jordan hasn't seen much comic books in his previous life, but he's also heard about Marvel's Zombie universe.

At first, Jordan thought that he was just crossing. Later, at the Continental Hotel in New York, Jordan thought that he might have crossed into the movie world of fast pursuit.

Later, Jordan felt that he might have come to the marvel movie universe.

After that, more and more chaotic things appeared. Jordan hadn't thought about what world he was crossing for a long time. Anyway, there were all kinds of people. It was painful.

Until the first time these two photos appeared, there was a deep fear in Jordan's heart.

Since everything is possible, is it possible that I crossed to the beginning of the marvel zombie universe.

It's a chilling thought that fear is like a rooted weed, spreading wildly.

At the same time, with some explanations of Jordan, more and more materials and information are put in front of everyone by Jordan.

The latest variant fog focuses on high propagation.

After inhaling this kind of fog, the human body will not have any abnormality in a short time. At most, it will be pale, eat more and drink more.

However, the God making project organized by Aidian is definitely about human evolution.

In five days to a week, aberrant fog will induce the evolution of gene chain in the deep of human body by a kind of rough means, and there will be different kinds of aberrations little by little.

And since it's evolution, nature needs a lot of energy, so people will eat more.

Until this kind of evolution is out of control, people can no longer resist the hunger instinct from the cells of the body. Even reason, wisdom and consciousness will be swallowed up, forming a form similar to beasts and zombies.

If that's all, it's OK.

What can be photographed is the Aidian organization. In order to collect more mutation data and more mutation data, it deliberately added something to accelerate the infection and transmission in this mutation fog.

In five to seven days, in a city with millions of people, no one knows what the situation will turn out like if the control is not good and the latent variants appear in other places.

Jordan said little by little his understanding, plus those bloody information, photos, everyone can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Tony's face was a little pale. For a while, he took out his cell phone and put it on the battle plan stage.

Soon, the desktop is activated by the mobile phone, pop up a blue light, forming a three-dimensional projection of the earth.

Tony opened his mouth. He lost his voice for a moment. Then he coughed and said, "Jarvis, you've heard Joe's words. Calculate the possible direction of things."

When Tony finished, there was silence in the room again.

After more than ten minutes of agonizing waiting, Jarvis's voice rang out and said, "Sir, due to the lack of data, we can't make an accurate development direction."

Tony opened his mouth and said, "Jarvis, give me the answer, in proportion to the situation!"

It's more than ten minutes of suffering. Jarvis didn't make a sound this time, but directly popped up a light curtain.

"21.4793% chance, will form large-scale biochemical infection..."

"17.7929% probability, will lead to..."

This light curtain is almost endless, because Jarvis is still calculating. In the future, there will be countless variables. As long as Jarvis's hard disk is big enough and the amount of calculation is strong enough, he will be able to calculate continuously.

This kind of thing is like the ancient deduction of war, with infinite variables, but it also has some general trends that are most likely to happen.

Tony called to stop, clenched his hands and then let go. He went back and forth several times before he said, "Jarvis, show me the details of the first calculation."

Very quickly, a large number of data streams fell like a waterfall.

After a long time, in the huge data stream, a blue virtual earth model came out, where a large number of red dots began to spread on the location of Rio de Janeiro.

Over and over again.

For hours, everyone almost blinked.

Tony is a very strict person. According to the action plan of himself and others, he divided them into several different modes of quantification, and then Jarvis began to calculate the variables.

You don't even need to calculate too much, just need to see a beginning and trend, immediately change the quantitative, recalculate.

From the afternoon, to the evening, to the late night, until noon the next day.

Special food and drinks were delivered, but almost all of the main personnel on the scene were in no mood to eat and drink.

At this time, Tony, with deep eyes and pale face, had obviously spent a lot of effort.

Finally, it was Jordan who interrupted Tony and said, "Tony, don't count any more!"

Tony looked pale and said, "no, I can, I can find a solution..."

"Tony, we can't take risks in this kind of thing, and we don't have more time to think about solutions," he said

Time doesn't wait, and so does the Aidian organization.

Everyone in the room was immersed in an indescribable sad atmosphere.

The operation has not yet started, and the quantity of the operation can hardly be determined. But among all the presuppositions of Giordani, the best situation is that the high explosive missile washes the ground and ends the operation at the heavy cost of tens of thousands of casualties.

Of course, this kind of presupposition itself is a kind of hypothesis, assuming the situation after the threat point diffuses the abnormal fog.

And the worst situation, it is Jordan's imagination, marvel zombie universe.

At this time, there was no one to blame how cruel and inhumane Jordan's proposal was.

Morale is low. No, it should be said that it is extremely low.

Steve also stayed up all night, but his physical fitness was very good. Although he was a little pale, he was still full of confidence. He said, "you guys, these are all assumptions. It hasn't happened yet. So whether it's for millions of people in Rio or for ourselves, we can only succeed this time, we can't fail."

Everyone was shocked.

Yes, as long as you don't let the other party have any chance to take advantage of it and eliminate all the hidden dangers in the bud, it's enough.

When everyone's morale improved a little, Jordan looked at Colson and hill and said, "did you contact Nick Frey? Maybe we need more soldiers to make sure things are safe. "

With a wry smile from Colson and indignation from hill, he said: "director Frey is still coordinating with the Security Council. They think that we may be a little worried. Moreover, without any international announcement, large-scale military input to Rio will cause unnecessary chaos in Brazil and even the whole South America."

Hobbes, a tough guy, didn't feel masculine, and said: "what's more, after Campos was arrested on the West City Avenue of Los Angeles, there has been some vigilance in Rio. They are likely to speed up the plan. Maybe we don't have time to wait for reinforcements."

There was another depression in the room.

At this time, Dominic had long lost the natural leading role and the feeling of light pressure. He was irritable and yelled: "f.. K! F..k! These damned politicians, these damned bastards

Ignoring Dominic's roar, Jordan suggested once again, "if we split up a team and attack the Rio power plant, and the power goes out all over the city, can we stop them?"

Natasha's face is not very good-looking, said: "only two threat points can be stopped by power failure, other places, there are standby power generation equipment."

"No!" Just as everyone was ready to think of another way, Tony suddenly said, "it's feasible to cut off the power supply in the whole city. Except for the missile attack mode, any large-scale poison gas expediting device needs a lot of energy. Their spare power generation equipment may be available, but at least we can delay the process and time of expediting."

With your words and my words, under the pressure of near extinction, some suggestions were put forward soon.

However, it is impossible for the public to discuss and improve it all the time. The original plan of the public was to launch an attack at dawn, but now it has been delayed for half a day.

After replenishing the food and water, Steve assigned all the tasks. At last, Steve hesitated for a moment, and then was full of firmness. He said, "I'm going to use Joe's initial proposal to apply to the Security Council, dispatch the fleet near the sea, and lock in all the threats..."

With a slight change of face, Jordan said, "Steve, I'd better come. At worst, I can still hide in Asgard after it's over..."

Steve quickly cut off Jordan's words and said, "no! Joe, I never think you like Asgard very much. I never think you are a Protoss prince. This is the world of all of us. Naturally, it's up to all of us to guard it. I'm the commander of this operation. It's my responsibility. "