From an objective point of view, Gu Yi's investment psychology is not incomprehensible, and even if Jordan has an opinion, it can't change anything.

Soon put aside this question, Jordan looked at Gu Yi again and said, "master Gu Yi, the giant God's corpse, do you know who it is?"

This question is obviously to ask the point, Gu Yi's face has a change.

But Gu Yi obviously didn't tell Joe the meaning of the answer. He just shook his head and said, "this problem can only be solved by yourself."

Limited by the rebound of time power, Gu Yi can draw a stop line, which is already the limit.

It's nothing to answer what has happened to Jordan. But once Gu Yi reveals his future to Jordan, no one knows what kind of counter attack time will give him.

Jordan's eggs hurt a little. He looks at Gu Yida with deep resentment.

So this big guy, summoning himself, just to warn himself, MMP!

It's certainly not that simple. If Gu Yi doesn't answer his question, it's a silent hint. It's just very obscure and won't attract the attention of time.

Warning has also been received, Jordan see Gu a big brother is still no movement, ready to leave directly.

But just before Jordan left, he turned to Gu Yi and asked, "how many stops did you draw at the beginning?"

The old man laughed and said nothing.

"I understand," he nodded! Can't say, right! You can't say anything, you can't do anything. If you want this time gem to be useful, it's better not to have it from the beginning. It's also very easy to protect the earth for thousands of years with the strength of Gu Yida! "

Gu Yi's expression finally showed a touch of melancholy, and said: "I have thought about this problem, but even if I can reverse time and return to the original source, I can't erase all the memories left in my mind. When I get it, it's doomed. So all I can do is to protect this gem, so that it won't change time, More impact. "

From the moment of contact with the gem of time, Gu Yi has become a giant stone in the long river of time.

All this has been unable to change, so Gu Yida, after having a descendant, will resolutely choose to end his life, everything is doomed.

Because as long as Gu Yi is still alive, he has an influence on time all the time.

In order to restore the peace of the earth and time, I choose to sacrifice myself.

I have to say that Guyi is a really great man.

After figuring this out, Jordan also let go of the fact that Guyi had set a stop line in his own future.

After calming down, he asked Gu Yi a lot of skills about the leap forward of life and the use of power. Soon, the glow on Jordan was dim, and his consciousness gradually disappeared.

When Jordan opened his eyes again, he was already in a humble medical base.

Next to Jordan was Heidi, who was sleeping on the side of the bed.

Different from other girls that Jordan knew, Heidi's temperament is almost the most unique one.

When he is asleep, just looking at his face shows a kind of lovely and cute beauty, but as soon as he opens his eyes, under the light of blue crystal, he can't stop venting his sagacity.

Fingers slightly wrapped around a wisp of Heidi's hair, Jordan is not anxious to wake up each other, a person playing quite happy.

For a long time, at the door of the crude medical room, the figure moved.

Tony, dressed in a casual suit, walks into the room with a pair of Tan sunglasses and short legs. When he sees Jordan, his face shows a touch of joy.

Of course, with Nini's arrogant character, she will not show too much.

With a slight cough, Tony deliberately startled Jordan and said, "Joe, are you not dead? I thought I was going to take care of Heidi and Natasha for you. It seems that you have a strong will to survive!"

From Tony's mouth, you'll never hear anything nice.

Jordan looked at each other with disdain and compared a middle finger with a middle finger.

By this time, Heidi had woken up from her drowsiness. Her eyes blinked again and again, and then she began to laugh like a narcissus.

He got up and gave Jordan a kiss.

Heidi just said, "wake up? You talk first, and I'll clean it up. "

After waking up, there are love hugs and sweet good morning kisses, which makes Jordan enjoy very much. He has a kind of warm feeling. He has been watching Heidi disappear. Only after Tony's several greetings, he regained his mind.

Tony a face of disdain, said: "can be a little promising, do you want to give you five minutes to solve it?"

What can Jordan say? Ignoring Tony's venomous tongue, he gets up slightly and says, "how are pepper and Mindy?"

Before falling into a coma, Jordan remembers that he took some divine blood out of the backpack space and put it into Heidi's hand.

Tony rarely serious, and said: "the antidote after the stimulation of the God real blood, really effective, don't worry!"

Jordan nodded, looked at the plastic roof in the middle of the room and asked, "so are we still in the middle of the holy city?"

Tony's face became a little ugly, and he said: "the fence project is still going on, and the decision of the Security Council is that we must make sure there is no mistake before we can get out of the holy city."

There's nothing to say. A group of dirty minded politicians can't expect them to make the right decisions.

Jordan shrugged and said, "do you have any coffee? What about the holy city? "

Tony's goods were always served by others. He sat on a chair in the middle of the room and said, "it's not very good. When Kilian's giant god state collapsed, he destroyed most of the holy city, but there were more than 100000 mutant monsters left. Last night, he was in the middle of the room, It's starting to hit the walls outside the holy city. "

Just then, Heidi came in with her coffee.

Tony took a cup directly, smelled it, frowned, and handed the coffee to jordani.

Mad, biesun!

Tony's bad character, even if Jordan has long been familiar with, at this moment there is still an impulse to kill each other.

Drinking coffee, Jordan's mind, but it is a thought.

As Tony said, the current situation is not so wonderful. Killian's plan is broken, but the giant god state is destroyed. Killian himself has not been arrested.

In addition, there is the Aidian organization hidden behind kirian.

In this holy city operation, there is sufficient evidence to prove that Aidian organization is one of the absolute masterminds in this holy city disaster.

But even so, there is still no international campaign against Aidian.

More than a hundred thousand monsters in the holy city hit the wall, and those damned politicians didn't seem to see the danger.

In fact, Jordan also knows that all this is due to interests.

According to the information collected by Tony and aegis, the Aidian organization has supplied some finished and side-effect-free agents to the major powers of the Security Council, which can create a group of super soldiers.

Moreover, the Aidian organization promised to the Security Council that it would not happen in the holy city, and that its future partners would be strictly selected.

Anyway, all the black pot is undertaken by kirian and Shijie Gang, and Aidian organization escaped trial again.

In addition, although kirian's plan to become a god failed, he ran away from Tony, Steve and other people's pursuit and encirclement on that day and ran to the island country of Kyoto with the general regeneration ability of Xiaoqiang.

In this case, the Security Council only issued a red warrant among Interpol, and then let it go.

On the contrary, the Avengers are trapped in the holy city. It will take at least more than a month to go through the formalities and get out of the holy city.

There's so much filth in it.

Nowadays, criminals are much better than superheroes.

Tony didn't stay here for a long time. He had come back to change armor and ark reactor, but he happened to encounter Jordan waking up and the other party stopped for a while.

Outside the wall of the holy city, 100000 monsters attacked the city. The situation is still very critical.

The troops sent by the United Nations have no experience in fighting these monsters, and the weapons with small firepower have no lethality at all.

During the three days when Jordan was in a coma, the place of the wall was basically supported by the constant cruising attacks of Tony, hawk, Steve and others.

Of course, the situation is bound to get better and better in terms of the elite level of soldiers in various countries.

Whether it's a hundred thousand monsters or a holy city almost in ruins, it must be cleaned up sooner or later.

In this regard, Jordan has no doubt that what worries him is the situation faced by the Avengers alliance.

It's only a short time since the snake shield. Nick Frey and the new aegis can only coordinate in secret, and can't form a strong and effective shelter for the Avengers alliance.

Internationally and on the government's side, the Avengers alliance lacks strong political support.

However, the Avengers alliance is also very independent and powerful. It is a good example of this holy city disaster.

On the side of the Security Council and the government, the rejection and squeeze of the Avengers alliance has become a burning issue.