The chaos of the nine realms and the war between Asgard and the lower four levels are almost inevitable, not only because of the overlapping of the nine realms, but also because of some internal reasons in Asgard.

When the glory of Asgard shone on the whole universe a thousand hundred years ago, old man Odin suddenly stopped and dismissed his army and herdsmen.

Apart from Odin himself, few people know why, and no one can understand.

Odin's daughter, HeLa, didn't understand, which led to her being eroded by death when she was promoted to the second leap of life. Tyr, Bader and others also didn't understand, so she hid in Asgard and didn't care about the world.

Now, Odin has fallen into deep sleep for many times, and it is obvious that he is already alone.

And the two sons of Odin, Saul and rocky, are not particularly powerful heroes. Let alone frighten the elite soldiers hidden in Asgard, it's good for them to know who they are.

In any centralized monarchy, it is possible for the powerful officials to make trouble.

This phenomenon is even more common in the western world.

In this case, Jordan and others have no good way. Under the transmission of Heimdal, Tony and others go back to the earth, while Jordan is sent to the underworld.

Asgard's Rainbow Bridge transmission is fast enough, but in fact, personal experience is not very good.

In the dark space, a red light fell down, leaving a very complex pattern on a dry and cracked land. Jordan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the world that never appeared in people's eyes.

Heim underworld, also known as neferheim, the kingdom of death.

It's different from the hell full of magma and demons in Jordan's imagination. Although the sky of the whole Heim underworld is dim, there are many Aurora shining, which seems to reflect directly on the sky from the depths of the universe. It's a different kind of beauty.

On the ground, it is more desolate, like a dry river bed that has been exposed to the sun for hundreds of years. There are no trees, flowers or signs of life.

However, in this world, Jordan feels very comfortable and has the feeling of coming home.

Even in this world, even if they have not really stepped into the stage of the second leap in life, they can also play the fighting power of the divine level.

In any case, both the eastern underworld and the Western underworld represent death.

Jordan felt the more active power of death in his body. He just thought for a moment. Without activating the armor flight function, he was already floating in the air.

With his own sense of the ubiquitous power of death in this world, Jordan even has a sense of omnipotence.

But this kind of floating flight, or a little ink.

But after a little bit of joyful attempt, Jordan soon started his armor, drew a comet like light mark in the dark world, and flew to a place he felt.

In this open, boundless quiet world, Jordan did not know how far he had flown.

About two hours later, Jordan settled down next to a winding black river with no end in sight.

The oer river is similar to the Styx River in the legend of the eastern world.

On the top of the ore River, there is an old bridge made of unknown dead bones. At the entrance of the bridge, a skeleton shelf covered in darkness with skin sticking to the bones exudes a faint and decadent smell.

Modgood, the bridge keeper of Hades in Nordic mythology.

The underworld is the place where the souls of the gods are buried. Living people can't enter it, but there are exceptions. If someone enters the underworld and can pass the bridge on the oer River, he is qualified to enter the underworld.

If you want to pass the bridge on the oer River, you must let the bridge keeper modgood drain his blood, experience the piercing cold and go through the profound darkness before you pass the test.

Even don't need Jordan to understand. When you see this scene, the death in the world will tell Jordan everything he wants to know.

Stepping to the side of the dead bone bridge, Jordan did not step on the bridge at the first time, but came to the side of modgood who was shrouded in darkness.

He reached out and twisted a black mist on modgood's body. Jordan said quickly, "modgood?"

The black fog was surging, but there was no sound. Just in the moment when the black fog dispersed, Jordan could see the figure of Maud good. His skin was shriveled and close to his bones. Even his eyes were black.


When he didn't see modgood, Jordan was still a little surprised. After seeing each other's appearance clearly, Jordan was overjoyed. He pulled out his gun without thinking about it and scattered the black fog. With it, modgood's body was smashed to pieces.

Among the broken bodies of narmodgood, pieces of green crystal stones scattered.

A total of four soul stones, more easily than Jordan imagined.

Namodgood is not really a living creature, but a strange law in the underworld. It is similar to the existence of poisonous snakes. There must be antidotes in five steps.

It's just when Jordan is going to go a step further and study the modegood.

On the other side of the o'er River, a group of people moved from the endless darkness. When they got closer, Jordan found that it was a woman's figure.

This woman is domineering and tall, and her queen style is much stronger than that of seifer.

At the same time, the woman's body, also filled with a strong breath of death.

Different from the power of death controlled by Jordan, this breath of death, like having his own life and spirituality, is entangled with the woman's soul.

Black hair, white skin, long legs.

Step by step, the woman stepped out of the darkness and walked across the bridge over the river Noel until the bridge reached the last step in front of Jordan.

This is also a living person like Jordan, but the soul of the other party has been filled with the smell of death.

There's no reason. Jordan thought of a man's name, Hela.

However, before he spoke, the woman standing on the opposite step looked down at him and said in a silent and merciless way, "the breath of Asgard?"

With a kind and polite smile, Jordan said, "this is highness Hella..."

Hella glanced down at jordani, interrupted his words and said, "kneel down and meet your king!"

I hit NIMA.

Jordan's words were all choked back.

Mad, this woman is poisonous. She's on her knees.

Taking a deep breath, Jordan said again, "HeLa, right? For the sake of being sealed for hundreds of years, I don't care, just..."

Hella once again interrupted Jordan's words, said: "kneel down, meet your king, otherwise, give you eternal death!"

Knock on NIMA, I'm so hot tempered.

As soon as his hand was turned over, there was already a strong power of death floating on the double guns. Jordan floated out of thin air and soon leveled with Hela. He looked at each other and had a strong sense of killing floating on his body.

However, to Jordan's surprise, despite the floating of his killing intention, there was no sign that Hella was ready to fight back.

There's something wrong.

For a moment, there were thousands of years in his mind. He laughed and said, "do you want me to help you break this seal?"

With Jordan gently touching towards the direction of the steps, a rainbow flashing light curtain appeared between Jordan and Hella.

Can see that a rainbow border, just shrouded in the dead wall, no more than a cent.

The underworld and its vastness, even big Odin, can hardly seal the whole world in a thousand or several hundred years.

The seal against Hella is nothing more than Hades.

In the whole underworld, the underworld is just a small area, belonging to Asgard's territory, similar to the existence of embassies and military bases.

The reason why Hella's mouth stimulates Jordan is not because of his character of long Aotian, but because he has the idea of letting Jordan attack himself to break the seal.

This woman is much better than her brothers sol and rocky.

After being seen through by jordani, HeLa, instead of being overbearing and cold, looked up and down at jordani and said, "who are you? I feel Odin's breath on you. Can't he hold on to it at last? Oh, I've already said that he's old! "

Jordan looked at Hella and said, "you look different from what your majesty Odin said."

Hella sneered and said, "what did Odin say about me? With his empty set of lies, did he charge me with being eroded and confused by death? He thought that this would cover up all the sins he had committed? "

"Asgard is growing stronger and stronger. Every territory and every glory needs war to be labeled. Asgard's bravery and brilliance should shine in the universe. Who can his pitiful and pitiful lies deceive?"

"Yodunheim will not worship him because of this. The giant's descendants will never become Asgard's subjects. Only the ASAS are the only true gods in the universe."