The news that the Avengers alliance wants to support the aggressors and force all parties to form a coalition government soon spread among the high-level of all parties in the world.

The most obvious manifestation is that the mages who originally existed all over the world soon disappeared.

Everyone knows that there is a secret relationship and cooperation between Jordan and the supreme sanctuary. No one knows whether the disappearance of these mages is the beginning of the avenger alliance's self-respect.

And this kind of thing obviously pokes the painful foot of all forces.

Originally, as an independent organization, the Avengers alliance constantly intervened in some things all over the world, which has made all forces extremely disgusted.

However, due to the snakeshield incident, Rio incident and holy city incident, the Avengers alliance has formed a heavy body of public opinion among the people, so there has been no apparent action between the parties, only to suppress the existence of the Avengers alliance secretly.

Now, once the topic of coalition government is put out, all forces can no longer sit down.

In less than ten days, groups of fierce fighting forces began to join in the main battlefield, which used to be extremely depressed all over the world.

As the overlord, Baba of the United States was the first to invest two super combat forces of more than 1000 people into the main battlefield in Canada, a terminator force with semi mechanical transformation soldiers as the main force, and a super power force with biochemical transformation soldiers as the main force.

Two thousand troops, with powerful energy weapons and supernatural powers, have won several battles in succession. In another fierce battle, they have surrounded and killed the strong generals of the ice giants.

It was one of the sons of the ice giant louffy, who once fought with hawk on the battlefield.

At the same time, on the northern European battlefield, the eagle country has invested a special force that mainly focuses on vampire transformation. France, Germany, etc. also have hidden trump card combat power, and they are put into combat separately.

The same is true in Russia.

Half a month later, the outsiders, who had already gained the upper hand, were forced to retreat back to the Arctic circle again, with heavy casualties.

These special fighting forces revealed by various forces may not be comparable to the superheroes in the Avengers alliance in terms of individual combat effectiveness. However, the huge number and well-equipped forces, which have formed a large-scale army, have produced a kind of combat potential far beyond the imagination of the world.

These special fighting forces are the deposits accumulated by various forces over the past decades or centuries.

Since the appearance of the first super soldier, the captain of the United States, in the World War II, this kind of research on super soldiers has never stopped.

And at this time of the Avengers alliance, looking at the parties gathered from the news.

Jordan also can maintain a little calm, such as Tony, Steve and so on, but his face has reached the extreme.

More than 20 days ago, the situation that Jordan had speculated had already appeared.

Among countries, in the face of the war launched by the ice giants and other outsiders, they have never invested all their strength. It seems that it is more like a consumption of the Avengers alliance, the supreme sanctuary and others.

It can be imagined that with the war going on for a long time, once the Avengers, the supreme sanctuary, and the outsiders like ice giant are both defeated, these hidden predators will surely swallow up both sides in one gulp.

Every man is not guilty.

With the arrival of Giordani, the avenger has just revealed a little bit of news about the self-respect of the aggressors and the promotion of the coalition government. The forces of all parties in the world soon showed their fangs.


Among the Avengers base, Hobbes, who is relatively hot tempered, can't bear it at first. He smashed his fist through the TV screen in front of him and said: "these bitches are still FBI staff, so it's not worth believing!"

Hobbes roared and threw his FBI ID on the ground.

Many of the Avengers, like Hobbes, are in the Avengers alliance, but they are also public officials of various forces.

This kind of feeling is similar to that of an upright and loyal minister, who has achieved great success and has been abandoned and targeted.

It is clear that what the Avengers alliance has done is correct and just, but only because this organization is not controlled and has too much strength, it cannot exist.

There is no right or wrong in politics, let alone justice and evil.

No wonder Hobbes is so angry.

On the contrary, among the mages in the supreme sanctuary, this kind of mood is much less.

In fact, it's no accident. According to the records of the supreme sanctuary, it was also called the Dharma order in the period of Alexandria B.C. and Aristotle, the supreme Mage at that time, once helped mankind resist a dead and resurrected Pharaoh and built a huge kingdom, But when Alexander was the most powerful, he turned his back on the order. It was at that time that the order changed from light to darkness and established the supreme sanctuary... "

Mo Du spoke with a serious face, and talked endlessly, citing the cases that the supreme sanctuary had to hide under the control of secular power several times in history.

Human desires and ambitions are endless. The more powerful people are, the more they want to control everything.

The existence of the Avengers alliance is just a kind of disaster that the supreme sanctuary once experienced.

This is also the reason why some of the present mages in the supreme sanctuary can face it calmly and have a low mood.

When modu stopped, a master with a neat head shape, like a gentleman, stood up and said, "human beings are always stupid. No matter how much or how great we are, what we do will always be covered by those who want to do it. Only when we really break and then establish a new order, can we lead human beings to the right path..."

This mage is far more radical than brother modu's point of view.

If brother modu is just stubborn and paranoid, then this gentleman mage named Casillas is already in the extreme.

Modu and cassilias, who are also the representatives of the supreme sanctuary, are the outstanding mages in the Avengers alliance.

Both of them are likely to become the next supreme mage.

Of course, this is just some speculation among the Avengers and the supreme sanctuary. Only Jordan knows that if these two goods are not properly guided, they will become famous villains in the future.

With modu and Casillas denouncing the current situation, the avenger base has been a noisy and angry voice.

However, when countries all over the world started to fight back against the ice giant and other outsiders, the whole Avenger base had three layers inside and three layers outside, with heavy guards and surveillance, all from the official level.

Even Tony and Steve, in this case, were very upset and a little bit impatient.

The crowd gathered in groups to denounce.

At this time, Jordan was just like a landlord. On the one hand, Natasha was tangled, and on the other hand, Heidi was peeling a grape. He and Jordan were talking about each other.

In fact, it's not easy to be a scum man. It's hard to make Natasha and Heidi get along with each other peacefully. Jordan also wastes his master's Kung Fu and even promises to take them to Asgard in the future to help them step into the evolution of life leap.

As for people, there are always desires, such as keeping young and prolonging life. It is difficult for individuals to resist them.

What's more, Jordan, Natasha and Heidi have their own feelings and know each other well.

Everyone else was anxious and angry, but Jordan couldn't enjoy it.

Tony soon lost his temper. He came to Jordan with an unhappy face and said, "Joe, I find you're a real jerk. Now, mad, he's throwing dog food..."

In fact, it's envy, jealousy and hatred. Pepper is about to have a baby.

Even Tony, who is also a scum male playboy, does not dare to cheat on Pepper's back in this special period, for fear that it will affect pepper's mood.

As a billionaire and Playboy, how can he tolerate being forced to give him a handful of dog food.

Looking at Tony's anxious mood, Jordan finally got up, went to the bar to get two drinks, handed Tony a drink, and said: "now what's the situation? Someone is going to deal with those aliens. Aren't we eating and drinking here? I'm looking forward to such a peaceful life

If you don't know who Jordan is, you know that Jordan has personally promoted this situation.

I'm afraid I'm going to believe in the performance of Jordan. Knock NIMA, the actor.

Tony, Steve, Dr. Benner and others, very neat at the same time, compared a middle finger to Jordan.

Jordan laughs, but it's not good to continue to play tricks, and says: "well, to tell you the truth, I'm just waiting for the opportunity. The ice giants are sure to be driven out, but we really need an external ally, such as Asgard..."

That's what Jordan thought.

As a woman, Hella is definitely very resourceful. As long as old man Odin doesn't come out suddenly to stop her, Asgard will fall into Hella's hands sooner or later. Those nine world rebellions may not be Hella's opponents.

Jordan will wait for the news from Asgard. As long as HeLa can deal with the rebellion in the nine circles, Jordan can take advantage of Asgard's power to pull the Avengers alliance out of the current whirlpool.

Just as Jordan's words were half finished, a super rainbow light from the sky had penetrated the infinite space and once again came to the avenger base.


The dome is broken, and a tall figure with blond hair and black hair rises from the ruins of the avenger base.

It's sol and rocky.

Seeing this, Jordan came with a look of excitement on his face, patted Tony and said, "man, the time for me to wait has come!"