Kirian's strength is far beyond Jordan's expectation. There seems to be only one threshold between the early stage of the second life leap and the peak of the first life leap.

But in fact, it is thousands of miles away.

The first leap forward in life is still within the scope of relying on one's own quality. Even if one can occasionally use some extraordinary abilities, what he consumes is his accumulated strength.

And the second leap forward of life, even in the early stage, has been able to communicate with the universe through divinity and directly stimulate the natural forces of the universe.

No matter how strong a person's physical quality is, even if it is ten or 100 times that of ordinary people, it can never be compared with the power of nature.

The power of the universe and nature is everywhere and extremely powerful.

For example, today's kirian, even watching Heidi rescue Jordan from the wall, doesn't care at all, but is immersed in his incomparable power.

It's different from Jordan specializing in death power and Saul specializing in thunder power.

There is more than one kind of power that kirian possesses. Thunder, fire, earth and stone, etc. almost all the natural elements around kirian begin to become active.

The reason why kirian agreed to organize biochemical experiments in Rio and the holy city by Aidian is to absorb enough excellent genetic tissue to integrate into his body.

There are countless monsters in the holy city. Although most of them are just like beasts and zombies, there are still some monsters who can master the supernatural power.

Kirian has the gene map of all the people in the holy city in his hand. As long as he finds the supernatural mutants, calls up the gene map, modifies the mutation, and integrates into his own body, kirian will naturally have this supernatural power, but it needs kirian to dig and develop it bit by bit.

That's why kirian didn't stop Heidi in mid air, waiting for the Avengers to gather.

A good knife needs a good sharpening stone to sharpen its edge.

Not long after, hawk with a wild roar, also has rushed into the hall.

Compared with the destructive power and combat effectiveness, neither Jordan nor sol can match the experts like hawk. With the control of Hobbes, Clint and dyke, the few desperate fighters left were soon smashed by hawk.


At the first time when he entered the hall, hawk raised his head and roared. In his anger, he leaped forward, like a shell, and rushed to kirian first.

When he was outside, the reason why hawk was able to clean up those desperate soldiers was that the high temperature on those desperate soldiers brought more anger to hawk, which soared to four times of rage.

In fact, hawk in this state can be regarded as half stepping into the second life leap.

Although at this time, Hawk has not yet understood the true meaning of anger, in fact, under the four Furies, Hawk has attached a halo after the second leap of life.

However, in front of the real strong people of the second life leap, this pseudo state is still not enough.

Hawk is quick to jump on and faster to come back.

In the face of the shock of hawk, I saw that kirian was just like waving his hand to play baseball. He threw a shock wave to form ripples. When he hit hawk, he knocked hawk down from the middle of the sky. Under the crushing of the shock wave, he made a terrible trace on the ground like plowing.

At this time, jordani and others have already reflected that they don't give kirian the chance to continue to output, and they rush up one after another.

Tony is the most flexible one. He flies at an excellent speed. He adjusts his direction slightly in mid air. On his hands and chest, he suddenly bursts out a strong beam of energy and goes towards nakirian.

Heidi did not dare to underestimate each other, the white flame also condensed into a pillar of light, will cover and live kirian.

At this time, under the passivity of super recovery, Jordan has recovered, jumped up, picked up the holy sword, raised his hand, and bombarded kirian in the mid air with strong death power.

Bang bang!

A thin layer of light curtain bloomed, and kirian stretched out his hands in the middle of the air. It didn't seem difficult. He easily blocked everyone's attack.

At this time, Jordan winked at Tony and Heidi.

The three said that they had a heart, maybe a little exaggeration, but they had a tacit understanding. In a moment, Tony and Heidi increased their energy output one after another, which made kirian feel a little pressure.

At the same time, hawk also roared, jumped up and pounced on kirian in mid air.

The four of them soon formed a group. At this time, Jordan came to the body of the giant God. After a few glances, he quickly found a hole in his heart pierced by a long sword. There was a strong breath of divinity, which escaped from the wound.

As soon as he reached for his hand, the strong power of death surged out. Jordan quickly stirred the divine breath in the wound, and the pale golden blood floated slowly from the wound.

These are the divine origin of the giant God's corpse.

Although he didn't know what level of the great God he was, he didn't look as strong as Odin, but his breath was extremely similar.

A super big guy, at least for the third time.

No one knows how the big man appeared on the earth, and no one knows how the big man was killed. But there is no doubt that even if he was put in the universe, these divine origins, gods and real blood on the big man are absolutely the top treasures with infinite value.

If you don't want to, Jordan will directly collect these real blood which contains the source of divinity.

At this time, kirian also found out Giordani's action. With a roar, the cascading light waves burst out, and he flew Tony, Heidi and hawk away directly.

Then, I saw a stab after stab, like a terrible spear, pulled out from the ground one after another, with unparalleled power, flocking to Jordan.

Even in the middle of the air, there were terrible thunder spears condensed to kill Jordan.

This giant God's corpse, the real blood of the gods, is the root of Kilian's strength and the most important thing. Now, most of it has been harvested by Jordan. Of course, his anger has reached the limit.

This series of attacks, just like instant magic, appeared abruptly without the slightest sign.

Jordan was also startled by this scene, jumping one after another, avoiding several spikes, holding his sword in both hands, chopping out sword light after sword light, breaking the thunder and fire spear in mid air.

Even so, Jordan was also hit by the huge and ferocious force to fly tens of meters, and his whole body was roasted by thunder fire, emitting a stream of smoke.

But fortunately, Jordan was barely able to carry it. The stone slab under his feet was broken and he had already jumped into the air.

At the moment when Jordan got up, where he had landed before, an earth python with a thickness of more than two meters sprang up and destroyed the land more than ten meters.

At this moment, kirian is as powerful as a beep.

In mid air, Jordan spoke directly in the communication channel and said, "the source of divinity has arrived. Let's withdraw first, and then we'll clean up the goods when we find a way."

Tony fired a few handguns and a laser beam, forcing kirian out of some distance, and said, "Joe, don't forget that in this holy city, you can't go out."

Just in time to say hello, Jordan, Tony, Heidi and hawk fought with kirian again, barely resisting kirian's fierce attack.

In the middle of the holy city, there is no way to get in or out, which is really a constraint.

But if we go on fighting like this, Jordan doesn't think that the four of us can live up to kirian, who has stepped into the second life leap stage.

After entering the second life stage, in addition to the use of extraordinary ability, the most significant feature is that the endurance is super strong, the other side can continuously absorb the energy between the universe and supplement itself.

It's not wise to waste money.

Boom boom!

A series of air blasts were heard, and hawk was once again blasted down from the air by a wave of air cannons, giving off a furious roar.

However, it is obvious that under the pressure of kirian, there is almost nothing that hawk can do even if he roars loudly.

With his sword in both hands, Jordan smashed the energy attack from the air. His hands were shocked and made a long mark on the ground, but he didn't dare to stay there. He turned over and jumped up, just to avoid a thick stab under his feet.

"Lead him to the city and let the monsters deal with him!"

Jordan's armor, began to have magic brilliance bloom, which allows Jordan to foot in the void to run, the whole body's strength to the extreme.

The light of the cross sword slashed and opened the adrenaline. Jordan's power soared and stopped all the attacks of kirian.

Seeing this scene, Tony and Heidi didn't hesitate at all. They turned back and flew in the direction of holy city.

Before flying away, Tony also used a handgun to hit the next wave of hawk's crotch, making him furious and chasing Tony away quickly.

After losing the support of three people, facing the attack of kirian, Jordan became more and more difficult.

Adrenaline is a good thing to use, but there is no doubt about the overdraft of two kidneys. After barely carrying a few waves of attack, Jordan's little power of death was concentrated on the holy sword. He chopped it vertically and horizontally, and cut out a cross wave of light. He cut off one arm of kirian and hit him far away.

If it were any other enemy, Jordan would certainly take advantage of his weak position to pursue hard.

But at the moment, Gillian and Jordan have no interest in pursuing.

Even those former desperate fighters can heal themselves quickly and regenerate from broken arms. For kirian, this kind of injury is obviously not a kind of injury.

At the moment when the opponent was forced to fall, Jordan's armor was fully powered on, spewed out ion flames, soared into the sky and flew towards the holy city.