The underworld, and the underworld beyond the bone bridge, are like two very different worlds.

In the underworld, everything floats and sinks in the stillness. The breath of death is mixed and decayed, and turns into gray black fog. Like waves, it washes everything in the world. Life withers, trees wither, and even the earth splits into cobweb like riverbed.

But in the underworld, although there is a sense of vicissitudes and solitude everywhere, there is no sense of corruption. The land is barren but tough, and the trees are rare but vigorous. There are many ancient and towering Stone Halls, and there are many monuments standing in them.

Anyway, it is also the burial place of Asgard, which is much better than the external environment.

I think so. Haila is Odin's eldest daughter. She was once Asgard's most orthodox crown prince. Although she was sealed in the underworld, she could not really be abused like a prisoner.

All the way to the main hall where Haila lives all the year round, a palace far more majestic and majestic than other stone halls stands a huge stone tablet hundreds of meters high.

On the stone tablet, the most prominent two words are Odin.

Further down, what Mr Odin has experienced for thousands of years since he was born has its merits as well as its sins. His whole life is obvious, and it has been engraved to a thousand or several hundred years before he suddenly stopped.

Looking at this stone tablet, Jordan's expression is a little strange.

On the contrary, HeLa, with black hair, came up to the huge stone tablet with a strange smile on her face and said, "do you think it's weird?"

Jordan doesn't speak. Knock NIMA. I'm afraid it's not your father's tombstone.

Hella laughed more and more freely, and said: "this stone palace and monument should be used soon, but it's really exciting!"

After that, HeLa takes a look at Jordan and walks into the back of the monument, on a huge stone platform.

Along the way, Jordan has understood the function of these stone halls, monuments and platforms.

In a sense, this hall is the tomb of old man Odin after his death. The monument is the tombstone and the platform is the coffin.

He carefree and content make complaints about Jordani. He looks at him on the side of Shitai.

Is this the legend that the daughter is a small cotton padded jacket?

Before Odin's death, HeLa has warmed up his grave. It's really sweet.

Just when Jordan was in a daze, Hella waved quickly and said, "what are you doing in a daze? Let's start now!"

Jordan soon began to take off his armor, with a tangle on his face, and said, "Your Highness, is it not good to be here, or shall we change places?"

After watching Jordan take off his armor, he still takes off his clothes.

Hella showed a slightly strange expression and said, "are you thinking about farting?"

All of a sudden, sharp spikes appeared from the ground, like a cage, which completely imprisoned Jordan. A dark sharp sword came up against Jordan's throat.

Jordan's action suddenly stopped, carefully moved his sword in front of him, with a smile on his face, and said: "sorry! It's so kind here, so I thought it was at home... "

With Jordan's grin, HeLa waves, and the spiked cages soon disappear.

Full of warnings, after a look at Jordan, HeLa quickly changed her posture, enchanting and moving, which made people can't help imagining.


Jordan gave himself a mouth and knocked NIMA. He really wanted to fart.

Deliberately avoiding Hella's posture and figure with strong bean picking flavor, Jordan comes to Hella not far away, pauses, settles his mind, and gradually emerges with a touch of soul glow.

Before entering the second stage of life leap, Jordan was able to shine out his soul, but it was very difficult.

But now it's different. After the sublimation of will and becoming divinity, Jordan can clearly feel that his whole person seems to have an extra organ, which exists in nothingness, but it's real and easy to control.

It's not an organ, it's an instinct like breathing.

Nose and mouth breathing, is to absorb oxygen, to meet their own blood circulation support needs, to meet their own inventory needs.

And this kind of divine breath is to roll the breath of death in the universe, integrate it into itself bit by bit, construct its own divine law, enrich the growth of divine power in the body, and, by the way, be able to grasp its own soul and wash its own soul with divinity.

When this kind of training reaches the extreme, his soul will become more and more solid. Finally, he will become a divinity. At that time, Jordan will have the qualification to make an impact on the third stage of his life.

Jordan doesn't know if the Chinese immortals in his previous life practiced in this way, but this is the way of practice handed down from generation to generation in the ASAR Protoss.

Under the control of Giordani, the glow of the soul condenses like water and flows slowly towards Hella.

At this time, on Hella's body, a divine gem with bright light appears. The soul glow blooms and slowly contacts with Jordan's soul glow.

Only this kind of soul contact, the power of power in Jordan's body, can enter into Hella's soul through the glow of soul, and devour the power of death law in Hella's body bit by bit.

Jordan's power is too weak, and Hella's law of death is too powerful.

That's why Jordan needs Hella's strong cooperation to help him understand the power of the law of death.

In this process, Hella wants to let go of her soul glow bit by bit, waiting for the power of Jordan's control, a small part of which will swallow up the power of the law of death.

When the infected black in the glow of Hella's soul is eliminated little by little, the brilliance of Hella's divinity is revealed little by little.

It doesn't match the name of the other goddess of death at all. There is nothing related to death in Hella's original divinity.

It's about soul, divinity and law. I'm not in a hurry.

Every time, Jordan needs to digest the power of the law of death before he can continue.

Otherwise, if we act too hastily, the power of the law will riot, I'm afraid that both of us will be completely eroded by death.

In the dark and silent underworld, if you stay for a long time, you may even lose yourself, because here, you can't tell the passage of time.

Jordan didn't know how long he had been in the underworld.

When the last point of the power of the law of death was swallowed up, Jordan took back the glow of his soul for the last time. With a kind of deep fatigue, he opened his mouth to Hella and said, "Hella, congratulations. The hidden danger has been completely eliminated."

Then, a powerful momentum was released from Hella.

As the waves of divine power came crashing, Jordan couldn't resist at all. His whole body was pounded and flew backwards for tens of meters, smashed a stone wall and fell into the ruins.

At the same time, at the foot of Hella, the earth and rock rolled and turned into fast waves, carrying Hella, like a flash of lightning, towards the outside world of Hades.


For a moment, the whole underworld seemed to shake.

The terrible light exploded. On the edge of the underworld, on the seal set by old man Odin, there was a brilliant light, which rose to the sky.


After being sealed and living in seclusion for hundreds of years, Hella's character is also extremely violent even without the erosion of the law of death.

Of course, this kind of violence is just a kind of emotional catharsis, not the erosion of the power of the law of death.

Jordan has just struggled out of the ruins, only to see an extremely angry figure, back to this huge stone hall.

At this time, Haila, standing on the head of a wolf who seemed to be a huge dark wolf, reached out and pointed. In an instant, the endless civil engineering soared up into the sky and turned into sharp swords and spears. All of them came to the whole temple.

Knock NIMA!

At this time, Jordan didn't care about anything else. The six star mark on his eyebrows was shining. The cross sword appeared in Jordan's hands, holding it upside down and thrusting it into the ground.

All of a sudden, the patterns of holy light spread on the ground, forming a light mask, which could cover Jordan who was half kneeling on the ground.

Boom boom!

This layer of holy light shield has just been formed, and the sky sword, magic sword, spear and spear have fallen from the sky, completely breaking the huge temple with a height of more than 200 meters.

It's like a hill, in an instant to break down and fall, countless boulders, like rain fell down.

A disaster lasted more than ten minutes.

The whole hall and the stone tablet were crushed by Hella.

For a long time, when there was no movement, Jordan suddenly broke out, shaking away the countless stones above his head, armor flying, carrying Jordan up into the sky.


Jordan broke out of the ground, holding a holy sword, and soon fell to the ground.

At this time, Jordan was obviously very angry. After landing, his instinct was to charge with a sword and split the girl who turned her face and didn't recognize her into pieces.

However, to his surprise, Haila, who was supposed to be domineering, was sitting on the ground with her hair down and tears streaming down. She was as dull as a rotten tree.