Pull yourself together and do your best, sol really has the general power of God coming down to earth at this moment. The power of thunder is mighty, as if he can sweep away all the demons in the world.

Just fierce and domineering thunder light fell, sputtered on the ground, waving all over the sky.

Under Saul's bombardment, the whole person could not bear it any more. He flew backward 100 meters away, smashed pieces of frost spikes, and fell into ruins.

After all, sol has carried the disaster in his heart, and the whole person has begun to have a breath similar to the second life leap stage.

Although there is no real breakthrough, it is not far away.


Meow hammer whistling in the hands of sol, with sol lightning through more than 100 meters distance, came to the front of that laofei, once again set off the sky thunder, toward laofei fiercely fell.

At this time, laofei even took out her own divine personality, and had no resistance ability for a long time.

At the same time, when sol was crazy at raufe, where raufe was, a young man with black hair appeared with a strong smile.

It was rocky who came with sol on the battlefield.

Different from Sol's impressive way of playing, rocky is much more low-key, but also more realistic. The first time he appears on the battlefield, he picks up the ice crystal and takes it into his hands.

All of a sudden, a touch of blue light bloomed along the divine personality, and the majestic power rolled into Rocky's body, making Rocky's skin color become a kind of blue color in an instant.

Fortunately, this change is only a short moment.

In that Rocky's body, the skin color will soon become normal again, and the ice crystal God will completely disappear in Rocky's hands.

There's no relationship between rocky and Laurie.

More than a thousand years ago, because rocky was small and weak, Laurie abandoned rocky, who was just born. He thought that he was the king of ice giants and could not be a waste.

For more than a thousand years, rocky grew up in Asgard.

Sometimes it doesn't matter when you are born. What really affects a person's character and morality is the influence of the growth environment and the surrounding education.

As the enemy of ice giant, rocky thinks he is Odin's son and Asgard's man.

So at this moment, after absorbing the ice crystal spirit left by his own father, rocky didn't have the slightest mental repulsion, and the sense of taking it for granted that the seed inherited his father's career.

Laurie died, just as he was the orthodox successor of Jotunheim, so he accepted this gift.

Rocky directly cut off the source of laufei's magic power, and Saul attacked fiercely.

Just less than 10 minutes later, sol ferociously abnormal holding a huge head, appeared in front of Jordan and others.

"I, the son of Odin, Thor, Thor..."

As a last appearance of the head dog, after taking the Rolfe, sol this goods is not polite, in front of Jordan and others, show off the fierce.

At this time, jordani, Tony, Steve and Dr. Benner gathered together. The sword was inserted into the ground, and the strong holy light escaped, constantly healing the injuries of several people.

For Sol's head dog show off, several people are implicit smile, and then silently in the heart than a middle finger.

The stinky show off belongs to the stinky show off, but Saul's final achievements can't be erased.

After louffy died in the war, with Sol's powerful appearance, hundreds of mecha soldiers followed sol, and soon, in a way of destroying the dead, completely deterred the besieged ice giant army.

The ice giants, who have already lost their homes, begin to lose their morale.

This is the way Asgard has always conquered.

Rainbow Bridge accurately put in the army, and the elite army decapitated, and then awed the enemy with Asgard's power.

For thousands of years, countless races in the nine kingdoms have been conquered by Asgard.

After the surrender of these groups, Asgard would often open up and would not kill more of them.

Yodunheim's ice giants had surrendered once a thousand hundred years ago.

In front of Saul, the second surrender is no longer a strange thing.

Hundreds of thousands and millions of ice giants, even some recalcitrant people, under the awe of sol and Asgard's two flags, have not been able to cause great riots again.

Of course, this is only a temporary surrender.

The ice giants, perhaps in a few years, or decades later, will once again elect a leader, the king, to unite all the ice giants and form a powerful force.

But that will take time and a little bit of luck.

At this moment, sol, high spirited, red cape raised high, with a large army of mecha, holding high the head of laofei, constantly cruising in the endless glacier area, frightening.

"Shette, I found out for the first time that God is so shameless!"

Under the treatment of holy light, Tony's injury has quickly stabilized and healed. Although the influence of the ice magic on Tony is still there, making him weak, he has completely got rid of the danger of his life.

"It doesn't matter whether you are shameless or not, as long as you can solve the hidden danger of the ice giants," he said

Steve nodded and said, "we need Asgard's prestige. It's something our planet can't do."

Asgard has been unifying the nine kingdoms for thousands of years.

This is a deterrent power that the earth does not have. In the eyes of ice giants, human beings on earth are a group of uncivilized aborigines. Without the appearance of sol, even if Jordan and others can kill laofei, they will not be able to completely frighten the whole ice giants as they are now.

Truth is such a truth, but Saul's shameless energy is still very unpleasant.

It's not a matter of two days to frighten the ice giants and the outsiders around the world. Although Jordan and others were cured, they soon returned to the avenger base for follow-up cultivation and game with all forces on the earth.

As for sol, it seems that he went back to the victory of the Asgard war, toured every ice giant tribe with a large number of mecha troops, and even made several live news broadcasts.

Under Tony's powerful financial resources and influence, the identity of Saul, the existence of Asgard, and the battle to kill the king of ice giants soon spread around the world.

Originally, this was not in the plan of jordani and others, but Sol's goods were too publicity.

After returning to the avenger base, Jordan discussed with Tony and others, and soon pushed sol to everyone's view.

All countries in the world, including the Security Council, dare to oppress and exclude the Avengers alliance.

But under unknown circumstances, no one dares to do any harm to the two real prince Asgard, Saul and rocky.

In Asgard, the new king ascended the throne and the nine world rebels were defeated. Under the spread of Giordani, Tony and others, it has appeared on the high-level desk of all countries on the earth.

A hundred and ten days ago, a cosmic war outside the solar system left the whole earth shivering. Now, in the cosmic war, the winner has appeared. Naturally, all countries on the earth dare not provoke Saul, the prince of the winner.

Including the Security Council, it has begun to reassess its attitude and manner towards the Avengers alliance.

Public opinion is raging. Blockade can't be completely blocked. It won't be long. Almost all over the world, there are discussions about aliens, space war, Asgard, Avengers alliance and other topics.

At this time, the avenger base.

Under the witness of the Security Council, the U.S. government, the FBI, the CIA, and the aegis, Jordan and Saul formally signed the agreement on the offensive and defensive alliance between Asgard and the Avengers.

This is pure bullshit.

At present, Asgard, under the leadership of Hella, is operating at full strength, launching a fierce counterattack against the rebellion in the nine circles, calming down the external turmoil and at the same time rectifying the internal.

Hella doesn't have the heart to make a bullshit deal with the Avengers.

Of course, Hella will certainly not appear, just oppose this agreement.

Saul and rocky are enough to make all countries on earth have to take this matter seriously, not to mention that with the joint efforts of Saul and rocky, there are countless ice giants gathering in the Arctic Circle waiting to be resettled.

When everyone's gone, the Avengers are in the conference room.

Tony, with a rusty smell, broke away from his armor research. He looked at Jordan with a silly face and said, "it's not a good end for you to be exposed because you've made such a big deal."

"Rocky has decided to lead some ice giants to the universe to find a new ice giant residence. I don't say, sol doesn't say. Who knows we are acting? With Asgard's tiger skin, we Avengers alliance, we can not repeat the mistakes of the supreme sanctuary."

Pull off the big lie, in exchange for the transcendent position of the Avengers Alliance on the earth.

In Jordan's opinion, it was a good deal.

And when Odin wakes up, there will be a big fluctuation on Asgard's side. Whether it's Odin's strong suppression of Hella or Hella's overturning of her father, in a short time, Asgard will not care about the small things on this side of the earth.

It's enough to have a sol in the Avengers, and no one will choose to doubt it.

Tony curled his lips and said, "then you have to watch Saul closely. His IQ is terrible..."

"Cough!" In the small bar beside him, Saul looked at Tony fiercely and said, "Hey, iron man, you are challenging the great son of Odin and blaspheming the glory of Asgard..."

Tony glanced at Saul calmly and said, "Raytheon boy, you've drunk more than $400000 worth of whisky and more than $300000 worth of gin rum from me in the past few days. Besides, I'm thinking about whether to recruit a girl to work for me. What's her name, Jane foster..."

Saul shook his glass in his hand and said, "well, for the sake of all our friends, I don't care, but you insult my dignity. I need to make amends. Forty bottles, no, fifty bottles of whiskey and gin!"

Jordani: "it's..."