When we come to Asgard again, the whole endless sea is still beautiful and quiet, but under this calm, the whole interior of Asgard is like a powder keg about to be ignited.

King Odin fell into sleep, sol was demoted to earth, yodunheim was destroyed, nine world rebellion.

This series of things make Asgard boiling up after thousands of years of silence. As the king of God, some people support Saul, some people support rocky, and even some people think that Jordan can have a try.

The old king will be replaced by the new one.

At this time, those once hidden careerists also began to rise one after another.

Asgard seems to be a whole regime, but in fact, in this regime, there is also a very complex network of relations.

At first, before Odin, his elder brother Kur left a group of loyal people.

After Odin came to power, naturally, there were a large number of younger brothers who were loyal to Odin.

As Odin's eldest daughter, Hella was famous in the war of unifying the nine kingdoms. She even controlled half of Asgard's power and had her own lineage.

Sol was the last orthodox successor of Odin's choice. Schiff and the three warriors of fairy palace were all specially trained by Odin to assist sol. Unfortunately, they have not yet grown up.

In addition, among asgards, Scarlett and rocky all had their own lineage and ideas.

When Mr Odin is awake, the prestige and strength accumulated over thousands of years can naturally suppress everything. Even if Mr Odin sleeps occasionally, people dare not make trouble.

But this time, rocky went too far and destroyed yotonheim.

This has caused public indignation and fear in nine countries. In this situation, Odin did not wake up from his deep sleep, which is tantamount to giving a signal to many people.

That is, Odin, the lion, is old.

At this moment, along the way to the golden palace, Jordan and others have seen many contradictions and disputes breaking out inside Asgard.

Including the fight for the throne between rocky and Saul, these are the means to continuously test the truth of Odin.

With sol leading the way, no one dares to stop Jordan and others.

The golden palace is magnificent. When sol, Jordan and others arrive at the golden palace hall, there are more than ten figures in this hall.

In the body of more than ten figures, everyone has a strong breath far beyond Jordan, sol and others.

Rocky, who used to be the agent of the God King, sat on a gold chair at the top of the main hall with a decadent face. He was very depressed and had a bored look on his face.

"Rocky, you did a good job!"

After entering the golden palace hall, sol didn't notice the ten figures at all. The first time he saw rocky, he roared angrily.

Seeing the arrival of sol and others, Loki, who was sad and bored, was excited in his eyes, and soon became calm.

Rocky didn't say a word. Saul thought rocky was wrong.

Dashing across the hall, sol quickly came to rocky, grabbed rocky by the collar and said, "Rocky, do you know what you've done?"

Rocky looked at his strange and familiar brother, shrugged and rolled his eyes.

Just as Saul was about to roar, a strong man in ancient armor, his face unchanged, just like carrying a chicken, grabbed Saul with one hand and said, "Your Highness, this is not the time to discuss responsibility. As one of the crown princes of Asgard, what you should do is to lead the people of Asgard through this disaster."

Only at this time did Saul see more than ten figures in the hall.

Tyr, Frey, Bader, Vader and so on are basically strong men who have entered the second stage of life leap.

Some of these people were promoted from the common people of Asgard, and some of them were Sol's cousins.

Without exception, these people have all experienced the war of Asgard conquering the nine kingdoms. These people are the real mainstays of Asgard.

Similarly, the political elements of these people are very complicated.

For example, the God of war, Tyr, and the sun god, Frey, were once loyal to the previous king, Kur.

Bader, for example, as the God of light, is a typical centrist.

Another example is Vader, the God of the forest, who used to be the bravest fighter under Haila's hand.

Each of the more than a dozen strong men is more powerful and powerful than Sauer and rocky. If it wasn't for Odin who suppressed these people, there would be no role for Saul, rocky, SHIV and fairyland among Asgard.

Originally, these people, even after old man Odin fell asleep, would not appear without authorization.

After all, Odin is just sleeping, not dead.

But this time, the destruction of yodunheim had a great impact. Rocky, sol and others alone could not solve the problem, and Odin did not respond. These people just came forward.

Being carried by tyre like a chicken, sol was furious and roared.

However, in front of the more than ten strong men who have already entered the second stage of life leap, not to mention sol who has been deprived of divine power, even sol who is in full condition is also a weak chicken.

After becoming the acting God King, why did rocky show such a bored appearance.

Because since the existence of these big guys, rocky, the so-called acting God King, is like a puppet.

The reason why these big guys are here is just because of the gungnier in Rocky's hands.

Gungnier is the symbol of power in Asgard, second only to Odin.

Of course, even if this thing falls into Rocky's hands, it can't play a big role. A group of big guys are just going through a situation.

Compared with rocky, sol still had some status in front of the more than ten big men. He broke away from Tyr, grabbed his big hand, looked decadent, and said, "I have been deprived of my divine power by my father. Even if Asgard is in crisis, what can I do?"

After all, Saul was an orthodox crown prince, and he was known for his bravery. Tyr and others looked at each other without hitting each other too much. They said, "Your Highness Saul, because of the destruction of yodunheim, the nine countries overlapped ahead of time. This is the time when the nine rebellions are most prone to problems."

"Asgard has the most powerful warrior and the most powerful army. We are not afraid of the war from any side. His majesty Odin sleeps. What we lack is only a monarch who leads us to stand up."

Obviously, compared with the two crown princes Saul and rocky, Thiel and others seem to be more optimistic about Saul.

At this time, rocky, with an unconvinced face, clubbed gungnier heavily on the ground and said, "when my father fell asleep, he handed Asgard to me. I am the new king of Asgard. All you need to do is to obey the king's command, not to despise the authority of the new king!"

Hearing Rocky's words, Tyr and others didn't seem to have a cold, but they didn't refute them face to face.

Anyway, gungnier is in Rocky's hands, which belongs to the king.

Looking at Rocky showing his tusks and purpose, Saul said with disbelief: "Rocky, is that your purpose? You've destroyed yodunheim. What else do you want? "

Rocky suddenly laughed and said, "my dear brother, isn't that what you always wanted?"

As Rocky said, before sol was demoted to the earth, sol was the biggest militant in Asgard, and even collided with Odin.

The scenes on earth flashed quickly in Saul's mind.

After a long pause, Saul said: "Rocky, my father is right. I'm wrong. War is never the way to solve problems. War only brings more hatred..."

“Bullshit!” Rocky suddenly yelled, interrupted Sol's words, and roared: "you have been demoted to the earth for only a few days, and you have been deprived of strength, so you have no courage. Yodunheim has been completely destroyed, and the ice giants are no longer our threat. I will prove to my father that I can do it, and I can do better than you..."

That's what rocky said in his heart.

The throne and power are what rocky wants, but they are not what rocky really wants.

In a sense, rocky is also a very sad child. Since he knew his life experience, he had no sense of security in his heart, so he began to work hard.

It's like a child who thinks his parents are partial and then makes some noise to prove his sense of existence.

Watching sol and rocky yell, Jordan feels really tired.

Yodunheim was destroyed, the ice giants became homeless, and hundreds of cities on earth suffered heavy losses. It was just because of the discord between Saul and rocky.

This is so special that people can say nothing about it.


A pistol suddenly appeared in jordani's hand. With the sound of the gun, it completely interrupted the quarrel between sol and rocky.

When everyone's eyes looked at Jordan, Jordan said, "who should inherit Asgard's throne? It's up to his majesty Odin to decide. Don't you two think that before his majesty Odin wakes up from his deep sleep, you should clean up the mess you caused?"