In the face of the safety of millions of people, any emotional problem of dog blood must give way.

Jordan has always been a scum man, but in addition to last Christmas, Jordan had a bad time and was torn down by several women. At other times, Jordan solved the scum man problem very well.

Basically, it's rare for two women to meet each other around Jordan.

In fact, since Christmas last year, Jennie and Serena have rarely contacted with Jordan. If it wasn't for Jordan, I'm afraid that Jennie and Serena would have broken up with Jordan.

In New York City, May's choice is more ruthless. Basically, there is no emotional connection between May and Jordan. At most, there are occasional physical connections.

Natasha is a very smart woman, as long as other women do not appear in front of her, and basically never quarrel with Jordan.

This time, jizel, the little girl, almost pierced the relationship between Jordan and Heidi in front of Natasha.

Natasha is naturally to show a little anger, of course, Natasha is really angry.

But in this situation, Natasha doesn't say much. She just stares at jordani with an attitude of death gaze, which makes jordani feel restless.

There's no way. It's too threatening in the holy city.

Even if Natasha stares at Jordan with her death gaze, Jordan is still worried about the situation of Heidi, dyke, Ethan and others.

With his back as prickly as a thorn, Jordan played a careful eye. First, he contacted Ethan, but the phone couldn't get through.

Then, Jordan contacted dyke again. Under Jordan Nigel's pious prayer, it didn't take long for Dyke's voice to be heard on the phone.

"Brother in law, is that you?"

The first time he heard Dyke's voice, Jordan felt like he wanted to die. He might as well connect Heidi directly.

Sure enough, when everyone heard Dyke's voice, they all looked strangely at Jordan, and then at Natasha.

If it's not because the holy city is in danger, I'm afraid it's not because of the presence of people, they will directly laugh unkindly.

Jordan gave Natasha a sneak look. He was very murderous. He shivered all over and said, "it's me, Decker. I have something to ask you."

Dyke's situation seems good, relaxed way: "Xie te, slag male Joe, now even voice uncle brother all don't call?"

Wo RI Li Mei, it's natural!

Jordan took a deep breath and said, "Decker, it's very serious. Is it convenient for you to talk?"

Dekkner was silent for less than a minute. During this time, Jordan looked at Natasha affectionately, tenderly, wrongly, humbly, with a low attitude and almost craving. He looked like a pitiful, wronged and timid little beast.

Everyone in the room was gasping for air.

It seems that I never thought that someone could express such complicated and vivid feelings in one eye.

Nick Frey, Steve and Clint are all right. They just feel that Jordan is worthy of sympathy and pity.

Tony, as a playboy, knows this kind of performance very well. He is worthy of being a master among the dregs. Any girl can resist this kind of look.

Sure enough, Natasha's anger seemed to have calmed down a little.

Just then, Dyke's voice came back on the phone, saying, "what's going on? What do you want to say to me? Don't say it's breaking up with my sister, or I won't promise to go to New York and kill you now. "

It's endless, isn't it.

Jordan did not dare to let dyke go on. He said directly, "dyke, are you on a mission in the holy city?"

Dyke's voice changed slightly and said, "Joe, this is a secret mission!"

Jordan was speechless and said, "dyke, listen to me first. The holy city is not so simple. Aidian organization and the Ten Commandments gang are working together..."

For dyke, there is no need to hide too much, Jordan will Avenger alliance intelligence, dyke briefly said.

A moment later, Dyke's anger came from the phone and said, "f.. K! Are you sure? "

Jordan said with a wry smile: "if we can't solve the problems in the holy city, in about 23 hours and 08 minutes, there will be missiles, or even more terrible things, which will wash the holy city to white ground. Now, all the transportation around the holy city has been completely cut off..."

"Sheter, bichi's son of a bitch!" Dyke's scolding came, and then he said in a hurry: "Joe, things may be a little more serious than you think. If the bastards of Aidian really want to make everyone change, I'm afraid it's inevitable. From this morning, during the holy city, Aidian organized these bastards to donate to the whole holy city in the form of religious donations, A lot of aid has been given out! "

It doesn't matter what the aid is now.

Obviously, the acuity of Aidian's organization is even more acute than that estimated by Jordan and others. There must be nothing good in the aid.

The incubation period of the mutant virus is five to seven days.

It has been six or seven hours since this morning. I'm afraid the whole holy city has been infected.

Jordan could have frowned and said, "Decker, don't worry about your mission. Find Heidi and Ethan and try to hide first..."

After a brief explanation, Jordan hung up.

Jordan also didn't say anything to let dyke, Heidi and others leave. In this situation, no one can get in and out of the holy city.

Even from this morning, all the people going in and out of the city will be arrested.

After hanging up the phone, the whole room was dead.

The debate among the people has become a thing of the past, without any significance. The situation has come to the worst.

More than 800000 or even millions of people in the city are all infected. Once it breaks out, it will be a super disaster that will collapse the global order and turn it into hell.

Nick Frey has urgently uploaded all the information and materials to the Security Council.

The current situation of the holy city is basically not determined by the audience. This is a global crisis. Even stupid politicians will never allow the situation in the holy city to spread at this time.

After more than two hours, Nick Frey came back to the room full of fatigue.

For a moment, everyone's eyes, all looked at Nick Frey.

Tony couldn't bear it at first and asked, "how's it going? What is the Council's decision? "

Nick Frey's black face, expressionless, said: "the Security Council urgently convened a major global security conference, because the evidence is conclusive, the holy city has been completely abandoned."

This means that a population of 800000 or even more than one million people will be sacrificed.

Tony's face changed dramatically and said, "sheter, are these damned politicians crazy? Even if the mutation virus breaks out, it will take at least five to seven days. There will always be survivors in the holy city."

Steve stopped Tony, who was a little impulsive, and said, "director Frey, what do you mean by being abandoned?"

Nick Frey, with a heavy face, said: "the holy city has been completely sealed off. In two days, the whole city will be turned into a military restricted zone and closed with a net. In two days, the Security Council will decide whether to level the whole holy city or build a siege system to block and hang it."

These people are destined to be completely sacrificed.

The only difference is whether to die at the nuclear level or at the gunpoint of human beings after the siege.

The international community has established a seemingly peacekeeping force, with the participation of all countries. A large number of troops, materials and equipment have begun to converge towards the holy city.

Two days later, the whole holy city will be wrapped with a piece of super field wire mesh.

Personal influence, including Tony and Nick Frey, hardly plays any role in the face of the global survival crisis.

The information that Giordani and others got from Brazil is shocking, and no one dares to take risks with them.

"Report, sir, we have received a video call request. Do you want to connect?"

"No, I'm not in the mood."

"Sir, it's Shijie gang..."

"Right now, right now."


In less than two seconds, everyone was shocked.

Then, in the middle of the room, a blonde and powerful man in a suit appeared and sat in the living room of a luxury room, playing with three round steel balls.

The first time the video was connected, Nick Frey was black faced and said, "who are you?"

The blonde man laughed and said, "I thought I got through to Avengers. Did I have the wrong number? I'd like to talk to Tony Stark if I can! "

Tony quickly stepped forward and said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

The blonde man began to smile playfully. Although he was smiling, he could see a trace of hatred between his eyebrows and said, "Oh, is our Tony finally impressed? Please allow me to introduce myself, Aldrich Killian, founder of a.i.m."

When they heard these two names, no one else responded. Even Tony was a little cute.

But at this time, Jordan suddenly reacted. No wonder this product looks familiar. This is the villain in Iron Man 3. He almost took Tony's daughter-in-law away, and later changed it into kidnapping threat.

This is a sad man who was once played with by Tony!